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and that seemed to be where people were headed. Into those alleys, to the illicit places Dane had mentioned before.

“We pick one, we go in, we grab a drink, we mingle, then out the back. Wander the alleys a while,

and back into another. I won’t lose you if you don’t want me to, so don’t worry. Have fun. You have to

seem natural.” As Dane spoke, he led Lindsay toward a narrow pink door set into a grungy, pale green


Lindsay nodded. He could do this. He had to go in and have a good time. Inside, the club was hot,

packed with people from one end of the room to the other. Lindsay tucked himself closer to Dane and tried

not to seem nervous.

“It’s like throwing an illusion.” Dane’s voice was warm and reassuring in his ear. “Without the magic

behind it. Make people believe that you’re a happy party boy. Put yourself out there. None of these people

know who you are or were, and you’ll never see them again. So go on.”

Lindsay took a deep breath and nodded again before plunging into the crowd. There was a dance

floor, or something like it, where people were grinding against each other. He made his way over and found

himself dancing with one man, and another, and another. None of them spoke English, and Lindsay didn’t

speak any Spanish, but that didn’t matter. No one was here for the conversation. Eventually, though,

Lindsay looked around for Dane. The big man should have been hard to miss, even in such a crowd.




As if summoned by Lindsay’s thoughts, Dane was suddenly behind him, murmuring in his ear. “Time

to keep hunting.”

Lindsay let Dane lead him out the back of the club. They wandered through the dark alleys until Dane

pointed toward an open door where light and music were pouring out into the alley. “Let’s go through


“All right.” Lindsay slipped in ahead, weaving through the crowd. Dane moved past him like they

didn’t even know each other, and Lindsay saw him disappear into a shadowed corner. He would probably

lurk there like he was lying in wait until he caught a scent or decided it was time for them to leave.

Lindsay’s pale hair and skin and slender body brought him a great deal of attention, even from women

and from men who had been dancing with women. He danced, like he had in the last place, twirling from

one person to the next. It was flattering, being so sought-after, but sometimes it was hard to keep his smile plastered to his face.

Hands skimmed his chest and hips, his ass and groin. Some did more than just skim. One of the men

he danced with insisted on holding his ass with both hands, tight, kneading as he ground against Lindsay’s

body. The last man wasn’t much different. He put Lindsay’s back to his chest and ground against his ass,

instead. He dragged his tongue from Lindsay’s shoulder to his ear, leaving a trail of warm saliva behind.

When that one let Lindsay go, Lindsay shook off the other offers and headed for Dane. He’d had

enough. Too much.

Lindsay found Dane in a booth in the darkest corner of the bar. Dane’s back was to the wall. He was

holed up there, staring out into the open bar like an animal in its den. Lindsay didn’t hesitate to go to him, crawling along the bench to curl up at Dane’s side.

Dane wrapped an arm around him, laughing quietly. “Maybe you’re too pretty for this town.” No one

bothered pursuing Lindsay once he was safely tucked up against Dane. “Ready to move on?”

Lindsay shook his head. “No more,” he murmured, pressing his face against Dane’s chest and taking a

deep breath to calm himself. Dancing had been fun, but he didn’t like being a piece of meat to be passed

around, groped and fondled at will.

“Okay.” Dane stroked Lindsay’s hair with one hand and picked up his drink with the other. “You

want some?” He offered the glass to Lindsay.

It smelled strong, like scotch or rye. Lindsay held the glass in both hands and sipped. It burned going

down and he coughed, but took another sip anyway.

“It’ll settle you some,” he said, loud enough for Lindsay to hear. Obediently, Lindsay had some more.

The petting felt so good, soothing. He leaned into it, and into the solid warmth of Dane’s body. Dane got

him to drink most of what seemed like an unusually full glass of liquor. “Better?”

Lindsay curled up against Dane’s chest, nodding. “Better. Thank you.” He was buzzed and his anxiety

had eased, as Dane had promised.



Anah Crow and Dia

Dane ran his hands over Lindsay’s back and over his hips. “That’s good. Need to teach you how to

throw those wicked little elbows. Keep the men off you.”

“I thought you wanted them on me,” Lindsay murmured, rubbing his cheek against Dane’s shirt.

“Wanted you to have fun. Careless young mages having fun are what this thing wants.” Dane nudged

Lindsay’s temple with his nose. “Thought you liked men, anyway.”

“I do.” Lindsay tipped his head back. “I don’t like being grabbed like that. It was…I don’t know. Too


“Now you know. Done partying for the night for sure?”

“I’ll go back out there if you want me to.” For a moment, he was afraid Dane would make him go.

“Tell me what you want.”

Lindsay butted his head against Dane’s chin. “I don’t want them touching me anymore.” He wanted to

stay here, with Dane, where he felt safe.

“Fair enough. Anything else?” Dane’s hands were warm on his back and hips and over his thighs.

“I want you to touch me,” Lindsay muttered, shifting under Dane’s hands. He liked it when Dane

touched him. He wanted Dane.

But a thin line of cold cut through all Lindsay’s warmth and pleasure. Dane’s gentle smile suddenly

felt condescending and so did his question. Dane could tell that Lindsay wanted him, so why was he

asking? Why would Dane ask unless he couldn’t be bothered to want anything for himself?

Suddenly Lindsay was afraid that he’d been wrong, that Dane didn’t want him but was keeping him

happy so he’d be good for Cyrus. Lindsay couldn’t say what had changed except now he could see how he

could be used because of everything he felt. It was so easy to see that his emotions and his pleasure were

strings being pulled, and Dane was asking him to participate in his own manipulation.

Betrayal. Even his own body was being used against him, all over again. It was horrible, and it made

so much sense, that Dane would be the one to keep him in line. It wasn’t like Dane seemed to give a damn

who he fucked.

“Actually, you don’t have to do anything,” Lindsay muttered. He wasn’t going to play this game.

“You don’t have to fucking indulge me. I’m not going to fall apart.” He pushed away and out of Dane’s lap, out of the booth.

Lindsay had to get away so he could think. Being near Dane made him stupid with emotions and

hormones that were clouding his judgment. He tugged his fingers through his hair, like he could wipe away

Dane’s touches, and headed out the back of the bar. He didn’t know where he was going, maybe back to

where the cab had left them. Maybe he’d be able to get to the hotel from there. He didn’t need Dane, not for that. He didn’t need anyone who didn’t want him as much as he wanted them.

The streets were empty and humid, the last of the day’s warmth making the standing water from the

sewers hang in the air. A thin layer of murky mist mingled with the sweat and makeup on Lindsay’s skin,

