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Face-saving? That’s how he sees it? “And Israel? How would they like that result? The headlines will scream ‘U.S. and Iran BFFs, Israel Left Out in the Cold.’ That’s not going to go over well in Tel Aviv.”

“They’re here at the table, too, Callan. They’re a part of this, they’re participating. The two sides are talking, for the first time in years, really talking. We can bring about a serious brokered peace, one that could last decades, centuries, even.”

She heard the denial of reality that marked his views toward the issue. What was really happening there that he refused to see? Keep calm, keep calm. “Jefferson, you’ve always wanted peace in the world and that’s an admirable goal, a goal all of us would love to achieve. But now you must face facts. The Iranians are playing you. Hezbollah isn’t there in the negotiations, and nothing will be final without their express approval. You know they aren’t interested in a brokered peace, you know their stated goal is to a

“Iran already is a nuclear state, far more advanced in their program than they’ve ever let on. All our briefs show this. You’re talking about giving them the keys to the kingdom, and us an ocean away. You must take a step back away and think clearly—I’ve told you what’s happening, what they’re doing. You must at the very least inform the Israelis what’s happening. Let them make their own decisions.”

She could tell he wanted to curse her, call her hysterical, but he managed to hold his voice level. “Here’s what I do know, Madam Vice President. If we walk away now, the chances of Iran’s sending nukes to Israel is overwhelming. I can’t let that happen. We will not have World War Three on my watch. Do you understand me? We may not achieve a lasting peace, I’ll grant you that, but we will slow everything down. Let them say ‘Death to America’ while they’re vowing they want peace, let them light up their nuclear plants to prove to the world they’re the ones in control, not us. It’s all mere posturing, something they do all the time and do well.

“Listen to me, this is simply the way they behave, always provocatively. They are sitting here at the peace table. They are not stupid enough to believe our shields are down during these talks.”

Callan wished she could think of a Star Trek reference to toss back to him, but all she could think of was their nacelle cells were dead, and that wouldn’t work. She forged ahead. “Sir, we’re looking at a screen that says this has gone too far for their usual crap posturing. CIA and Mossad have confirmed that there’s a contract out on me, and word is they believe it’s come from Iran, and that means Hezbollah, of course.

“You know Hezbollah wants war, so do many of the power players in Tehran. They want to blow up the world. I told you we’re already under attack here with the Bayway bombing, and at this moment we have a multistate electrical-grid issue.

“Sir, the time has come to face them down and demand to know why they’re doing this, what their intentions are.” And you will see the lies flowing from their mouths. “We can’t let them get away with this. I strongly recommend you give the go-ahead to use our new cyber-attack. It’s geared up and ready to go, and you know that it makes Stuxnet look like child’s play. Let us unleash it, take them back offline before they do something stupid.”

An alarm sounded behind her, its klaxon wail making her skin crawl. Another reactor online, more movement.

Callan felt her heart freeze. “I think they’ll be taking the decision out of your hands, sir.”

She heard him curse, heard some anger. Good. He said, “What are these yahoos playing at? I need to speak to the Israelis immediately, make sure they don’t launch a preemptive counterattack. I’ll get back to you, Callan, let you know if I feel we need to move to the DEFCON level or if they’re really only prancing about to show how mighty they are,” and he was gone.

At least he was thinking clearly now, she hoped. What would the Israelis do? She imagined they knew as well as she did what was happening and would be gearing up to defend themselves, as they always did. Would they listen to Bradley?

She hoped they would. Just in case, she called Ari.



Yorktown, Virginia

Andy tapped the computer screen, cursed, yelled, “Matthew, someone’s into our code. We have to hurry.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll get it done in time.”

Matthew always knew they’d have a short time frame to get the bomb into place. His bomb, not Vanessa’s. He was going to turn the heat up higher, make the refinery light up the world. Turning off the lights was only the first step. Now they had to get the truck into the facility. Matthew knew it wouldn’t be a problem—they were dropping off a load of tungsten for the plant, a scheduled delivery. With a lovely surprise inside.

He’d spent days working on the ID cards. The black-coded magnetic strip wouldn’t work, but it didn’t have to. Since the power was down there would be no way to double-check.

But they needed more than ID cards to get into the facility.

He stripped the other unconscious body of his gear and stepped into the blue coveralls. He slapped a new patch on his breast to match the name on his ID.

Andy stood, watching, already in the other worker’s uniform. He’d wanted to kill them, safer that way, but Matthew said no. And why? He’d already killed at Bayway, not to mention Ian and Vanessa. Whatever. So they’d taken the time to tie them well and hide them in the woods.

Matthew looked over at Andy. He was moving his fingers, mentally writing code. He could easily imagine what Andy was thinking, probably how lovely it would be to blow up the world—all those flames shooting up into the sky—he knew him that well. He also knew Andy didn’t have a clue that things could be unraveling, though Matthew felt to his gut something was wrong, the wheels were coming off. But Andy knew only what was dancing in his mad brain.

And yet again, Matthew saw Ian’s face, Vanessa’s face, and wondered for an instant if Darius was right, if this was the way to bring down the terrorist nations. To bring such havoc that the United States would have to act. But President Bradley—Matthew believed he’d kill his own mother before he’d make a move toward the terrorist nations. Matthew smiled. Soon it wouldn’t matter if everything got screwed up. He’d still have time to deliver the ultimate blow.

One big surprise, though. He hadn’t expected any of the computer agents to be on par with Andy and Gunther. It made it interesting, gave him brief periods of excitement to cover the pain and rage at Vanessa and Ian. Would things play out as he and Darius had originally pla

He said to Andy, “Come on. Get in the truck. We have to hurry.”

Matthew drove, Andy navigated. Within five minutes they pulled into the drive that led to the entrance of the plant.

With the power down, every check would be by hand. As expected, there were two guards stationed at the entrance. They looked alarmed, as well they should, since the news was out that the power was down all over Virginia and no one knew why. One of the men stepped forward, stretched out his hand.

Matthew braked the truck and rolled down the window. The guard said, “I can’t believe you still came considering what’s happening. Where do you need to go?”

Matthew unclipped his ID from his shirt pocket, handed it out the window, and checked his manifest. “South Four-G. Got a shipment of tungsten to drop off.”