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She screamed, but it fast turned to laughter. “Put me down you dirty cheat! Chelsea! You were watching. I won!”

My dad placed her on the ground and started to tickle her sides. I laughed alongside my mother as I shot off the porch and down the stairs, my little legs carrying me quickly across the backyard. The grass felt fantastic between my toes and the light spring breeze delightful against my skin.

I dove on top of them, all of us crashing to the ground, a chorus of tinkling laughter filling the warm air.


I had to smile, even as tears burned at my eyes. My parents were always playing these little games, and no matter who won or how competitive it got, their love for each other was so strong that it never mattered.


Losing my parents had been traumatic. It had crushed me. But I would never say it ruined my life. Yes, I’d come from a pretty shitty background and been dealt a bad hand. But I’d made the most of it, and in the end as far as I was concerned I’d come out on top.

I was kind of like Cinderella.

I eyed myself one more time in the mirror, head to toe and back again. A small smirk appeared as I took in my reflection.

Like Cinderella, but with better shoes.

I left my room and headed upstairs. Leo was the Sergeant at Arms so he had a pretty large room upstairs next to the other club officers. Normal club members had much smaller rooms and shared bathrooms. I knocked on the door and waited but heard nothing. I’d given him just over an hour, enough to get Macy off and back to his room. I frowned and knocked again.

“He’s not there.”

I squeezed my eyes shut, the voice alone sent tingles through my body, but I knew once my eyes set sight on him that I’d crumble.

“And how would you know he’s not there?” I asked, not bothering to turn around.

“Because I sent him to X-Rated to check on some stuff for me.”

I felt him move up behind me, his body so big it dwarfed my small frame. I swallowed tightly. “It’s 9:00 a.m., there isn’t anyone at X-Rated.”

His warm breath hit the back of my neck and two strong arms caged me against the wall. “I know.”

Desire warmed my belly but before it could take over, anger reared its ugly face. “Then if you don’t mind, I have school work to do.” I spat sharply.

A small growl rumbled in my ear. “You weren’t too busy for him.”

I spun quickly, finally meeting him eye-to-eye. Optimus could be intimidating, hell who was I kidding, he could be scary as all hell. But I also knew he wouldn’t hurt me, at least not physically.

“Jealousy doesn’t look good on you, Optimus.”

A fist punctured the wall next to my head and I let out a sharp squeal as I covered my head. After a moment, I moved my arm and risked a look at the angry, sexy biker standing over me. Angry was an understatement. I could basically see the steam shooting out his ears. He had only his cut on over his naked torso. His arms bulged as he clenched his fists and leaned in closer.

“Don’t push my buttons, Chelsea. You won’t like the outcome.” His voice was tight and definitive, but I’d had enough. I ducked under his arm and stepped away.

I glared at him. “What’s that saying about having cake and eating it too?” I backed away toward the stairs, my heels tapping loudly on the wooden floors of the hallway and breaking the harsh silence. His face softened as he let me go, and an emotion that I could only describe as pain flashed across his face.

I pulled my cell phone from my pocket as I fled down the stairs. It rang and rang.

“Hey girl,” Rose chirped just as I was about to give up on her. Typically I’d ring Harmony but her and Kit had her mom, Helen staying with them for the weekend and I knew Harm had been missing her like crazy.

And really, this shit isn’t anything new. Optimus and I had been playing this stupid game for far too long. Ever since I’d walked into this club, he’s held my time. At first he didn’t care that I’d see the other men too, but eventually he started getting angry if he’d find out I was with them. I didn’t mind, I was with Optimus almost every night unless he was away on a run. I barely ever spent time in my own room.

At first I loved it because he was so quiet and mysterious. He demanded so much from me, his power and authority took me to an edge of enjoyment sexually that I’d never experienced before. He also had a body like a fucking Greek God.

Once we’d begun to spend more time together, I learned there was more to him than I originally thought. He was sarcastic, he made me laugh and his smile—it lit up the room. And smart, God he was so smart. The man knew numbers like no one else. He was like a walking, talking, calculator.

I knew he didn’t let many people close. His brothers looked up to him and he was loyal to them without a fault. But not many others got to see the side of him that his family did.

Harmony and I wore him down. I don’t think he’d ever expected the two of us to walk through the clubhouse doors. Where club whores are usually seen as power hungry bitches, who’d push their own mother off a cliff to be called an Old Lady. We were fierce, we were independent, and while we followed the rules well, we didn’t take shit from no one. And that’s exactly what I was about to remind him of.

“So, are you still up for going out tonight?” I asked Rose as I marched into my room and started searching through my drawers for a killer outfit to wear.

“Wait, really?” she chirped. “You mean you’re blowing off those sexy hunks of men for me?”

I giggled. “Honey, I can blow them off anytime. You and me are heading out!”

“Thank goodness. I need this bad.” She sighed quietly, almost as if she wasn’t talking to me.

I frowned. “Are you all right?”

She cleared her throat. “Yeah, I’m great! Just a little stressed.”

“Well then, let’s get started. Text me your address, I’m coming over.”

I watched her walk out the door, backpack slung over her shoulder and heels clomping on the asphalt outside. Friday night was usually a big night at the club.

Where the fuck would she be going?

“Prospect,” I yelled to no one in particular, but there should be at least one bloody prospect within earshot.

“Yeah, Prez?” Ham walked toward me promptly. The kid was turning out to be useful. He managed to be able to keep a watch of Chel without her noticing and with the shit storm coming, that was essential.

“You watch Chelsea. I’m not sure where she’s off to, but you watch her like a hawk. Any sign of trouble you ring me right away.”

“Yes, sir!” He ran off quickly without question. Yup, the kid would fit in good when he finished his time.

“You called, Prez?” another prospect asked, strolling in casually.

“Too slow, asshole. Go clean the fucking toilets.”

“Um … don’t the club girls usually clean?” he asked, staring at me blankly.

“Then put a fucking skirt on, maybe one of the boys will fuck you later. Just fucking do it!” I growled, cracking my knuckles as he scurried past me.

He paused at the hallway door. “You were joking about the skirt … right?”

I clenched my fists and stomped toward him.