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Lindsay wondered if any of Dane’s appearance would change tomorrow. It wouldn’t matter, though.

Lindsay had grown far more attached to who Dane was than to how he looked.

Dane pulled something out of his bag before he came back to bed, sliding in next to Lindsay. His

warm body pressed up against Lindsay’s side as he leaned in to kiss Lindsay on the mouth. “Sleepy?”

Lindsay snuggled closer, shaking his head. “Not yet,” he murmured. It was hard to truly be sleepy

when he was so nervous about what was going to happen to him tomorrow.

“You need to sleep.” Dane’s hand slid down Lindsay’s body to cup between his thighs. He kissed

Lindsay again, hungry and shameless about what he wanted, in spite of his words.

Lindsay moaned and arched up into the touch. He spread his legs and wound his fingers in Dane’s

hair. “Definitely not interested in going to sleep right now,” he muttered breathlessly. “Especially not if you’re touching me like that.” He arched and licked at Dane’s lips. “Please don’t stop touching me like


“Don’t want to,” Dane confessed. His hand kept moving, stroking slowly, while he kissed Lindsay. “I

want you.”



Anah Crow and Dia

“You can have me,” Lindsay promised, whispering between kisses. “Tell me what you want me to do.

Anything.” As long as Dane didn’t stop touching him, Lindsay would give him whatever he wanted.

Dane didn’t ask for anything. He just slid his body over Lindsay’s, slipping between his thighs and

leaning over him to keep kissing him. He’d been careful before, but now he was even more tender, going so

slowly, as though he was trying to enjoy every moment.

Dane kissed behind Lindsay’s ear. “Soon, you’re not going to need me anymore,” he murmured. He

didn’t sound sorry about it, he sounded proud.

The pride in Dane’s tone warmed Lindsay, but he knew Dane was wrong. “Some kinds of need don’t

go away just because what’s broken gets fixed.”

That made Dane purr and bite at Lindsay’s neck. He wrapped his arms around Lindsay and shifted to

slide the head of his cock between Lindsay’s ass cheeks. He didn’t say anything else, just let their bodies move together.

Lindsay moaned softly, moving to keep Dane’s cock sliding against him. His moans got sharper as the

friction built up, making his dick leak precome onto his belly, and he turned his head to catch Dane’s

mouth again, kissing him wantonly.

Dane shifted and, a moment later, he pushed a hand between them to slide a slick finger into Lindsay.

His kisses were as needy as Lindsay’s; his usual reserve seemed to have disappeared.

“Please,” Lindsay whispered, writhing under Dane. Taking his cue from the way Dane kissed him, he

nipped at Dane’s lower lip and licked into his mouth, making pleading sounds.

Dane didn’t make him wait too long. He got Lindsay slick, then himself, before sliding his cock into

place. His hair was falling around him in rough waves, his expression was intense, but then a smile tugged

at the corners of his mouth. Lindsay smiled back, tentatively, and leaned up to press a quick kiss to Dane’s lips.

“Good.” Dane kissed Lindsay back into the pillows and moved faster. He pushed himself up, arms

straight, looking at Lindsay hungrily while they fucked. Being stared at like that was like being washed in pure heat.

Lindsay tried to muffle his moans, biting his lip and turning his face into the curve of his arm.

Everything felt too amazingly good, and his moans kept coming louder and louder. His cheeks were on fire

with embarrassment, but he still couldn’t stop.

“They can’t hear you,” Dane whispered. Maybe he was telling the truth. Lindsay didn’t think about it.

He accepted Dane’s reassurance and stopped trying to hold back or muffle himself. “Their loss. You sound

so good.” Dane inhaled slowly, breathing in Lindsay’s pleasure.

Lindsay’s next moan came clearer, louder than the others.

“Like that. Feel it.” Dane’s voice was rough. He moved harder and faster, rolling his hips to let

Lindsay feel all of him.




Lindsay shivered harder, overwhelmed with pleasure. His moans turned into cries that all sounded

like Dane’s name.

Dane whispered praises and compliments, how beautiful Lindsay was, how much he wanted Lindsay,

how good it was to be with him—things he’d never said before. Lindsay soaked it all up, the words filling

him up with pleasure just as the physical sensations did. He could never have imagined that someone would

have so many words for him, for how wonderful he was, but Dane kept talking, all for him. The rush of

emotion added more depth and need to his cries as he writhed under Dane, trying to pull him deeper, trying

to feel everything.

Dane didn’t stop speaking, not even when he came. His voice got raw, but his words were still sweet

and soothing. It seemed like he would never run out of tender things to say, like he had saved them all up

for now.

Finally Dane stopped moving and gently disentangled their limbs. He didn’t pull out, though. He kept

their bodies close and snuggled Lindsay against him, burrowing in Lindsay’s hair with a soft sigh of

contentment. Dane kissed his forehead and stroked his hair. “Think you can sleep now?” His expression

was as affectionate as his features could manage.

“If I say no, does that mean you’re going to fuck me again?” Lindsay asked, letting a hint of a grin tug

the corners of his lips.

“If I say yes, does that mean you’re going to make yourself stay awake?”

Lindsay laughed and wriggled under Dane. “Maybe. Would you blame me?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never been in bed with me.” Dane tumbled them over in bed so that Lindsay was

on top of him. “You need your rest, though. Tomorrow, things change.”

Lindsay braced himself on his hands so he could see Dane, his smile fading. “I know.” He didn’t

know what to think about what Ezqel would do to him. He wanted his magic, wanted to stop being so damn

helpless, but his last encounter with Ezqel’s magic hadn’t left him wanting another taste of it.

“Don’t be afraid.” Dane reached up to cup Lindsay’s cheek with one hand. “I’d go first, but I have to

see you better before I let the old man waste his magic on me.”

Nodding, Lindsay rubbed his cheek against Dane’s palm. The contact was soothing, as Dane’s

touches so often were.

“Sleep,” Dane said. “We’ll both still be here tomorrow night.”

Lindsay gave in and curled himself against Dane’s chest, closing his eyes. He listened to Dane’s heart

beating like a metronome and let the regularity soothe him into sleep.



Chapter Eleven

It felt as though they’d hardly slept at all when a knock at the door woke them both with a start.

“What?” Dane snapped.

“Ezqel is ready for you,” Izia said as she opened the door and peeked in. “You shouldn’t eat before

you come. He’s expecting you both.” Slowly, she stepped into the room. In her arms, she carried a pair of

black robes. “Wear these and nothing else. He expects you to wash before you come.”

Lindsay looked at the robes, then at Izia. “Nothing else?”

“Nothing else.” Izia laid the robes over the chair by the fire. “You weren’t dressed when you were

born, were you?” She gave Lindsay a smile.

“All right.” Lindsay wasn’t happy about it, but he’d do whatever Ezqel needed so he could have his

magic back.

“Don’t leave him waiting. He’s been looking forward to this since Cyrus contacted him.” As she let