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And further: “There were moments during our travels when we were reminded of the old Cold War days. At the airport in Perm, for example, a border officer in his early twenties detained us for three hours because we wouldn’t let him search our plane, leading our staffs to fire off telephone calls to the U.S. embassy and Russia’s foreign affairs ministry in Moscow. And yet most of what we heard and saw – the CK store and Maserati show-room in Red Square Mall, the motorcade of SUV’s that pulled up in from of a restaurant, driven by burly men with ill-fitting suits who once might have rushed to open the door for Kremlin officials but were now on the security detal of one of Russia’s billionaire oligarchs; the throngs of sullen teenagers in T-shirts and low-riding jeans, sharing cigarettes and the music on their iPods as they wandered Kiev’s graceful boulevards – underscored the seemingly irreversible prices of economic, if not political, integration between East and West.

While they were in Donetsk “ One of our team called me over and showed me a yellowing poster taped to the wall, It was a relic of the Afghan war, we re told: instructions on how to hide explosives in toys, to be left in villages and carried home by unsuspecting children.

A testament, I though to the madness of men.

A record of how empires destroy themselves” (p.314)

Ask international warriors that have been through Afghanistan: how would they comment on this passage

We can stay: This statement is a lie, aimed at common man in the USA and in other countries as well. Even such sort of operations by soviet military on Afghanistan territory could have taken place, then such poster could not have been printed (for obvious reasons of necessity to cover this fact from the eyes of public, including international community) or would have been classified as “top secret” and hidden in the archives now, and at a time it would have had to be checked in and out personally by those who had clearance to view it. Therefore it is not possible that a poster containing “top secret” information would be just hanging on the wall for public display, especially in USSR, because such event violates principle of personal responsibility for secret strategic information of the state.

If Obama really saw described poster in one of the facilities of independent Ukraine, then taken into account that it does not conform to USSR norms of handling secret information, all questions should be addressed to special services of post-soviet Ukraine.

Besides from above quotes it is clear Russia fascinates Obama with things that he considers serious issues in the life of the USA. Here is an obvious example of double standards of morality and ethics and imperial syndrome of the States, that allegedly have undisputable rights to teach other nations how to live, although themselves they ca

Talking about politicians on the U.S., that supported Obama – amongst them are some well known in Russia – Madlen Albright, Clintons – all of whom in some way in the past expressed their intentions towards Russia as an object of potential colonization.

And some of the speeches of Obama’s supporters on the prospective of American policy leaked into mass media:

Back in 19 October 2008 Senator J. Biden, vice presidential candidate, impressed public with his sensational revelations. While speaking amongst small circle of fund raisers for presidential campaign he said that in the first six months of presidency Obama will face serious trials that can be compared to those of JFK in 1961-1962. It will be strongest international crisis when Obama will have to make tough and possibly unpopular decisions, both in domestic and foreign policies.

In very vague ma

In Biden’s opinion Obama will have to clean up the mess in American economy, because current crisis is of a system nature, not only financial. Therefore Biden advised his audience to “gird their loins”.

When asked to comment on those speeches of Biden, Obama write it off on Senator’s rhetorical flourishes, saying not to take it too seriously. However there is something serious to think about. Even more so because Madlen Albright called Biden’s talks a “stating the fact”. This means that something might actually happen, although not necessarily by the will of the new president. Source: )

In other words there already exists a political scenario for Obama – both on domestic and external policies.

All of these are signs that project of “orthodox renaissance” with monarchial prospective, which Russian ‘elite’ supports, or in the absence of better pretends to support, is not accepted by the rulers of the biblical project and they will be working on suppressing it, and alongside on suppressing Russia as it’s bearer.

Barack Obama is a manifestation of alternative global project of “capitalistic socialism with human face”, controlled on global scale by the world’s “backstage mafia” and not “Politburo of Central Committee of Russian Orthodox Church”.

Consequently adepts of ‘elite’-‘patriotic’ ‘orthodox renaissance” will face many problems in communication with B. Obama and his team members.

As for the Russian people – each project means trouble, as well as a conflict between them.

Internal Predictor of the USSR

17-27 November 2008

[1] And what if the colleges reveal that something goes wrong? Will it have any impact? – It is our question to the quote.

[2] D.A.M. did not care about Obama, Moscowski Comsomolets newspaper, November 17 2008 ).

[3] «And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.» (Matthew, 12:25).

[4]Situation when lack of working capital disrupts continuity of operations

[5] Diplomas of Candidates and Doctors of science, issued by HAC and membership in RAS are recognized by the state as qualification and competence level of their owners





[10] In addition Russia still holds the Judas’ sin of XXth convention (see article of IP USSR “The Judas’ sin of XX convention”) and the oldest sin – its christening allegedly into orthodoxy realistically into Byzantine Lies.

[11] Judging by the quality of life in 17 years of its existence RF has not earned legitimacy for itself: it has not been able to meet 1986 indicators of production per individual, and its population keeps on shrinking, not even mentioning that honest work ca

[12] This abbreviation carries audio-similarity to some Argo expressions, which only shows the lack of respect among people, as well as his earlier nickname “BaNana” derived from his initials.






[18] «1 For the ungodly said, reasoning with themselves, but not aright, Our life is short and tedious, and in the death of a man there is no remedy: neither was there any man known to have returned from the grave. 2 For we are born at all adventure: and we shall be hereafter as though we had never been: for the breath in our nostrils is as smoke, and a little spark in the moving of our heart: 3 Which being extinguished, our body shall be turned into ashes, and our spirit shall vanish as the soft air, 4 And our name shall be forgotten in time, and no man shall have our works in remembrance, and our life shall pass away as the trace of a cloud, and shall be dispersed as a mist, that is driven away with the beams of the sun, and overcome with the heat thereof. 5 For our time is a very shadow that passeth away; and after our end there is no returning: for it is fast sealed, so that no man cometh again. 6 Come on therefore, let us enjoy the good things that are present: and let us speedily use the creatures like as in youth. 7 Let us fill ourselves with costly wine and ointments: and let no flower of the spring pass by us: 8 Let us crown ourselves with rosebuds, before they be withered: 9 Let none of us go without his part of our voluptuousness: let us leave tokens of our joyfulness in every place: for this is our portion, and our lot is this. 10 Let us oppress the poor righteous man, let us not spare the widow, nor reverence the ancient gray hairs of the aged. 11 Let our strength be the law of justice: for that which is feeble is found to be nothing worth.» (Wisdom of Solomon, chapter 2), but as mentioned earlier, the Book of Wisdom is not included in Canon nor in any standard American Bible

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