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A man, pushing an old toolbox, looks to me with confusion. “Clearing out like we’ve been ordered to.”

“By who?” I demand.

“By me.”

I whirl quickly to see Tazen standing with a clipboard in hand. He’s wearing a pair of blue jeans with a black shirt that has a picture of a car on the front. Lame. He’s got shades pulled over his eyes. Anger swirls in my chest.

“I have a week, you have no right to be in here before then. This is my stuff!”

He studies me. “What do you plan on doing with it all?”

Dammit. I don’t know. But it’s beside the point.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s mine.”

“Actually,” he says. “It’s mine. The garage was sold with all the contents.”

“You’re a piece of work,” I hiss.

“Listen,” he says, stepping closer. “I did what I did, but business is business, Qui

I explode, shoving him backwards and turning, storming inside. I shove past people and make it to my team, who are all standing around looking lost. “Chain this shit down, do not let him take it.”

They all stare at me like I’ve lost my marbles. Hell, maybe I have, but for one week this garage is still in my name. I won’t let him just destroy it.


“No, Le

“We don’t have a choice, it’s his now.”

“It’s not his!” I cry, spi

I reach him and slap the spa

“Fuck me,” Tazen mutters. “Just let her take what’s hers.”

I spin on him, waving my hands in his face. “Do you even care that you’re taking jobs from these men, men who have families?”

Tazen’s face gets hard. “If they want a job here, they’re more than welcome to approach me about it. I don’t have a problem with taking on your team, Qui

“They should have jobs automatically,” I protest. “They’ve made this place what it is.”

He shakes his head. “Qui

I’m panting with rage, but I know he can call the cops if he wants to and I have nothing to fall back on. I turn and march towards the door, shouting, “You haven’t seen the end of this, Tazen Watts.”

And he hasn’t.

He’s about to see just how real I can be.

*   *   *

“Jesus, Qui

I glare at Le

“Come on, sweetheart, you could get arrested,” Le

I shoot daggers and him and snap, “Do you think I give a crap?”

“You should, your dad wouldn’t cope and you know it.”

“Of course, let’s worry about my dad who’s an alcoholic and has done nothing for this garage for years. Don’t worry about me, Le

His eyes grow soft. “Didn’t mean it like that, Qui

“No,” I croak. “You have no fucking idea how much it’s hurting.”

“We do,” Jace says gently. “Honey, you know we do.”

“He used me,” I spit, hating the tears welling in my eyes. “Then he took everything. I won’t just lie down and let that happen. I won’t.”

“I think you’ve got a good set of balls on you,” Oscar says.

Everyone turns to look at him, shocked.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“You’ve fought your whole life, Qui

I nod, tying my hair in a ponytail. “I won’t do anything illegal, but if Tazen Watts thinks he can just shove me out, he’s very … very wrong.”

“You need to be careful, Qui

“Yeah, and if I don’t do this, I’ll never forgive myself. Trust me, guys. Please.”

With a sigh, Jace nods. Le

“Yeah, Le

I look at them and I know I’m doing this for them as much as I am for myself.

At least, that’s what I’m telling myself.


I throw my Mustang into park and slide out of the driver’s side. I slam the door and stride up to the garage, as if nothing has changed. I hold my chin high and my back straight as I push through the front doors. I step into the dimly lit space and immediately see Tazen standing with a gorgeous blonde. She has a hand on his chest and is smiling up at him, giggling.

My heart feels like it’s going to drop out.

It shouldn’t hurt, but it does.

Keep it together, Qui

I start walking towards them, and at the sounds of my boots scuffing across the floor, Tazen jerks and looks to me. His eyes flash with surprise, before his face becomes tired, like he isn’t ready to deal with me again. “What are you doing here?”

I flash him my best smile. “Good morning, boss.”

He shakes his head, pushing the girl back and striding towards me. I try not to notice his tight shirt and those amazing jeans hanging on his hips. When he reaches me, he curls a hand around my upper arm and turns me towards the door. “What sort of game are you playing here, Qui

“I’m working here,” I say simply.

“You’re not.”

I cross my arms. “I am.”

“No, you’re fucking not.”

I lean in close. “Yes, I fucking am.”

“Jesus,” he snaps.

“Ah, Taz,” the blonde says. “Should I leave?”

He turns to her and grunts. “Yeah, I’ll call you.”

“Don’t bet on it.” I smile sweetly. “He had his tongue down my throat only days ago. This guy is a first-class player.”

Her face scrunches and she turns to him. “Seriously?”

He grunts and glares at me. “We’re not exclusive, Bo


“No,” she says, crossing her arms. “But you said I was special, different and…”

“Oh, I know the next one,” I say, jumping up and down, waving my hand around. “Real! He said you were real.”

Tazen looks like he wants to strangle me. I keep my smile¸ even though inside I’m falling to pieces.

“No, but why would he have said that to you?”

Because I am real. Obviously. That actually makes my heart soften just a little, because he clearly didn’t say it to her.

“Look, Bo

“I deserve better,” she declares.

“Girl power!” I say, fist bumping the air.

Tazen steps closer to me, and curls his arm around my head and then presses a hand over my mouth. I want to bite him, but I just can’t manage it. So I stomp on his foot.

“Stay still,” he snaps.

I snort.


“I’ll call you, Bo

She huffs. “No thanks, like I said, I can do better.”

“Yeah,” Tazen snorts. “Whatever you say.”

Ooh, Bo

Her face scrunches and she turns, storming out of the garage, picking up her purse on the way. When she’s gone, Tazen lets me go and spins so he’s facing me. “Leave, now.”

“Nope,” I say, stepping past him.

“I’ll call the fucking cops.”

I laugh. “I’ve been servicing their cruisers for years, so good luck with that.”

“Fuck!” he barks as I disappear into the office.