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“What can I do for you?” she asked.

“We’ve come to talk to you about your husband,” D’Agosta said. “Howard Rudd.”

The hope he’d seen in her face a few moments earlier returned, much stronger. “Oh!” she said. “Have you… any new evidence? Is he alive? Where is he?”

The eagerness with which these words tumbled out surprised D’Agosta as much, if not more, than the appearance of the house. Over the last few weeks, he’d developed a distinct portrait of the man who had attacked Agent Pendergast and most likely killed Victor Marsala: a thuggish bastard with no moral code, a venal son of a bitch with few if any redeeming values. When Terry Bonomo and the NYPD facial-detection software identified this man as Howard Rudd, late of Gary, Indiana, D’Agosta had been pretty sure what he’d find when he flew out to speak to the man’s wife. But the hope in her eyes was making him rethink his assumptions. He suddenly felt unsure how to go about this.

“No, we haven’t ‘found’ him. Not exactly. The reason I’m here, Mrs. Rudd, is to learn more about your husband.”

She looked from D’Agosta to Officer Ortillo and back again. “Are they reopening the case? I felt they shuffled it off way too soon. I want to help you. Just tell me what I can do.”

“Well, you can start by telling us what kind of a person he was. As a father and a husband.”

“Is,” she said.

“Excuse me?”

“What kind of a person he is. I know the police think he’s dead, but I’m certain he’s alive out there, somewhere. I can feel it. He wouldn’t have left if he didn’t have a good reason. Someday he’ll come back — and he’ll explain what happened, and why.”

D’Agosta’s discomfort increased. The conviction in the woman’s voice was unsettling. “If you could just tell us about him, Mrs. Rudd.”

“What’s there to say?” The woman paused for a moment, reflecting. “He was a good husband, a devoted family man. Hardworking, loyal, a wonderful father. Never went out drinking or gambling, never looked at another woman. His father was a Methodist preacher, and Howard absorbed a lot of his good traits. I’ve never known anyone as dogged as he was. If he started something, he’d see it through, always. Worked his way through the community college washing dishes. He was a Golden Gloves boxer in his younger days. His word was the most important thing to him, save for his family. He sweated to keep that hardware store of his going, sweated night and day, even when the Home Depot opened up on Route 20 and business dried up. It wasn’t his fault he had to borrow money. If only he’d known who…”

The stream of words stopped suddenly, and the woman’s eyes widened slightly.

“Please go on,” D’Agosta said. “If only he’d known what?”

The woman hesitated. Then she sighed, glanced at the staircase to make sure the children were out of earshot, and continued. “If he’d known the character of those men he borrowed from. You see, the bank felt the store to be a bad risk. They wouldn’t give him a loan. Money got tight.” She clutched her hands together and looked at the floor. “He borrowed from bad people.”

Suddenly she looked up again, directly at D’Agosta, imploringly. “But you can’t blame him for that — can you?”

D’Agosta could only shake his head.

“The nights he spent sitting at the kitchen table, looking at the wall, saying nothing… oh, it broke my heart!” The woman wiped away a tear. “And then, one day, he was gone. Just gone. That was over three years ago. And not a word from him since. But there’s a reason for it — I know there is.” A defiant look came over Mrs. Rudd’s face. “I know what the police think. But I don’t believe it. I won’t.”

When D’Agosta spoke, it was gently. “Did you have any indication that he was about to leave? Anything at all?”

The woman shook her head. “No. Nothing but the phone call.”

“What phone call?”

“It was the night before he went away. There was a phone call, pretty late. He took it in the kitchen. He kept his voice low — I don’t think he wanted me to hear him. Afterward, he looked devastated. But he wouldn’t talk to me, wouldn’t tell me what it was about.”

“And you have no idea what could have happened to him or where he’s been all this time?”

The woman shook her head again.

“How have you been making ends meet since?”

“I got a job in an advertising company. I do page layout and design work for the firm. It’s a decent living.”

“And these people your husband borrowed money from. After he disappeared, were there any threats from them? Any reprisals?”


“Would you happen to have a picture of your husband?”

“Of course. Quite a few.” Mrs. Rudd turned, reached toward a small group of framed photographs on a side table, plucked one up, and handed it to D’Agosta. He looked at it. It was a family shot, with parents in the middle, the two children on either side.

Terry Bonomo had nailed it. The man in the photograph was the spitting image of their computer reconstruction, pre-surgery.

As he handed the photograph back, Mrs. Rudd suddenly grasped his wrist. Her grip was surprisingly strong. “Please,” she said. “Help me find my husband. Please.”

D’Agosta couldn’t bear it any longer. “Ma’am, I have bad news for you. Earlier, I told you we hadn’t found your husband. But we do have a body, and I’m afraid it may be him.”

The grip on his wrist tightened.

“But we need a sample of his DNA in order to be sure. Could we borrow a few personal effects of his — a hairbrush, say, or a toothbrush? We’ll return them to you, of course.”

The woman said nothing.

“Mrs. Rudd,” D’Agosta continued, “sometimes not knowing can be a lot worse than knowing — even if knowing proves to be very painful.”

For a long moment, the woman did not move. Then, slowly, she released her grip on D’Agosta’s wrist. Her hand slumped into her own lap. Her eyes went distant for a moment. Then, pulling herself together, she stood up, walked toward the steps, and mounted them without a word.

Twenty minutes later, in the passenger seat of the police car on the way back to O’Hare, the pocket of his suit jacket containing a hairbrush of Howard Rudd’s, carefully sealed in a ziplock bag, D’Agosta pondered ruefully just how wrong one’s assumptions could be. The last thing he’d expected was that tidy house on Colfax Avenue, or the fiercely loyal and determined widow who lived inside.

Rudd might be a murderer. But he was also, it seemed, at one time a good man who made a bad call and got himself into trouble. D’Agosta had seen it happen before. Sometimes the more you struggled, the deeper into the shit you sank. D’Agosta was forced to reevaluate Rudd. Now he realized that Rudd’s very love of family, and the bind he found himself in — whatever it might have been, exactly — had forced him to do some terrible things, including change his looks and identity. He had little doubt the leverage they had used against him was his little family.

These were some bad motherfuckers.

He glanced over at the Gary policeman. “Thank you, Officer.”

“Don’t mention it.”

D’Agosta returned his gaze to the freeway ahead. It was strange — very strange. They had “Nemo,” Marsala’s likely killer and Pendergast’s attacker, on ice… but with no history, no backstory — except that he had once been a hardworking, decent family man named Howard Rudd. There was a gap of three years between Rudd’s disappearance in Gary and his appearance at the Museum, posing as a phony scientist named Waldron.

This left D’Agosta with one big question. What the hell happened in between?


Lieutenant Angler sat in the back room of the Republic Rent-a-Car agency at the Albany airport, gloomily twirling a pencil on the desk in front of him, waiting for Mark Mohlman — the manager — to finish with a customer out front and return to the office. Everything had been going so well, it was like a dream. And now, Angler realized, that’s probably just what it had been. A dream.