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Kitsune heard them talking in the background, then Mike making a series of calls. She could hear anger in her voice. Kitsune didn’t like her, but she respected her. Perhaps, in another life, young Victoire Couverel would have grown up to be more like Michaela Caine. But the thought of being a cop nearly made her laugh aloud.

After fifteen minutes, Nicholas came back and said, “Yes. We are in agreement.”

Kitsune was careful to show no expression. She only nodded. “Good. I will have the information for you, and you will have a signed, notarized paper for me declaring my immunity from prosecutions by the U.S. and Great Britain for my role in the theft of the Koh-i-Noor, and blanket immunity from any other crimes you may see fit to try and hang on me.”

“But first the Koh-i-Noor. Hand it over.”

“What time is it? I can’t read my watch.”

“It’s nearly midnight. Eleven-forty, to be exact.”

“Then you need to get me to the warehouse right away.”

Mike snorted. “We aren’t letting you anywhere near that place alone.”

Kitsune said, “You have no choice. I stashed the stone there, and you’ll need me to get to it.”


While Nicholas pulled on a Kevlar vest, Mike circled him like a wolf about to attack.

“Nicholas, you can’t let her go in alone.”

He gestured for her to put on her vest as he used the other hand to pull the Velcro together tightly across his ribs, ignoring the pain in his back as he did.

“Of course not. I’m going in with her.”

“You lamebrain, that’s crazy. You know she’ll turn on you.”

“Actually, no, I don’t think she will.” He looked over at Kitsune, sitting quietly in the back of the Peugeot, armed men standing close. “Our Fox is in love. If she hates Mulvaney right now, and hates us for capturing her and putting her feet to the fire, she loves Grant Thornton enough to sacrifice herself to keep him from losing everything.”

Mike planted herself in front of him, hands on her hips. “How do you know she isn’t faking cooperation?”

Nicholas gri

“And that’s the kind of betrayal a man like Mulvaney can’t handle, especially if he loves a woman who doesn’t love him back, at least not in the way he wants. I suspect he loved her as much as he hates her now.”

“But he’s old enough to be her father.”

He arched a brow. “Feelings don’t have years attached. You’re right, though—for her, Mulvaney was indeed a trusted, beloved father.”

She gave him a long look as she tugged on the vest. “Don’t give me any crap, I’m going in with you.”

She expected him to argue, but he didn’t. In fact, he actually looked relieved. He said simply, “Thanks. I could use your help.” He put his hand on her shoulder. “And I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have with me.”

“If you get us both killed, I’m going to be very angry with you.”

He shot her a grin, then called to the men: “Gather round. Here’s the plan.” He laid out the blueprints of the warehouse, gave assignments, showing the snipers their positions. “You’ll form your perimeter here, and when Mike gives the go-ahead, you’ll converge and take out the guards.” He finished with a smile. “As for us, Kitsune, Mike, and I go through the fence and split at the warehouse. Kitsune will go in the front, and take the guards with her. They won’t be expecting anyone else, so I’ll be able to sneak in behind them. Mike will go up the fire escape and cover the room from outside. Once we’re all in place, we go in, get the diamond, and get the hell out. Any questions?”

One of Menard’s men asked, “Shoot to kill?”

Nicholas nodded. “Try not to take out Lanighan or Mulvaney. We need them.”

Nicholas said to Menard, “In case it all goes awry, I trust you’ll be there to mop things up?”

“Give me the signal, my friend, and we’ll take them all out. Try not to get yourself blown up in the meantime.”

“I won’t. Mike, are you ready?”

“Ready. Are we giving Kitsune Kevlar?”

Kitsune had been taken out of the car and was standing a few feet away. She said, “No. They’ll know something’s up if I go in bulked up. I’m supposed to be handing over the stone, and I’m supposed to think Mulvaney is a hostage. They’ll keep up the charade long enough to get the stone in their hands.”

Nicholas said, “Okay, time’s up. Where’s the diamond?”

She took a deep breath and gri

Mike rounded on her. “Why should we believe this?”

“Because it’s the truth. I went to Lanighan’s house earlier this evening, looking for Mulvaney. Everything on this job has gone wrong, so I protected the diamond the best I knew how, which was fulfilling my end of the bargain in the hopes Lanighan would do the same. I put the Koh-i-Noor in the lining of his bag. He has no idea it’s there. I knew you were on my back, too. It was the only way I could think to keep the stone safe until the delivery.”

Her hand went down her shirt, and she withdrew a blue velvet bag. “It’s a good thing you’re a gentleman, Drummond. A more thorough search would have turned this up.” She dumped the stone into his hand. “They’re amazingly well done, for fakes. Peter Grisley should be proud of his work.”

Nicholas ran his fingers along the stone. “Good job stealing the replicas.”

She smiled. “I really only needed one, but I thought, who knows? The second one might come in handy. And it did, in Geneva.”

She took the stone back from him, replaced it in the bag, and thought, Thank goodness they aren’t experts and don’t have a diamond tester. They’ll never know they just handled the real Koh-i-Noor.

She said, “I do have one question.”


“What are you pla

Nicholas said, “I assume there will be a number of people higher up the food chain who will make that decision. We can’t worry about it.”

“Should something happen to me, Nicholas, you must destroy them, along with Lanighan. He’s the last in his line. It will stop with him.”

They began to walk to the fence.

Nicholas said, “One last thing. If the prophecy is true, the stones can’t merge without a woman’s blood. He’s going to try and kill you, Kitsune, to make it happen.”

Kitsune was quiet for a moment. “Let him try.”


Gagny Neuf-trois, Paris

Lanighan’s warehouse

Saturday, midnight

Saleem Lanighan paced the second-floor office, full of anticipation and excitement for what was to come. She should be here soon. Fifteen more minutes, and he would unite the stones and be cured of the leukemia. Cured of every illness forever.

He was nervous, too, since he had no idea what to expect. His life’s work, the work of every male in his family for generations, was culminating right now. Since no one had gone before, he was breaking new ground.

But he knew exactly what he’d do tomorrow.

Healed, he would set out to find the perfect woman to sire his child.

One of his guards came to his side. “Sir. She’s here.”