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I was walking and then with a lunge I pulled her into my arms and gently laid her across the bed. “I love you.” My mouth found hers in a frenzy while she ripped at my clothes.

“I love you too,” she breathed, our teeth knocked together as she struggled pulling my shirt off.

I gently pushed her back and peeled my clothes off as fast as possible then pulled her into my arms, our bodies fit, our skin sizzled on contact.


“You’re not ready for me—“

“Nik.” She patted my cheek softly with her hand then harder. “I’ve been ready for hours… I need you, desperately. Don’t make me beg.”

I smirked. “But you do it so well.”

“You’re an ass.” She started moving her body against mine. “And I’ll make you pay for it later.”

I lifted her hips into the air and settled her on top, thrusting into her as she came down on my lap. “Hmm make me pay for it now.”

I moved her hard on top of me, careful not to touch any of the bruising on her body, bruising I blamed myself for.

Maya’s hands found my head, and then her lips were on mine, and we were moving in perfect sync.

The world around us faded.

And I realized I needed her just as much, maybe more, because in that moment I’d needed to know that if everything else went to hell—we’d still have us. We’d still have that very real co

With a small cry she bounced up, sliding down, her hair kissing my face with each movement, I kissed her neck and then held her in place even though she tried to move.

“Feel,” I said through clenched teeth. “Feel.”

She let out a sob as her body clenched around me.

“We were made for each other, Maya.” I held her for a few more seconds, until I thought I was going to explode, then thrust one last time.

Her strangled cry mingled with mine as we clung to one another, the soup was all over the floor, the bath was probably cold.

And the world was still an evil place.

But with her—I didn’t see spilled soup, cold water, murderers and blood… for the first time in my entire life, when I looked at the world.

I saw hope.

A dangerous thing hope…

A beautiful, wonderful, dangerous idea.

One I would hold on to, as long as I had her in my arms for they came hand in hand, I just never knew it.

WHOA! YOU GUYS MADE IT! Curious about other books in the Eagle Elite series… want to know Phoenix’s story? Maybe Nixon’s or Tex’s? Awesome, you won’t regret it, the Italian mafia… well I’m obsessed. That’s all there is to it!

The Eagle Elite Series Reading Order is as follows:







Empire (out May 2016)

Enforce is a companion novel to Elite, it’s from the guys POV, and should be read after you read the first two books or at any point within the series. Enchant is part of the series prequel. Enamor takes place after Elicit and is a short Nixon and Trace novella.

Want more Nikolai and Maya? Make sure to let me know! I love to hear from readers and if you want more Russian mafia, your wish is my command! As always follow me on Facebook www.facebook.com/rachelvandyken or join Rachel’s New Rockin' Readers. My fan group on facebook! I’m also on Twitter and Instagram @RachVD.

If you want mindless updates on all my  new releases simply text MAFIA to 66866!




Noun: Organization, Kingdom, Business. To rule or have power or authority. Command, control, dominate. EG: He built an Empire—he refused to see it crumble beneath his feet.

Eagle Elite Book 7



THE DAY MATCHED MY DARK MOOD. I clenched the umbrella tight within my hand, the sensation getting more and more difficult to feel with my arthritis creeping in. Age, had never been a friend of mine. The clock, it seemed, never stopped ticking, the seconds going by faster than I could have ever imagined, the years disappearing like sand through an hour glass.

Rain pelted against my umbrella, pieces of grass stuck to my black Valentino loafers.

I kept walking.

My stride strong.

My purpose even stronger.

The grave was marked well, I’d been sure of it. After all, it seemed the least I could do—give my brother a proper burial, when it was me, his most feared enemy and in the end most trusted ally—who had a hand in watching him die.

It wasn’t my fault.

I didn’t pull the trigger.

But I knew the dangers in what we did.

I knew the cost of our chess match.

I just wish it would have been me—instead of him.

A few more feet and I was in front of the large grey stone. I knew Luca wouldn’t want something elaborate—after all he made his way through the world on being the silent one, the death blow you never saw coming, until it was too late.

I licked my cracked lips and shook my head as I read the tombstone. “Loving brother, fearless leader…” My voice cracked. “Blessed father.” I closed my eyes as the sting of tears burned against my eyes.


And only two people in the world knew.

Phoenix and myself.

“I’m so sorry brother…”

Would I have done things differently? All those years ago when I made Luca into the man he was, when I forced him into the Nicolasi family, when I stole the woman he loved and turned him against the world.

Knowing what I knew now…would I do it all again?

“For what it’s worth old man…” I pointed to the gravestone next to his. “I’d like to think…that at least in the afterlife---you’ll have her.”

I’d buried my wife next to him, where she belonged. Where she always belonged.

Every night I prayed that they were finally united in heaven.

While I was cursed to roam the earth without my brother—without my wife, and in charge of four mafia bosses who were younger than I was when I took over.

The empire I had built was changing, morphing into something I no longer recognized.

With a sigh I made a cross over my chest and mumbled a prayer.

“Well this is depressing.” Came a low voice behind me.

I didn’t need to turn around to know it was Phoenix De Lange, newest boss to the Nicoalsi family—handpicked by Luca himself.

“Did you bring it?” I kept my eyes trained on the gravestone.

Phoenix let out a curse, “Yes.”

I held out my hand.

“Are you sure you want to know?”


“Maybe we should talk to Tex about this before---“

“—give it over damn it, I’m your elder.”

“Don’t pull the age line old man, you could still take me down and you know it.”

I smirked and kept my hand firmly in the air. The minute the folder touched my fingertips, I snatched it away and held it tightly against my chest.

“They aren’t going to like this…” Phoenix growled.

“They don’t get a say.”

“The hell they don’t.” Phoenix let out a bark of laughter. “But sure if it helps you sleep at night.” The rain started to pour down in sheets. “When do you leave?”

“As soon as possible.”

“Safe travels.”


“Does anyone else know you’ll be gone?”

I turned and offered him a sly wink. “Secrets, secrets, secrets, what else do I build my family on?”

With a slight shake of his head Phoenix took a step back. “I can’t protect you if this goes badly—especially if I don’t know where you are…at least bring one of the men.”

“No.” I glanced at my watch. My flight would leave within the hour. “Don’t think I will.”

“Damn it Frank.”

“Don’t damn it Frank me…” I held out my hand. “Now, leave like a man before I have to remind you who’s older…and more experienced.”