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I tried to concentrate on my computer screen, but the tapping continued.

Gritting my teeth I shot him a glare. “Something wrong?”

“Everything’s wrong.”

“Care to bitch about it?” I said in a sweet voice.

He scowled then checked his watch again. “She’s late.”



I frowned. “Did you two have a meeting?”

“Chicago.” He sighed. “My private plane leaves in an hour.”

“But it’s your plane.” I explained.

“I believe I’m aware it’s mine.” He rolled his eyes.

“Tell the pilot to wait.” I shrugged. “Not rocket science.”

The tapping stopped. He turned and slowly approached my desk. Placing his hands on the top of it, he leaned in until his face was inches from mine. “Tell the pilot to wait she says.”


“And say what exactly to the people I’m supposed to be meeting with?”


“Or how about the di


“Are you asking or telling?”


“Forget it,” he hissed and pulled out his cell. “Jac, it’s me, I know you’re probably busy doing cleanup, but you’re late and I need to go. Call me when you get a chance.” He threw the phone against the closest chair and cursed again. “She was going to—” After a short pause he choked out, “—assist me for the weekend, just in case I needed—” He swallowed. “—assistance.”

“Got that part.” I nodded then raised my pencil into the air in question.

He closed his eyes and groaned. “We aren’t in class. You don’t need to raise your hand when you want to speak. If you have something to say, say it!”

“I’ll go.”

He paled. “The hell you will.”

“You’ve got quite the temper.”

At that his face softened. “Sorry. It’s just that it’s… Chicago.”

“Wow, two apologies in what? A week? Is it Christmas?”

“Are you trying to irritate me to death?”

I rose from my chair and grabbed my purse.

“Work ends at five.”

“I’m aware.”

He pointed at the large mounted clock. “It’s three.”

“I have to pack.”

“For vacation?”

I rolled my eyes and placed my hand on his arm. “You need an assistant. I’ll assist you. After all you do pay me a crap load of money. The least I can do is help you pick out your ties and look pretty on your arm while you ask billionaires to continue to invest in Nikolai Enterprises.”

“You’re not fu

“Wasn’t trying to be.”

He hesitated and looked at his watch again while I started humming the jeopardy theme song.

“When did you stop being afraid of me? I think I liked you better when you had your theories of vampirism and ghosts.”

I shoved past him.

“Mature.” He reared back. “What the hell, Maya?”

“Today you showed me a chink in your armor.”

“Yeah?” He rubbed his arm. “What?”

“You actually do need someone.” Our eyes met briefly before he glanced away, his lips formed a thin line.

“A mistake…”

“One you can’t afford to make in front of people who didn’t sign over their lives via a contract.” I walked toward the doors and called over my shoulder. “Give me ten minutes. I’ll pack fast. You can debrief me on the plane.”

“I didn’t say yes.”

“Didn’t have to! All I need is a thank you and a cell phone to show your appreciation!” I made my way into the elevator and gave him a little wave.

The angry lines of his scowl made him look so sexy I almost let out a little whimper.

What the hell was I doing?

He could be crazy.

He could be a psychopath.

He freaking owned me.

And I was yet again putting myself in the position where I could get very hurt. Then again, what was my other option? Watching Netflix with a bottle of wine?

Crap. I should have kept my mouth closed.

Draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed.—Russian Proverb

I WAS WORRIED ABOUT JAC. She always texted. She always called. I hadn’t heard from her since our fight yesterday when she’d discovered that I’d been out to di

“A bit of business with pleasure?” Jac’s lips turned into a mocking grin. “Do you think that’s wise?”

“It was just di

“Nothing is just di

“I’ll keep my hands off her if that’s what you’re concerned about.”

Jac snorted. “I’ve read that contract. If you don’t then you’re screwed and you know it.”

I rolled my eyes. “Did you take care of the situation?”

“Depends. Are you going to keep treating her like the little pet she is or are you going to actually tell your sweet girl what it is you do? What it is we do?”

“We never tell our secrets.” I took a large sip of wine.

“I know that… just trying to see if you still know it, too.”

“Is that all Jac?”

“Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.” She gave one curt nod. “Don’t lose your head, Nik. I’d hate to see you get hurt over a meaningless crush.”

I burst out laughing. “Crushes are for children.”

“My point exactly.” She shrugged. “So be a man.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose and looked out the window while Maya continued to comment on every single piece of equipment she saw.

“Leather chairs!” She whispered in reverence. “Champagne.” Her eyebrows arched. “Is that caviar?”

“The ru

I rarely lost my focus.

And I rarely lost my temper in front of others.

What the hell had possessed me to do it in front of Maya?

“So.” She plopped into the seat next to me and crossed her long legs. I fought hard to pull my eyes away. “Catch me up, what exactly are we doing in Chicago.”

I opened a folder and slid it across the table. “We are doing nothing. I, however, am making a speech at… a church.”

I didn’t miss her snort, or the way she tried to hide her amusement.

“Something fu

“Yeah.” She nodded. “In church.”

“Where did this attitude come from?”

“You kissed me.” Her eyes narrowed as she leaned back into her seat, not missing a beat as she let her gaze wander across my body like a caress. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel good, to be desired, wanted, and it was a welcome distraction from the pit in my stomach. I really, really didn’t want to go to Chicago.

“You kissed me back,” I retorted.

“Doesn’t matter, you still kissed me. The line between beast and his little toy has been crossed, therefore I kind of own you like you own me, just in a more... irritating way. I have your balls in a vise.”

“Let’s leave my balls out of the speech if you don’t mind,” I said ignoring her little ploy to get under my skin again.

“Hey.” Her grin spread smugly across her pretty face. “It may just inspire the crap out of them, you never know.”

This was a conversation that Andi would have loved, in fact, the more Maya talked the more I saw Andi in her, which just made it that much worse. Here Maya thought I was going to Chicago to slap hands with rich doctors and make speeches, when really, I was going because I made a promise, to a dying girl.

Just one more girl, I’d failed to save.

“Let’s leave all references to body parts out of my speech, hmm?”

“I’ll try.”

“I am the boss.”

“So you are.”

“I’ve created a monster. Had I known feeding you would gain this response I would have tied you up in the basement with a protein bar and some Gatorade.”