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[6] His policy of bringing the USA out of the “great depression” foiled the “Marxist” revolution in the USA, moreover Roosevelt's foreign policy together with Stalin’s buried the British colonial empire - main tool of implementation of the biblical globalization project in his bourgeois liberal version during the second half of the XVII - the end of XIX century.

[7] In order to block the implementation of this global political opportunity Franklin D. Roosevelt had to be eliminated (12 April 1945), Winston Churchill - had to say his "Fulton speech”, (March 5, 1946), Stalin - was also killed by the refusal of medical service (end of February - begi

[8] One of the public acknowledgments of this belongs to the former managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn. April 5, 2011, while speaking to students of the George Washington University in New York, he said: "The crisis has devastated the intellectual foundations of the global economic order of the last quarter century. We need a new form of globalization, a fairer form of globalization, a globalization with a more human face.”. It is for this public statement he was punished.

[8]During his pontificate, Pope Benedict XVI has also repeatedly and systematically expressed rejection of historically existing Euro-American capitalism, its double standards and the financial system created by it, which has become a tool of the globalization and the economic enslavement of mankind. Herewith, the Pope blamed the capitalism, sometimes cited Marx and Lenin, pointing to the need of humanization of global economic relations on the principles expressed by Christ. Many of his statements are such in nature, that did not fit into the biblical project of enslavement of mankind in on behalf of God through systematically organized usury, but instead denied it, although Benedict XVI did not offer an alternative project of globalization.

[9] The full control function (term of the Sufficiently General Control Theory, Russian acronym - DOTU) includes: 1) identification of problems, 2) setting aims with respect to problem resolution, 3) generation of a conception of achieving the set aims, 4) implementation of the conception into life, 5) ongoing control in coherence with the accepted conception and 6) improvement of the conception as required, 7) freeing up resources used for control process after the process is completed (i.e. the aims are achieved or the total control failure).

[10] Conceptual power controls the initial stages of the full control function.

[11] Terms of SGCT (Russian acronym - DOTU)

[12] Rationale of this view is managerially primitive: there are no global administrative structures and building them is impossible, since all separate states are against it: so how to control globalization?

[13] In post-soviet Russia it has been called "Washington ReCom" (Regional Committee), in Iran - "USA - the great

[13]Satan", etc.

[14] In Russia, at least from the middle of the XIX century, this was characterized by an expression “Englishwoman takes a dump”; also the “London CeCom” (Central Committee) of bourgeois liberalism, which rules the "Washington ReComm."

[15] In Russia this version of the globalization is called "Jewish-Masonic conspiracy."

[16] This silence of the mass media could mean, from the point of view the vast majority of journalists-political analysts, that either these organizations have very little power, or that they have power over many things, which should be kept away from the commoners’ attention.

[16]In our opinion, activities of these organizations are associated with long-term ("long-playing") processes of global-political character lasting several decades, which do not fall within the range of interests the vast majority of journalists and ordinary people living by momentary sensations.

[17] Alternativity to the biblical project may be twofold: either in the terms of cultural singularity, implementing crowd-"elitism", or in the terms of denial of the crowd-"elitism".

[18] See SGCT (Russian acronym - DOTU): processes in supersystems, interactions of mutually nested supersystems with a virtual structure.

[19] In the article: “London Congress of the RSDLP“ Stalin wrote: “No less interesting is the national composition of the congress. The figures showed that the majority of the Menshevik group were Jews (not counting the Bundists, of course), then came Georgians and then Russians. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of the Bolshevik group were Russians, then came Jews (not counting Poles and Letts, of course), then Georgians, etc. In this co

[20] See analytical note IP USSR “Japan and Russia: “copycats” or “predictor-corrector” in action?” of the series “Of the current moment” №6 (54), 2006

[21] “For China the only way to eliminate the “yellow threat” paradox is re-globalization. Current globalization is, in essence, spreading over the world of Western order, Western spirituality and the materialistic culture. But we need globalization of a different order, globalization of values, which would respect and express all existing cultures in the world, as well as approaches and models of development; fully reflect the diversity and richness of the civilizations.

[21]Historically, Western civilization's dream was triumph of the human values ??in their Western understanding, the chinese civilization - the “great unity” Datong. Nowadays, the world requires these chinese values, because only in them universal values were expressed to full extent.