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She stretched up against him, trying to get closer, and his body growled for hers. Maybe after di

Everly was watching him, a look of adoration on her face. A protective and tender ache started under his ribs. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for this woman.

Thank God for Kate telling him he needed to get a proper haircut for her wedding. He might never have met Everly otherwise. A series of astounding coincidences had brought them together, which made him wonder again about fate and other unseeable forces.

Loving someone this deeply couldn’t be an accident.

He studied her heart-shaped face. Every fleck of gold in her amber eyes held him transfixed. Time, like his heart, slowed.

When he was an old, old man, he wanted to die looking into those eyes.

His mom cleared her throat, and he reluctantly let Everly go.

“Quit snogging and help with the food.” His mother laughed, and smacked the back of his head affectionately.

The table was already set, so it only took a few minutes to get the multitude of dishes out into the dining room. He struggled to think straight again, like he’d fallen into a well and couldn’t climb out.

“Mom, how much do you think we eat? There’s enough food here for an army.”

She sighed. “I still cook like you and your brother are teenagers. It was like you had a hollow leg back then.”

Oh fuck. Not stories from his childhood. Although, considering she was willing to avoid talking about his financial situation, he couldn’t complain.

“It’s so fu

“So it wasn’t that he was a picky eater,” his father said. “He just couldn’t stomach the kid slop we kept trying to feed him. After that, it was smooth sailing.” He chuckled. “Except when he started getting fascinated with expensive cheeses and cuts of meat. We had to head him off at the pass with that business.”

Jody handed a platter of ham down to Everly. “We always say that’s why he . . .” His mother paused, looking horrified.

Ambrose realized what she’d been about to say, and his heart almost stopped. It was a long-standing joke in his family that he’d worked so hard to succeed in business because he needed to finance his fancy-cheese habit.

“Got so good at cooking,” she finished uncomfortably.

They filled their plates in silence. Crap. How could he fix the awkwardness?

“Hello? Merry Christmas!” a booming male voice rang out. The front door closed with a bang.

Augustine? What on earth was he doing there?

His brother strode into the room, gri

He kissed their mother’s cheek and shook hands with their father, then slapped Ambrose on the back as he went to the vacant seat beside him.

“And how’s the boss man tonight? It’s always strange seeing you when you’re not sitting behind your desk. Did you have to pencil this into your agenda, or was this a standing date?” Augustine gri

His parents handed him platters, sliding worried glances at Ambrose.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

Everly was staring at Augustine like he was an alien. After a moment, she started to eat, but the confused look didn’t leave her face.

“Sorry, I’m Augustine, by the way. Ambrose’s accountant—I mean, little brother.” He laughed in his usual fake businessman way, which Ambrose always found a

“Hi, nice to meet you,” Everly replied, her expression hooded.

Could he drag him into the other room and get him to shut up about the business before it was too late? As it was, the damage might be irreparable. Sweat pricked his palms, and he shifted in his seat. This was the absolute worst way for her to find out.

Augustine started to eat, and, uneasily, Ambrose took a few mouthfuls of food. It all tasted like cardboard in his dry mouth.

Everly turned to him. A candle flickered between them, just to the right of his vision. In the shimmering light he saw the questions multiplying behind her eyes. She took a few nibbles of food, then laid her fork aside.

“Ambrose? I thought you said you were in transportation.” She fiddled with the napkin in her lap.

Oh shit. Not now. “I am.”

“A delivery driver, right? But you’re the boss too?”

Augustine snorted, and Ambrose kicked him under the table. Not being a stupid man, his brother realized he’d stepped in something, and ate, minding his own business for once in his life.

Ambrose sighed inwardly. This wasn’t his brother’s fault. It was all his.

“Not exactly.” He paused, trying to choose his words carefully. “We need to talk, but it should probably wait until after di

Nodding slightly, she took another bite of food, chewed, swallowed, but he could tell she’d lost her appetite. He tried to eat, but all he could do was watch her indirectly, hanging on her silence, terrified she’d open her mouth and speak.

Now was the day, but he wasn’t ready. The right words had never found their way into his silent rehearsals, but he was out of time. She would press for answers as soon as they were done, and everything he could think of sounded like a lame excuse in his head.

His parents tried valiantly to make conversation, but what was supposed to be a nice di

When it seemed like everyone was done, he exchanged a glance with his mother, who nodded. He stood and went to Everly’s chair and guided her to her feet.

“Come with me.”

He walked down the hall with her, wishing it weren’t winter, so they could have gone outside. Band posters still covered the walls and ceiling of his old bedroom, and the teenage him gloated for a moment about having such a sexy girl set foot in there. He shut the door behind them.

She turned to him, looking upset and perplexed. “Explain.”

“I—I love you, Everly. This all ended up happening ass backward. I wanted to explain in a few days, but really I’m just a fucking coward. I should have told you weeks ago.”

“Your brother called you the boss, and said he was your accountant.” Her usual teasing was gone. She was dead serious.

“Yes. It’s true. I work in transportation, but I started my own company. A small business.” That didn’t sound too bad, so far, right? “I met you, and I liked you a lot. Right from the begi

“So you own a small business?”

“It got bigger over time. There are . . . employees.”

“So you couldn’t take me to the Christmas party, or I’d find out.” Her gaze was stony.