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I looked away as I shoved a foot through the leg of my briefs, being careful to not look like I’m bolting from the room even though that’s exactly my plan. It was always best to be up and getting dressed before the woman got the mistaken idea that I was going to stick around and cuddle. I didn't do that, not even when they begged for 'extra time.'

Most people assumed that someone in my line of work would do anything for money. That wasn't the case with me. I didn't really care what people think. If they weren’t in my line of business, they’d never really understand what I did.

I offered a service to the lonely and rejected women who thought they weren't good enough, the neglected ones whose husbands or boyfriends either didn't care enough or were unable to fulfill their needs. And I didn't just mean a good fuck. Any man who gave a damn could get a woman off. Me, I did more than that. I showed them how to enjoy sex in ways they'd never dreamed possible. I taught them to surrender their thoughts, their beliefs and judgments… and just feel.

Some women came to me because they had insatiable appetites for sex and thought they wanted someone to basically fuck them senseless. I knew better. There’s always an underlying need underneath the bravado and I had an i

Not that I got all touchy-feeling. I don’t do emotion. I don’t believe in that shit. Sure, there's the basics of happiness, sadness, anger… but when it came to the whole notion of romance and love, that's where I drew the line. Romance was fine if it led to sex, but the idea of love was a joke. I'd learned that years ago.

In the almost ten years I'd been doing this, I'd had plenty of women tell me that they were falling in love with me. That was always where it ended. I didn't mind repeat dates, but I didn't need the headache of someone thinking this was anything more than a mutually agreeable transaction. Sure, it was a transaction I enjoyed, but that's all it ever was.

I felt the blonde’s eyes on me as I buttoned my pants and then picked up my shirt. I had a bad feeling I was going to need to have that talk with this one. I'd seen Stella three times before, including once when I'd gone with her to the opening of an art museum. We'd fucked in the bathroom there because she’d wanted something daring. Tonight, she'd brought me back to her place instead of a hotel, and that was usually the first warning signal that a woman was going to try to get possessive.

Once I finished dressing, I picked up the cash from the bedside table and shoved it into the pocket of my perfectly-tailored suit pants. “Thank you for a lovely evening,” I said with a polite smile and a quick wink to soften the rejection. “Until next time.”

I left before she could ask if I wanted to spend the night. While a

I flagged down a cab and climbed in the back, giving the cabbie the address of my loft. I never understood why everyone looked down on people like me. I was better at my job than most people were at their mundane office work or retail sales. Hell, I did more good for women with my cock than half the psychologists and medical doctors ever could with all their drugs and therapy and procedures. Why should someone pay a shrink for a pill when they could get a ten-inch dick and a man who knew how to use it? I was a teacher, date, counselor and fuck buddy all in one, and worth every damn pe

The story of Bree and Cade continues in Casual Encounter Vol. 2. The complete Box Set of Casual Encounter is now on sale and FREE in Kindle Unlimited. Click here to continue reading.


First, we would like to thank all of our readers. Without you, our books would not exist. We truly appreciate each and every one of you.

A big “thanks” goes out to all the Facebook fans, street team, beta readers, and advanced reviewers. You are a HUGE part of the success of the series.

We have to thank our PA, Sha

About The Authors

MS Parker

M. S. Parker is a USA Today Bestselling author and the author of the Erotic Romance series, Club Privè and Chasing Perfection.

Living in Southern California, she enjoys sitting by the pool with her laptop writing on her next spicy romance.

Growing up all she wanted to be was a dancer, actor or author. So far only the latter has come true but M. S. Parker hasn’t retired her dancing shoes just yet. She is still waiting for the call for her to appear on Dancing With The Stars.

When M. S. isn't writing, she can usually be found reading– oops, scratch that! She is always writing.

Cassie Wild

Cassie Wild loves romance. Every since she was eight years old she’s been reading every romance novel she could get her hands on, always dreaming of writing her own romance novels.

When MS Parker approached her in the spring about co-authoring the Serving HIM series, it didn’t take Cassie many seconds to say a big yes, and the rest is history.

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