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My nails dug into his flesh as he thrust his tongue inside me, teasing around the entrance and then moving back up to circle my clit. I squeezed my eyes closed as a wave of pleasure hit me. The wet heat of his mouth sent me over the edge and I called out his name as I came. My knees tried to buckle and Cade's arms slid around me, supporting me as he lowered me to the drop cloth.

He put his lips against my ear. “Feels different bare, doesn't it?”

I nodded. It felt like every inch of skin between my legs was tingling. Being that sensitive might make the pain of waxing worth it. I heard a ripping sound and looked down to see Cade rolling a condom on his now-hard cock.

“I imagine it must feel amazing bareback,” he said as he rolled me onto my side, facing away from him. “That is the one thing I don't do.” He stretched out behind me and ran his hand down my leg. “But when you find a man you trust enough, I encourage you to try it.”

His statement hit me. I'd almost forgotten the reason we were doing this. To make it possible for me to have the confidence to seduce and fuck other men. He lifted my leg slightly and began to slide inside, bringing my thoughts back to the present. None of the other stuff mattered. What did matter was the pressure and burn of him slowly filling me. I bent my knee, letting my ankle rest on his calf, and the change of angle pressed his shaft against my front wall.

“Fuck.” The word barely made it out, the sound strangled. He was rubbing right against my g-spot with every inch he moved and the lower part of his cock was stretching me wider at the same time. The duel sensations made it impossible for me to think clearly.

“Each position has its advantages and reasons behind it.” Cade brushed his lips against the side of my neck. “Some allow for deeper penetration, some provide stimulus right where you need it.” He sucked at the place where my shoulder and throat met. “But for a man, the visual is always important. And what we can do with our hands.”

His hands moved from my hips as his body came to rest, flush against mine. One hand went to my breasts, alternating between the two, rolling my nipples between his thumb and forefinger. The other hand slid over my stomach and down between my legs. His finger parted my folds and found my swollen clit.

“If your man doesn't know what to do with his hands, show him.” His teeth scraped my ear lobe and I shuddered. “Put your hands over mine.”

I did, my fingers not even close to covering his.

As he began to thrust into me, he gave me further instructions. “Show me how to touch you, how you like your clit rubbed. Show me how hard to pinch and twist your nipples.”

It was odd, I thought, as I moved our hands together, how he was in control, but showing me how to take command. Our fingers moved together over my clit; my hand setting the pace and showing his how to move in circles, sending pleasure coursing through me. The hands on my breast were working my nipple until it began to throb, each tug making my body jerk against his, pushing him harder and deeper.

“Pleasure is beauty, Aubree,” he whispered in my ear. “Every sensation has its own unique beauty, even pain.” He twisted my nipple hard and I cried out. “Each person is wired to find it in their own way.”

I was panting now. My fingers slipped and slid against Cade's as we rubbed my clit, our skin slick with paint and my own juices. I didn’t know I could be this wet.

“Give yourself over to every sensation.” He nipped at my neck. “Learn what you love and don't be ashamed of it.”

He moved faster, his hips slamming into me with enough force to make me cry out. I didn't want him to stop, I wanted this to go on and on and on. I knew there was a lot I still had to learn, but I knew I liked this, the merging of pain and pleasure. I liked him taking me so hard that I knew I'd feel it the next day.

“Come for me, Aubree,” he said. His voice was harsh. “Come for me now or you won't get to.”

The thought of being so close to the edge, only to be denied brought memories flooding back of all the times Ronald had taken care of himself and never even thought to ask me if I'd come.

“I want you to come,” Cade said. “I want to feel your pussy contracting around me, squeezing me until it hurts. I want to hear you scream your pleasure.”

My head fell forward, my eyes closing as his thrusts forced away the past.

“Every decent partner wants to see and hear his woman climax.”

I could feel it getting closer, the pressure inside me threatening to boil over. And then he was pushing my hands away. I whimpered, unable to believe he was going to deny me, but then his hands were there, taking care of me. His fingers knew exactly how to move; the right amount of friction to apply.

“A real man wants to be responsible for making sure his woman is satisfied.”

I could hear the strain now and knew he was close.

“Never fake it,” he said. “Never settle for anything less than this.”

His fingers tightened around my nipple even as he drove himself deep. My back arched and I would've screamed if I'd had enough air. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over me as Cade thrust into me over and over again, his thick cock pushing through my spasming pussy even as his fingers kept rubbing my clit until I was almost sobbing, pushing at his hand. It was too much.

My limbs went limp, twitching as he buried himself inside me one final time and came without a sound. He stayed there, his arms wrapped around me, tucking me against his chest as my brain tried to remember how to function.

I vaguely wondered how much of a pain it was going to be to get the paint off, but I didn't care. The two orgasms I just had were worth having to scrub myself raw.

“There's a shower in the bathroom.” Cade broke the silence. “Do you want to go first?”

I shook my head. “I don't think my legs are up to working yet.”

Cade laughed and I could hear the note of pride in the sound. I wondered if he felt that way with every woman he fucked. My stomach twisted, and I pushed the thought aside. I watched him walk across the room, appreciating the way his muscular ass flexed with each stride. I'd never met anyone who was as confident naked as he was. As he disappeared into the bathroom, I rolled onto my other side so I was facing the wall with most of Cade's work. I thought I understood it now, what he'd said about appreciating beauty. It was strange. I'd come to Cade to teach me about sex but he'd already done more than that. Who would've thought hiring an escort would've changed the way I looked at myself and the world?

I pushed myself into a sitting position, grimacing at the way the paint clung to my skin. The sound of ru

My stomach clenched with desire. It didn't matter that I'd already come twice or that just one round of fucking was enough to leave me sore the next day. I wanted him again. I ran my hand through my sweaty curls and looked at the bathroom door. I was willing to bet it didn't have a lock on it, and if it did, I doubted Cade used it.

Could I do it? That was the question. Did I have the guts to walk in there, step into the shower and tell him I wanted to fuck him again? And what if I did? How would he take it? Aside from our first kiss, he'd initiated everything between us, taken charge and told me what to do and how to do it. Then again, I reasoned, wasn't the entire point of our teaching sessions for me to learn confidence? For me to be secure enough in who I was to get what I wanted?

I stood up. My knees were a bit shaky still, but my legs stayed under me as I walked across the loft. Doing this completely naked proved how far I'd come in such a short period of time. I reached for the doorknob and told myself that if it was locked, it meant he didn't want me in there with him.