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“Fuck!” My back arched and the motion rubbed him against that spot again.

“Damn,” Cade spoke through gritted teeth. “You're even more responsive than I remembered.”

I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing, but it wasn't something I cared about at the moment. I lifted myself an inch or two, then sank back down. The burn was still there, but it fed into the lingering pleasure and I liked it. I began to move, finding a rhythm I liked and letting my body relax into it, just like I did on a run.

“Play with your nipples.”

The one I'd pinched before was still tender, so I focused on the other one, tugging and twisting it until it was swollen and sensitive.

“You enjoy that,” Cade said. “You like things a bit on the rough side.”

I flushed and my rhythm faltered.

Suddenly, Cade grabbed my hips, yanking me down hard enough that I cried out. He sat up half-way, enough that our faces were close together. His expression was fierce as he gripped me tight.

“There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Aubree,” he said firmly then realization dawned on his face. “That's it. Part of it anyway. You enjoy things you've convinced yourself you shouldn't.” He released me and leaned back again. “We'll work on that, but for right now, make yourself come again. I'm getting close.”

I tried not to think about his words as I started to move again, faster this time. My hands moved over my breasts, teasing with light scratches across my nipples until I felt the pressure inside me begin to crack. I dropped myself down on Cade's cock, biting my lip to hold back a scream as he hit something inside me that turned everything in my field of vision white.

The explosion rocked my body and I tightened around Cade. I heard him swear and his hips jerked, but all that was in the background. My body shook and arched before slumping against his chest. My overly sensitive nipples rubbed against his shirt and the extra sensation made me come again, a ripple effect of pleasure as my nerves still hummed from the previous wave.

When I started to come back to myself, I was surprised to find I was still on Cade's lap. I don't know why, but a part of me had fully expected him to push me off of him as soon as he regained his strength. Instead, he had his arms around me. As soon as I moved, however, he let me go and I sat up.

I winced as I climbed off of him. Whatever place deep inside he'd reached, there was an ache there now, mingling with what I had in my legs and pussy already. I had a feeling that tomorrow, I was going to regret agreeing to a Sunday meeting. I'd be feeling him for at least a day.

“I'll tell you this,” Cade said as he removed the condom and tossed it into a nearby trashcan. “You can definitely forget about being bad in bed as a reason why your ex left. You're a natural.”

I blushed, conflicted by the statement. Did being a natural mean I was some sort of slut?

“Aubree,” Cade said my name. “It's a compliment. You have a natural instinct for sex. It's not something that can be taught. You just need some polish. And confidence.” He pushed himself into a sitting position and tucked his now soft cock back into his pants. “When I'm done with you, no man will be able to refuse you.”

That all sounded good, I thought. And I definitely wasn't going to say no to more sessions with Cade, especially not with Adelle footing the bill. In a short amount of time, he was tapping into parts of me that I'd hidden from everyone, even myself to some extent. No matter his methods, he was doing what I wanted him to do. He was helping me become who I wanted to be.

Chapter 7

My session with Cade stuck with me into the begi

More than once, I told myself to let it go, to not read anything into it. This, I knew, was another lesson I needed to learn, and knew Cade would be the perfect teacher. I still believed in love, but I didn't want to equate sex with emotion all the time. I wanted to be able to have casual sex when I had an itch to scratch. I wanted to protect my heart until I found someone I could trust it with. To do this, I needed to learn how to separate physical pleasure from emotional intimacy. I refused to accept that I might just be wired that way. I had to be able to learn how to do it, and Cade was the perfect person to teach me.

The problem was, no matter how much I told myself to focus only on the physical attraction, I found myself drawn to him. I wanted to ask him personal questions, get to know him. There was someone very complex beneath the surface and I couldn't stop thinking about him. It was a bad idea to even entertain the thought. I considered this my own personal lesson. If I could keep having mind-blowing sex with Cade and not give in to my misplaced desire to explore a personal relationship, I could do anything.

During lunch on Wednesday afternoon, I was surprised to see a text from Cade. It was brief but still made things low in my stomach heat up.

Date Friday evening. I'll pick you up at your place at 7. Wear something elegant. No teacher clothes.

I immediately sent back a confirmation that I'd be ready at seven. It wasn't until the end of the day, when Mindy stopped by so we could walk to our cars together, that I realized by going with Cade meant I'd miss Friday di

“You know,” Mindy said as we braved the early October wind. “I was talking to Stanley Worthington, the guy who's subbing for Patrice while she's on maternity leave, and, apparently, he's not gay. And I know what you're thinking, but thirty-seven isn't that much older than you...”

“Thanks, Mindy,” I interrupted, determination making my tone a bit sharper than I intended. Making the decision was easier than I thought it would be. “But I already have a date this weekend. Friday night, actually, so I won't be at di

Mindy looked startled, and even a bit hurt, but I didn't apologize. This was exactly why I was going to Cade in the first place. I needed my friends to know that I could get a date on my own. I wasn’t their charity case. A part of me knew I was being too harsh, but after all of the shit that had happened since August, I was tired of being nice all the time.


An awkward silence fell between the two of us and I sighed. “Look, Mindy, I appreciate what you've been trying to do, but I need you to back off. I'm perfectly capable of deciding who I want to go out with.”

She nodded. “I'm sorry. I've just been worried about you.”

“I know,” I said, softening. “But I'm fine. Really.”

She gave me a skeptical look, but didn't press the issue. “I won't do it again.”

At least, with her, I knew I could count on what she said. Mindy had great self-control when it came to those types of promises. She wasn't like Adelle, who let her emotions take control. Mindy would take me at my word. With Adelle, I'd have to prove it, and with Cade, I would.