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Dane pushed Lindsay’s legs apart with one of his and Lindsay heard the familiar sound of a lid

coming off a jar of some kind of salve. He was mustering up enough thought to wonder what it was when

Dane bit him gently again, under his jaw where it was soft and vulnerable, and then Dane’s slick fingers

were stroking behind his balls.

Lindsay’s hands found Dane’s shoulders and the back of his neck. “God, Dane,” he managed, when

Dane’s fingers slid over his hole. “I want…”

“Soon.” Dane slowly pressed a finger into Lindsay as he trailed kisses over Lindsay’s chest and rolled

to kneel between Lindsay’s thighs.

Lindsay breathed through the strangeness of it. Dane touched that place inside him that made him

want to writhe. “Dane,” he gasped. “Oh God, Dane.” There wasn’t any room for worry, here, only pleasure and need and the heat building up in Lindsay’s belly, already threatening to spill out.

Dane purred and didn’t stop, pushing Lindsay further and further into a place where there was no

room for thought. His fingers filled Lindsay up more, stroking inside him exactly where he needed to feel


“Please. Dane, fuck me. I want.”




Dane was there, kissing Lindsay gently on the mouth and stroking his hair, soothing him. When Dane

pulled his fingers out, there was an almost unbearable moment of nothing and then the heat of Dane’s slick cock sliding into him.

“Patience,” Dane said, his voice thick with need. He was moving so slowly, letting Lindsay take him


Oh. “Oh, fuck,” Lindsay breathed. Dane’s fingers had been nothing compared to this. Lindsay could

feel his body opening up for Dane, and it felt amazing. He wanted more, faster, now, but Dane’s kisses kept him from begging with anything more than soft whimpers.

“Good,” Dane murmured, as Lindsay gave in to being patient. Finally, he was deep inside Lindsay,

his heavy body pressing Lindsay into the soft bed and protecting him from the world at once. “Better


“Yes.” But Lindsay wanted more, so much more. “No. I want. Move.” He showed Dane what he

wanted, tilting his hips and tightening his body around Dane’s cock. The sensations surprised him—how

much more full and tight it made him feel—and he gasped out a soft moan.

Dane made a noise that was halfway between a laugh and a purr. “Yes,” he said, nudging his nose

against Lindsay’s. He pulled back slowly and slid in again, letting Lindsay feel all of him this time. He set a lazy pace that was almost too slow except for the way he pushed in so deep at the end of each thrust,

making Lindsay moan every time.

Dane seemed indifferent to his own pleasure. When Lindsay managed to focus, Dane was watching

him, fixated, and smiling. It was such a rare expression for him, and so gentle. “Better now?” he teased, softening it with a kiss.

“I want…” Lindsay swallowed another moan when Dane moved again. “Want it to be good for you.”

“It is.” Dane kissed him again, hot and slow this time, pressing their bodies close. “Perfect.” His voice

was so raw and human right now. “I forgot how good it could be like this.”

Dane wanting this—wanting him—was more important than anything else. “So good,” Lindsay

agreed, losing himself in the pleasure again as Dane moved with more urgency, fucking him harder instead

of simply moving to let him feel the sensations of it all. Lindsay shuddered and arched into Dane’s thrusts, crying out as heat flashed through him and come spattered Dane’s hand and his own belly.

“I like that,” Dane purred. “It’s so good. I could eat you up.” He groaned as he fucked Lindsay hard,

shudders ru

It was everything and nothing like Lindsay had thought it would be. The way Dane felt, pushing into

him fast and hard, the way he sounded, the way he looked—Lindsay’s imagination couldn’t have come up

with something so perfectly beautiful and fascinating. Something so addictive. Lindsay wanted to feel like

this—wanted to be the one to make Dane feel like this—again and again.



Anah Crow and Dia

Dane kissed Lindsay like he really was trying to eat him up, hard and hungry. His rhythm faltered at

last and he came with one rush after another.

As Dane relaxed, Lindsay threaded his fingers into Dane’s hair and pulled him in for more kisses.

Dane rubbed his cheek against Lindsay’s and hummed softly, relaxed and contented. Lying down, he drew

Lindsay into his arms and curled around him. He settled Lindsay’s head on his shoulder and kissed

Lindsay’s temple and cheek and mouth, purring.

Lindsay snuggled up in the warmth of Dane’s body and closed his eyes. The world hadn’t seemed this

right and full of hope since he’d walked into that room at Ezqel’s house and found Dane sleeping in the

bed, alive. Lindsay hadn’t felt this good and right ever.

“Sleep now,” Dane rumbled. “Tomorrow, rest.” He kissed Lindsay’s hair and huffed softly. “You

need more than all this mess.”

He tugged the covers up and tucked them both in, warm and safe. It was better than any dream, so

good that Lindsay clung to being awake as long as he possibly could. As he drifted off, he could feel that

Dane was still awake, watching him fall asleep.



Chapter Ten

The next day, after Lindsay had finally woken, Dane insisted they were still on vacation. Lindsay was

pretty sure that Cyrus didn’t think anything of the sort and that Dane was going to get in even more trouble, but Dane didn’t seem in the mood to hear it. He led Lindsay out to the pool and covered him from head to

toe in sunscreen, muttering direly about how pale Lindsay was and how likely he was to burn, and then

sprawled out on a two-person lounge chair and promptly fell asleep in the sun.

Lindsay felt a ridiculous surge of affection for him right then. Dane had probably hardly slept all

night, watching over him. In the light of day, Dane could get some sleep, knowing Lindsay was well.

Eventually, Lindsay made his way into the pool. The water felt warm to his cool skin, though not as

warm as the bath the night before. Some of the pool’s other occupants were splashing around in one corner,

laughing and having fun. Others were swimming in lanes on the far side, showing off their bodies and

athleticism. Lindsay watched both for a while, then rolled onto his back and floated, basking in the warmth.

He was relaxed, for once. Content. There were marks on his skin from Dane’s hands and mouth, and

the swimming trunks he’d bought from the hotel gift shop did little to hide any of them. At least Izia’s salve had made the wounds from the guul fade. Lindsay hadn’t used it on the marks from Dane. Up in their room,

Lindsay had stood in front of the mirror, behind the closed bathroom door, and just stared at himself for a long time. In the pool, he floated with his arms outstretched, careless of what anyone thought of his body or his scars or the marks of his sex with Dane.

He liked the way he looked, like this, and he knew Dane liked it too. He remembered what Kristan

had said, that Dane had rolled over and gone to sleep after having sex with her. That wasn’t what Dane had

done last night. It was that, even more than the sex itself, that Lindsay would keep replaying in his mind.

Rolling himself upright, he climbed out of the pool and padded over to Dane’s lounge chair. He

toweled off, crawled up beside Dane and, after a moment’s hesitation, snuggled up close. Dane wouldn’t