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Anah Crow and Dia

Lindsay gri

crawling up over Dane and leaning in for another kiss.

“Prove it?” Dane laughed at him, a real smile and a real laugh. It did work. Lindsay felt a surge of

triumph and joy. “How did you want me to do that?”

Lindsay rubbed his cheek against Dane’s and sat up again. “I’ve been waiting all day for you to come

back, so I could convince you to fuck me.”

“Convince?” Dane gri

in a mirror lately?” He slid his fingers into Lindsay’s hair, tugging gently. It didn’t hurt, at least not in the way that would make Lindsay want to ask Dane to stop. “So, how were you pla


“You seem to like it when I tell you what I want.”

“You think I’m that easy?” Now Dane was teasing. His voice was smoother than before, but the tones

hadn’t changed.

“I think you are when you want to be,” Lindsay said honestly. He leaned forward, against the pull of

Dane’s hand, and flicked his tongue over Dane’s lips. “But maybe I could kiss you some, if telling you

what I want doesn’t work, because that works sometimes too.”

Dane leaned up for a kiss, his mouth soft on Lindsay’s. “You learn fast,” he murmured after. His other

hand slid up Lindsay’s back, fingers tracing the curve of Lindsay’s spine.

Lindsay arched into the petting, humming with how good it felt. “You teach well.”

Dane kissed him again, more demanding this time, his tongue pushing into Lindsay’s mouth. He

pulled Lindsay against him and Lindsay moaned softly. He licked at Dane’s tongue, sucked at it. He’d used

his words, had told Dane that he wanted him, but now it was time to show him.

The sounds Dane made, low groans of pure want, were almost as affecting as his touches. Dane’s

hand was huge on Lindsay’s back, splayed wide to hold him close. He cupped Lindsay’s ass with the other

hand, stroking between his thighs. Lindsay arched, spreading his legs as far as he could manage, and slid

his own hands over Dane’s chest, exploring the new territory. The fur was gone, but Dane was still broad

and strong. Lindsay could feel the muscles shifting beneath Dane’s skin.

A moment later, Dane was tapping Lindsay on the shoulder with the plain salve that had been tucked

under the pillows. “Trust me,” he murmured. “I’m not tired. Haven’t been this not-tired in years.”

Lindsay sat up a bit, flushed and wide-eyed, and whispered, “Show me.” He took the salve from Dane

and opened it up. “I want you to fuck me. Please.”

“I will.” Dane’s hands found Lindsay’s ass as he leaned up to bite the side of Lindsay’s throat—his

teeth were suddenly sharp. “I could do it all night,” he growled, sounding terribly feral.

Lindsay shivered hard and pressed into it, all of it. “Please,” he whispered again. He wanted exactly

what Dane was offering.




“Use that, and you can have anything you want,” Dane promised. He licked where he had bitten,

purring contentedly.

Lindsay made himself sit up, pulling away from those oh-so-intense licks and bites so he could dip his

fingers into the little pot. He braced his other hand against Dane’s chest for balance and support as he

pushed Dane’s fingers away and slid his own slick finger into himself. One, and then another, he fucked

himself with them, and he couldn’t keep from moaning.

Dane’s eyes were dark and hot on him. “That’s so good.” He curled a hand around Lindsay’s cock,

stroking enough for some friction. “Pretty,” he murmured, as if to himself as much as Lindsay.

“Please,” Lindsay answered, gasping with the sensations. For all that Dane looked different, it was

definitely him—no one else called Lindsay pretty.

“Whenever you want it,” Dane promised. “You look so good, I could eat you.” He said it like he

meant it, like he’d barely been resisting all this time, and for a moment Lindsay could believe it would be good.

Lindsay pulled his fingers out. “Now.”

“C’mere, then.” Dane cupped Lindsay’s hip in one hand and guided him down. “Let me feel you.”

Lindsay went slowly, letting his body adjust. The palm of Dane’s hand was warm and smooth against

Lindsay’s cock. The pleasure of those touches sated Lindsay enough that he could be a bit patient until his body took Dane in all the way. The calm didn’t last long, though, when Lindsay moved. Shivers rolled

through his body and he gasped, writhing and moving faster. He was suddenly so close, he could feel the

pleasure boiling up inside him.

“Yeah, like that,” Dane purred. “Let it go. I’m not going to stop.”

Lindsay moved faster, fucking himself on Dane’s cock without restraint. Dane hissed his approval,

hips moving under Lindsay to fuck him harder as Lindsay came, slicking the hand stroking his cock and

spilling over the back of it onto Dane’s belly.

“Like that,” Dane murmured. He seemed to love it when there wasn’t any pretense or clinging to self-


Lindsay kept moving, wanting it to last. Every thrust made him shiver all over again, and he moaned.

He wanted to make Dane feel it too, wanted it so much. This wasn’t worth anything if he couldn’t make

Dane feel as good as he did. “Please,” he whispered, as something opened up inside him.

Dane rocked under Lindsay for a long while, then wrapped his arms around Lindsay, tumbling them

over, sliding his belly against Lindsay’s and making both of them sticky. He kissed Lindsay recklessly,

moaning, still moving hard. When he pulled back, he was totally human again, beautiful in a way that

didn’t seem to exist anymore except in paintings. His eyes were black with pleasure, his full lips swollen

from kissing Lindsay, his cheeks like roses under the gold.



Anah Crow and Dia

Lindsay tangled his fingers in Dane’s hair and pulled him in for another wet, messy, hungry kiss. All

Dane’s reserve was gone. He gasped against Lindsay’s mouth, whined his name, kissed him hard and hot,

fucking him relentlessly. Without warning, he pulled out and slid down, pushing his fingers in instead.

Shivering and moaning, he licked and bit his way down Lindsay’s chest until he was lapping up the streaks

of Lindsay’s come.

“Oh, God,” Lindsay gasped, trying and failing to catch his breath. “Dane…” He writhed, moving as

much as he could to keep fucking himself on Dane’s fingers. Dane’s mouth felt so good, so intense, and it

felt so good to know, to be able to feel how much Dane wanted him.

Lifting his head a moment, Dane grabbed the salve and got his fingers slick again before pushing

three back into Lindsay. They were long and thick, filling Lindsay up. His mouth came down on Lindsay’s

cock, sucking it in, tongue sliding out to lick at Lindsay’s balls as well. Dane moaned around Lindsay’s

cock, sucking hungrily, shivering.

Lindsay cried out, his hips bucking to push his cock deeper into Dane’s mouth. He tried to settle down

almost immediately, petting apologetically even as he kept writhing, but Dane just moaned and sucked

Lindsay in again. Every move Lindsay made got more noises from him.

“Dane, Dane, oh, fuck…” Lindsay gasped, his hands clenching in Dane’s hair before he could stop

himself. He rocked between Dane’s fingers and his mouth, his back arching like he’d been shot through