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there, basking in the heat of having been wanted so very much, but Dane wasn’t done with him yet.

He kissed Lindsay on the mouth, fiercely, as he pulled out. Then he did as he had done before, sliding

down Lindsay’s body to suck Lindsay’s cock into his mouth, pushing his fingers into Lindsay as he went.

There were no fangs in the way this time, either. His mouth was hot and hungry, his tongue exploring

Lindsay’s cock again.

“Dane?” Lindsay gasped. He scrambled to pull his magic back in, but there was none. There wasn’t

any illusion to strip away Dane’s self-control this time.

Dane pi

couldn’t get enough, sucking Lindsay off and fucking him with three fingers. Lindsay cried out, rocking

between Dane’s mouth and his fingers, his noises coming faster and more desperate with every passing

moment. He couldn’t hold on. Finally, his cries sharpened as he came, and Dane still didn’t stop. Dane took everything Lindsay had to give, swallowing him down and purring around his cock.

When Lindsay could think again, he wound his fingers in Dane’s hair and tugged lightly as he

whispered Dane’s name. Please let it be real, let it not be an accident with my magic again.

Dane lifted his head and let Lindsay’s cock slip out of his mouth. He pressed a kiss to Lindsay’s belly,

then met his gaze. Dane looked normal, but Lindsay wouldn’t have realized last time either, if he hadn’t

noticed that Dane wasn’t acting normally. He bit his lip. “Are you… I didn’t… It’s you, right? I didn’t mess up again?”

Dane slid his fingers out and crawled up over Lindsay’s body to kiss him on the mouth. “Me,” he

murmured, between tender, reassuring little kisses. “All me. Wanted to finish what I started earlier, because I could.”

Lindsay relaxed, wrapping himself around Dane as best he could and kissing him back sweetly.

“Good,” he whispered. “God, Dane, I don’t ever want to… I want it to be you.”

“I know.” Dane curled up with him and held him close, giving him the kisses he needed. “It was a

mistake, and I’m not hurt. You’ll learn.”

“I learn fast,” Lindsay promised. He was so glad Dane wasn’t angry at him. Dane had every right to

be, Lindsay knew, and he pla

“I like that about you, remember?” Dane pushed Lindsay’s hair away from his face and gave him a

sharp, feral smile.

Lindsay smiled back, relieved and happy. Pleasing Dane—with anything—was such a good feeling.

“You ready to go to sleep yet?” Dane grabbed some of the blankets and shook them out to cover

Lindsay up.

“As long as you’re staying,” Lindsay murmured, rolling to curl up beside Dane.



Anah Crow and Dia

“I’m not leaving you yet,” Dane said quietly, tucking Lindsay in against him. He kissed Lindsay’s

hair and cradled Lindsay in his arms.

Not yet. Lindsay hated the way Dane said that, but he knew it was true. Once they were back at

Cyrus’s house, he’d have to get used to sleeping alone again. Being alone again. For now, though, he had

this, and he wanted to enjoy it for as long as it lasted.

Dane watched Lindsay sleep. The light of the moon was more than enough for him to see by; it

limned Lindsay’s delicate features with a thin line of silver. Lindsay would hardly recognize himself the way Dane saw him now. The moon’s pen traced the lines of Lindsay’s face that were growing stronger by

the day, bringing out the picture of the grown man he would be when his body recovered from years of

neglect and abuse.

The moon crept higher and Dane still wasn’t tired. Lindsay was a bit restless and Dane didn’t blame

him. It had been that kind of day. At least Lindsay smiled when he wriggled closer, no more frowning and

scowling. Dane kissed his temple and huffed softly in his hair. So sweet. The wind rattled around the

window and Lindsay murmured.

“It’s nothing,” Dane said to him in a low voice. Lindsay didn’t wake. Even sleeping, he believed Dane

and settled again.

Dane wanted it to be nothing. He closed his eyes and forced the world away. Lindsay’s breath

skimmed his chest like a little hand petting him to sleep.

The wind whined in the chimney and Dane heard delicate feathers of ash scattering across the

hearthstones. Damn it. He kissed Lindsay and then worked away slowly, tucking his pillow where he’d been and letting Lindsay snuggle it instead.

Sleeping, Lindsay pouted. Sad little bu

flue. “I will be right there,” he hissed through his teeth. He finished tucking Lindsay in securely and finally made his reluctant escape. The cold wasn’t going to bother him, but Cyrus would have something to say if

he were to hang around naked, so he pulled on his robe.

The windows were surprisingly well sealed, for all that the wind had been tugging at them. At the

north-facing window, Dane flicked the brass catches back and felt the weights in the frame dropping as the

pane rose slowly. When it was open enough for him to slither through, he slipped out to perch on the wide

ledge and pulled the pane back down until his fingers were nearly caught against the sill.

“I’m here,” he said grumpily, as though Cyrus didn’t know. He set his back to one side of the deep

well in which the window was set and his feet against the other, leaning against the glass while the wind

pulled at his hair and robe. It was snowing, but the flakes fell against something that was nothing Dane

could see, and none reached him.

“You weren’t sleeping,” said Cyrus. “So don’t be such a bear.”




Dane sneezed as his own hair tickled his nose. Cyrus was feeling playful. “Am I to have no privacy,


“As much as you need.” The wind feathered through his hair. “You never needed much.”

“Things change,” Dane said.

“Not so much. I speak. You ignore most of it.”

“Only the parts that don’t matter.” Dane looked out past the place where the snow stopped. From

here, a layer of snow blanketed the garden that had been, when Dane had been on the ground, green and

new. There was no knowing anything for certain in Ezqel’s house, nor about Ezqel.

“I think you keeping your hands off the boy matters.” Even from thousands of miles away, Cyrus

could sound snippy.

“It mattered more to him that I touch him,” Dane pointed out. “And to me.”

“And you see no danger in that?” The wind snapped at Dane’s cheek with an icy finger. “In either of

those things?”

“It wouldn’t stop me if I did.” Dane shook his head. “I never cared much for the rules, Cyrus, and

you’ll have to live with me having my own opinion again. It’s not going to kill you.”

There was a long pause that made Dane’s chest hollow with dread as he wondered what truth he’d hit

upon. Then again, maybe Cyrus was sulking, or talking to someone else. He was just starting to feel ill and cold when Cyrus sighed.

“You are well, then?” Cyrus sounded subdued, or maybe resigned.

“I think so. Better, at the least.” He’d been a little better before Ezqel healed him, he knew that much.

He’d already felt more whole. Lindsay had as much magic in his little frowns and rare smiles as most

enchantments, all but the strongest of them.

“It is good to know.”

“You weren’t listening to find out if I did it or not?” Dane asked dryly.