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“Hmm. That doesn’t sound so bad when you put it that way.”

He stopped and turned to her. “You ready to face the ice princess?”

“Baldwin, Charlotte Douglas doesn’t scare me,

‘doctor’ or not. I can handle myself, thank you very much. Let’s get it over with.”

As she walked to the door and opened it, she heard Baldwin mutter, “Nothing scares you.”

Man, she wished that were the truth.

Charlotte Douglas was right where Taylor had left her fifteen minutes earlier, batting her eyelashes at Marcus and Fitz. Lincoln had retreated to his desk, and Taylor gave him mental brownie points for not falling for the act. She hated women like Charlotte, women who thought the only power they had resided between their legs. Taylor knew where her power was—between her ears and strapped to her hip. She’d never felt simpering a necessity to elicit a response from the opposite sex.

Taylor cleared her throat, and Charlotte stopped midsentence and turned. Taylor looked her up and down—an expensive woman. Finely tailored tweed jacket, a pencil skirt, brown calfskin boots—the outfit probably cost more than Taylor’s truck payment. Her auburn hair was swept into a chignon, her makeup artfully applied. Yep, this was one high-maintenance chick. Beautiful, if you liked the cold, pale look. Taylor didn’t.

“Dr. Douglas, we can go into the conference room for your presentation now.”

Charlotte’s eyes were bright. “He took another one?”



“We have nothing to indicate that, Dr. Douglas. Now, if we could just get to your presentation, I’d like to know what’s so exciting that you felt the need to fly down here to share it with us. After you.”

I’ll be damned if I’m going to discuss my case with you,you bitch, Taylor told her with her eyes. Fuck you, too, Charlotte’s empty gaze said back. Ah, detente.

Left with no choice, Charlotte tossed her head and walked out of the room. Taylor, Baldwin and the rest of the team followed her, a pied piper line of cops. They went the short distance to the conference room. A young woman was already there, cocoa-brown skin glowing in the glare from a PowerPoint slide. The presentation was ready to go.

Charlotte took a seat at the head of the table. “This is Dr. Pietra Dunmore. She’s the lead forensic investigator for this case and will be presenting her findings on the DNA samples you sent. Pietra, we’re ready for you now.”

Dismissive bitch, Taylor thought. She’d rather die than use that tone with a subordinate. But the woman didn’t seem to notice. Either that, or she didn’t care. The rest of the team took their seats. Taylor saw the tech slide her honey-brown eyes over Lincoln as he sat down, and Taylor could have sworn he blushed. Good grief, she’d have to pass out keys to the locker room for cold showers after these two women left.

“Excuse me, Charlotte.” Taylor went to the young tech, extended a hand. “I’m Taylor Jackson. Thank you for coming all this way to present your findings. We’re grateful for your time.”

Taylor couldn’t read the thoughts behind those spec


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tacular chocolate eyes, but Pietra nodded as she shook Taylor’s hand. Okay, good. Maybe there was something to be gained from this dog-and-pony show after all.

“Have you met our team?”

Pietra opened her mouth to speak, but Charlotte cut her off. “This isn’t a sorority meeting, Lieutenant. We don’t need to play the key game. Let’s get on with it.”

Pietra’s face closed again, and she went to the head of the room, retrieving a remote control from her bag and stopping by the screen.

I’ll be damned, Taylor thought. “Pietra, this is Lincoln Ross, Marcus Wade and Pete Fitzgerald. You know Dr. Baldwin?”

Pietra smiled and nodded all around.

“Good. Now, if you would please present your findings?” Taylor looked to the screen, ignoring the eyes that bored a hole in her head.

The FBI seal glared at them in all its golden glory. Pietra clicked a button, and Taylor felt like she was in a time warp. The montage of faces floated from the screen just like when she was being interviewed last Monday night. She won

dered briefly if the FBI had prepared the slides for the news show, too. She’d been asked to appear again this evening, a request she’d refused. There was no sense going on the news when she had nothing new to say except another girl had died. She had no new information on Giselle St. Claire that could be released. By nine o’clock tonight, word would have spread about Jane Macias, if she hadn’t been found. What was she supposed to do, get waylaid and speculate that a new victim had been taken? No, thanks. After ten minutes of rehash, they finally got into the meat of the presentation. Charlotte stood up, walked to the 14


front of the room and took the remote from Pietra. “That’s fine, Pietra. Thank you. I’ll take it from here.”

Taylor caught Baldwin’s eye and raised her eyebrows. He rolled his eyes in agreement. Charlotte Douglas was living up to her reputation as a real piece of work. She clicked the button and a white slide appeared, broken into two screens. Taylor recognized the blue-and

white levels as a DNA profile.

“The DNA of your current perpetrator does not match the DNA profile of the Snow White Killer.”

Well, big shock there, Taylor thought. We knew it was a copycat.

“After extensive testing, there is nothing to indicate that the current killer is even remotely related to the Snow White Killer. Speculations that this might be the work of a son or a brother, can be put to rest.”

Who the hell was speculating that they were related?

Taylor wondered. No one on her team had been pursuing that line of thinking.

A new slide came up on the screen. It was a map of the United States, with red dots in four areas—Los Angeles, Denver, Mi

“As you see here, we have several clusters identified. Within each cluster, there was a series of murders. At each scene, DNA evidence was collected.”

Taylor felt her heart beat just a touch faster. This time, when she caught Baldwin’s eye, she saw only concern.

“The DNA profiles from each of these crime scenes are a positive match. The same man committed the murders in each of these regional areas. The killer has not been caught, the cases remain unsolved.”


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As she talked, Charlotte moved the slides forward, each one detailing the murders in each location. There were a total of four in Los Angeles, six in Denver, five in Min

neapolis and three in New York City. Eighteen confirmed kills over the past eighteen months. Taylor realized what was coming next and cringed. Holy shit.

A slide with a map of Nashville came up, with four red points glaring at her like eyes from hell.

“These four murders in Nashville have been directly co

A hush had fallen over the room. Charlotte met each eye in turn, stopping with Taylor. I win, her look said. Taylor wondered just how cavalier the woman could be, and why she’d held back the information for so long. There was no reason to hold out over this; they needed to work together. There was another agenda here—Taylor was sure of it.

Marcus Wade was the first to speak. “Are there any in

dications from the earlier murders that he’s copying previous killers’ MOs?”

The PowerPoint screen went dark.