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My breath caught as I watched him take the baby in his arms and hold her close to his chest as if she were something very fragile. Mrs. Hamilton was speaking to him, but I had the impression that all the man heard and saw was Ava. His hand trembled as he smoothed it over the wisps of red hair.

“Who is that?” I asked.

Beside me, Roxy squinted as she looked up front. “I don’t know,” she said as I straightened the hem of my lilac skirt. “I’ve never seen him before.”

Whoever the guy was, it seemed he must know either Avery or Cam pretty well. Eventually he handed the baby girl back to Mrs. Hamilton and then rose. He walked back up the aisle, his movements less strained.

I sighed as my gaze flicked back to Mrs. Hamilton. “I want to hold the baby,” I said.

“I’m sure she’ll let you,” Roxy replied, straightening her glasses. They were blue today, matching her dress.

“I’ve never met her so I think it’s totally creepy for me to just shuffle up there and be like, ‘Can I hold the baby,’ while making grabby hands at the kid. I’d probably make her start screaming bloody murder.”

Roxy giggled. “Good point.”

I pouted, but before I could change my mind and make an utter fool out of myself while traumatizing a wee baby, the guys returned from whatever they were doing, which I’m sure involved giving Cam an incredibly hard time.

Nick sat beside me as Reece took his seat on the other side of Roxy. Although I’d already seen Nick in his suit, I couldn’t stop myself from checking him out, because he looked so damn good all dressed up.

He leaned into me, stretching his arm along the back of my chair. Tipping his chin down, he whispered into my ear, “If you keep looking at me like that, we’re going to miss the wedding.”

“And why would we miss the wedding?” I whispered back.

His hand curled around my bare shoulder. “Because we’ll be making use of that room upstairs we rented for the weekend. Or the nearby bathroom. There’s also a closet down the hall that’ll give us enough room.”

I bit down on my lip, enticed more than I should have been by that idea. “You are so bad.”

“And you . . .” He kissed my temple. “ . . . are freaking gorgeous in that dress. Have I told you that yet?”

My lips curved up as I reached over, wrapping my hand around his. “Yes. A couple of times.”

“Well, add one more to that list.” He squeezed my hand. “You look stu

Reece sighed. “You two are going to give me diabetes.”

“Shush it.” Roxy planted her elbow in Reece’s side. “You’re just as sickeningly sweet, so don’t even pretend.”

I laughed, mainly because Reece didn’t deny it. Somewhere behind us, music started playing and the heavy wood doors opened. We turned in our seats as Cam made his way down the aisle, looking as handsome as always. His normally messy hair was styled and he looked good in his black tux with light blue accents. As he passed us, Nick fist-bumped him.

I turned to Nick slowly. “A wedding fist bump?”

“Seemed legit,” was his response.

Shaking my head, I giggled, and then had a huge aw moment, because Cam stopped by his mother before he went to the archway decorated with blue roses and baby’s breath, bent down and gave his baby girl a big mushy kiss on her chubby cheek.

“Damn,” Roxy murmured. “There just went my ovaries.”

Reece sent her a long look.

“What?” she whispered. “I can’t help it.”


Next was Brit and Ollie, and my smile spread seeing them. Wearing the same pale blue strapless gown as Teresa, Brit was stu

Calla and Jax were next, and of course they were absolute perfection. With Calla’s long blond hair and his darker features, they were like night and day, the perfect complement.

Then there was Jacob, looking as freaking smooth as always as he came down the aisle with his boyfriend. I’d met him the night before, and he was the exact opposite of Jacob—quiet, a bit more reserved, but it was so obvious those two were in love.

Jacob joined the bridesmaid, and even though he was in a tux that matched the guys, he looked damn good standing there.

The final addition to the wedding party was Brock “the Beast” Mitchell, which probably made Cam’s fanboy heart soar. I had no idea Cam had gotten to know Brock that well or if it was a favor to him. Obviously Brock was out of the sling, but he hadn’t come back to the academy full-time yet. There had been complications in his recovery.

I didn’t recognize the super tan chick with him, and I was kind of disappointed that he wasn’t there with Jillian. I don’t even know why I wished for that. I hadn’t seen Jillian since the day in the supply room. As far as I knew, she never came back to Lima Academy after that.

Once the bridal party was in place, the bridal march began and Avery appeared. She was a beautiful bride. Her long red hair hung in smooth waves around her freckled face, and even from where I sat, I could see the sheen of tears in her eyes. Her dress was simple Grecian style and perfect for her.

I couldn’t believe she’d had a baby a handful of months ago, because she looked amazing as she glanced up at the man beside her. It was the guy who earlier had talked to Cam’s mom and then held Ava. Now I knew the answer to who he was.

Avery’s father.

He escorted her down the aisle as we rose. Before she reached her soon-to-be husband, Avery stopped and cupped little Ava’s cheek, bending to press a kiss against the top of her head. The baby gurgled happily in response.

“And there goes my heart,” Roxy sighed. “Gone. Along with my ovaries.”

I pressed my lips together to stop the laugh from escaping as Avery’s father handed her off to Cam. It would’ve been a strange laugh—part humor, part sob. As I watched Cam’s mom turn Ava so she was facing her mother and father, the ache returned, piercing my chest, and I had to remind myself that it was okay. Someday it would happen.

Nick squeezed my hand, and when I glanced at him, his gaze searched mine intently, and I knew he felt where my head had gone. I gave him a smile, and he tugged me against his side with an arm curled along my back.

The ceremony began, and the words were really just a blur as Cam Hamilton and Avery Morgansten finally tied the knot. It was beautiful, and I had to fight back tears more than once.

“The rings?” the officiant requested.

Ollie stepped forward, and in his hands were two tortoises. One had a pale blue ribbon around the shell, the other had a black ribbon. Rings were secured to both. I had no idea where he had the turtles the entire time, and God only knew with Ollie, so I didn’t want to give that too much thought.

“Oh my Lord,” I murmured, gri

Nick chuckled.

“I want turtles at my wedding,” Roxy whispered to Reece.

Someone, I’m assuming him, choked.

Gasps and giggles gave way to laughter as Ollie lifted the tortoises and then walked them over to where Cam and Avery stood. They couldn’t keep a straight face as they retrieved the rings amidst laughter, and then Ollie returned to where the groomsmen stood. He’d bent, placing the tortoises into something I couldn’t see. Then he wheeled back around and gave a flourished bow. On the other side of him, Brit rolled her eyes.

Cam’s hand shook as he slid the simple band onto her finger. “Will you spend forever with me?”