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‘What did they take?’ she mouthed.

‘I don’t know,’ he said. ‘I don’t know what they took yet, but none of that matters. Only you matter.’

Again she mouthed the words. ‘Did they take the watch? It was all we had of him. Remember the message that boy gave you. Watch the numbers?

And suddenly he was back ninety years. To the quay on Ellis Island, waiting to board the Mauretania. The youth in the cap with the heavy brown-paper bag. And he remembered those words too now.

‘What do you think he meant, Aileen?’

But there was no reaction.


The elderly blue Mercedes limousine, with its darkened rear windows, wound down the potholed drive. Music was playing loudly. The ‘Ode To Joy’ chorus from the Philharmonic Orchestra. His boss’s choice. The boss liked cultural stuff like this. Choral, ethereal. Music that sounded like the gods were calling you. That kind of shit.

The grand Edwardian house sat below them, fronted by mature shrubbery, a rockery and a steep lawn. The drive went all the way around to the rear. At the bottom, in the wide space between two decrepit garages, was a whole cluster of vehicles. Two marked police cars, and what looked like two unmarked ones, and a white van with the Sussex Police crest and the words SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT UNIT emblazoned along the side. Blue and white crime scene tape sealed off the pathway to the house itself, in front of which stood a uniformed woman police officer with a clipboard.

The driver got out; a week short of his seventieth birthday, he was thin as a rake and stooped, with ragged silver hair poking out beneath his chauffeur’s cap that was two sizes too big.

‘Sorry about the bumps, boss,’ he wheezed as he opened the rear door.

Gavin Daly put down the SuDoku he was working on, stepped out, steadying himself with his black, rubber-tipped cane. Its silver head was a hawk with a piercing gaze. He ignored his minder’s proffered helping hand, and pulled himself upright.


Masking his fury as he walked up to the police officer, he spoke calmly but firmly. ‘My name is Gavin Daly,’ he said. ‘This is my sister’s house. Detective Superintendent Grace is expecting me.’ His voice was rich and polished, carrying just the faintest trace of his Irish antecedents. When he needed it, he had the true gift of the gab. He could sell snow to Eskimos, sand to Bedouins and bathing suits to fish. He had made his first fortune in clocked old cars, and his second, much greater one, in high-end antiques, specializing in watches and clocks.

She looked down at her clipboard, then spoke into her radio.

A few moments later a tall black man in a white protective oversuit and overshoes approached him. ‘Mr Daly, I’m Detective Inspector Branson, the Deputy Senior Investigating Officer on this case. Thank you for coming – and I’m sorry about the circumstances.’

‘Not as sorry as I am,’ Daly said, with a wry smile.

‘Of course, sir. I understand.’

‘You do? Tell me what you understand? You know what it feels like, do you, to see your ninety-eight-year-old sister in Intensive Care, and to be told of the vile things that have been done to her?’

‘We’re going to do everything in our power to catch the despicable people who did this, sir.’

Daly stared back at him, but said nothing. He was going to have his son do everything in his power to find them too. And if his violent son got there first, as he intended, the police weren’t going to find them. Ever.

A stocky man, fully suited and hooded, appeared holding a protective suit and boots. ‘I’m David Green, the Crime Scene Manager, sir. I’d appreciate it if you would put these on.’


‘I have.’

‘How is she doing?’

‘Not good,’ Daly replied, curtly. ‘What would you expect? That she’s standing on her bed performing a jig?’

Branson was grateful that Roy Grace was here at the scene. This man was not going to be easy to deal with – as he had already been forewarned. David Green handed Daly a pair of gloves, then the three walked around to the front of the house. As they entered the porch, and walked onto SOCO metal stepping plates through the doorway into the hall, Daly saw two Scenes of Crime Officers, a male and a female, both in white over-suits, the woman on her knees making tapings, the man taking photographs.

He looked around at the dark rectangles on the walls. He’d last been here a fortnight ago. Then it had been filled with paintings and beautiful objects. Now it looked like removals men had cleared the place.

‘Your sister lived here all on her own, Mr Daly?’

‘She has a part-time housekeeper – but the woman’s away on holiday. And a gardener who comes once a week.’

‘Would you consider both of them trustworthy?’

‘The housekeeper’s about seventy-five – she’s been with my sister for over thirty years – and the gardener for at least ten years. No question.’

‘We’ll need to talk to them, to eliminate them from our enquiries – if you can let me have their contact details, please.’

Daly nodded.

‘Something that’s very important is if you could indicate as much as you can of what’s been taken. I understand you know this house well, sir?’ Gle

‘I guided my sister on just about everything she bought,’ Daly said. ‘She and her late husband. I don’t see anything important remaining in this hall. Whoever’s done this knew what they were doing. I can list everything that was in here. There should be a photograph album somewhere of all the most valuable items.’

‘That could be very helpful.’

Daly was silent for some moments. Then he said, ‘Helpful to whom?’

‘This enquiry, sir.’

Daly looked at him sceptically. ‘You really think so?’

‘It would help us if you could identify, as much as possible, everything that’s been taken.’

‘From what I’ve seen just in this room, it might be easier to identify what’s been left behind.’

Branson looked at him uneasily. ‘It does seem like the perpetrators are professionals.’

Daly did not reply. He walked through into the drawing room. Above the mantelpiece used to be one of his sister’s most valuable pictures, a Landseer landscape, worth a good half a million pounds. He had long tried to convince her to move it to another location for fear of heat damage from the fire. Now, fire damage was the least of her problems, he thought, staring at the dark rectangle. On the wall opposite had hung a gilded, hand-made, eighteen-wheel Whitehurst clock, made in 1791. It had exposed workings, which showed the time anywhere on the globe. Its auction value, today, would be over three hundred thousand pounds.

He looked around at other dark rectangles on the walls. At empty spaces in the display cabinets, and on the walnut bureau. Everything of high value was gone. Almost everything. But there was one thing he was more anxious about than anything else. He went through into his sister’s office and stared at the wall. As he suspected, the safe door was open. He peered in, but the door to the second, secret chamber at the back was open, also.