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Fenella grimaced. "Millie Sand. It sounds exactly like a mantua-maker's apprentice. Don't forget this child is your daughter, Charles. Millicent. We might call her Millicent. I never greatly cared for Millicent. It sounds a little prim to me and I ca

And that was all, for Melisande eventually crossed the Cha

But he had not been able to resist the impulse. He had to see his daughter; he had to find out what sort of child he and Millie had created.

So he saw her, the enchanting Melisande; and again and again he had gone back to see her.

Of one thing he was certain. She would not stay in the Convent.

So as the coach carried him to Paris, once more he wondered what the future had in store for him and for Melisande.


JCxcitement filled the house, and the servants were hard at work polishing and cleaning; everything that could go into the wash-tubs went. The gardeners were keeping the hothouse flowers in perfect condition that they might be brought into the ballroom for the great night. The villagers were full of the pending event; on the night of the ball they would wander up the long drive, part of which was a right of way from the road to Treve

Miss Pe

In Lady Treve

Caroline was like her father in appearance, but in place of his aloofness she had an uncertain temper. She seemed to be continually brooding and she was never satisfied. That came of having so many of the good things of life, thought Miss Pe

"The set on the shoulders is not right," cried Caroline, shaking back the ringlets which she wore in the fashion set by the young Queen. "It makes the sleeves too short."

"But it seems right to me, dear," said Lady Treve

"Yes, I do, my lady." Miss Pe

"But it does not!" snapped Caroline. "It is too bunchy here, I tell you. That is not according to the London fashion."

Miss Pe


Caroline was extra touchy this morning. No amount of resetting the sleeve would satisfy her. We


"Here," she said in her authoritative way, "let me see it, do. Well, what's wrong with that, my precious ? It do look beautiful to me. Why, you won't want the sleeves so long they hide your pretty hands."


Caroline had unburdened herself to We

So now We

"That be right, b'ain't it?" she asked the dressmaker.

"It is indeed," said poor Miss Pe

"Now slip it off and let Miss Pe

I'm going to make you lie down and have a rest before the guests arrive.'*

"They won't be here for ages, We

"You never know. Master Fermor will be that eager. Nothing would surprise me."

That pleased her again. The dear sweet creature, thought We

Purposefully We

"I'm not going to lie down," said Caroline. "You foolish woman, do you think I'm an invalid?"

"Very well then. But you'll stop fretting, my handsome, and you'll go and change into your watered silk . . . just in case the visitors arrive early. Then take a book and go to the hammock and wait there."


But she went all the same.

Miss Pe


She was tearful on all occasions now, it seemed to We