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Aubrey, William Hickman Smith
Clive, Mary
Costain, Thomas
Gairdner, James
Gairdner, James Green, John Richard Green, Mary A
Black Halsted, Caroline
Hume, David
Jenkins, Elizabeth Kendall, Paul Murray Kendall, Paul Murray Kingsford, C. L.
Thomas More, Sir Oman, Charles Oman, Charles Ramsey, J. H. Ross, Charles Scofield, C. L. Stephen, Sir Leslie
and Lee, Sir Sydney Stratford, Laurence Strickland, Agnes Timbs, John and Gu
Vickers, K. H. Wade, John Walpole, Horace
National and Domestic History of
England This Sun of York
A Biography of Edward IV The Last Plantagenets
The Pageant of England 1377-1485 History and Life and Reign of
Richard III Life and Papers of Richard III History of England Lives of the Princesses of England History of France
Richard III, As Duke of Gloucester and
King of England History of England from the Invasion of
Julius Caesar to the Revolution The Princes in the Tower Richard III
Warwick, the Kingmaker Prejudice and Promise in the Fifteenth
Century Life of Richard III Political History of England Warwick, the Kingmaker Lancaster and York Edward IV
The Life and Reign of Edward IV The Dictionary of National Biography
Edward the Fourth
The Lives of the Queens of England
Abbeys, Castles and Ancient Halls of
England and Wales England in the Later Middle Ages British History Historic Doubts on the Life of Richard
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brother George, Duke of Clarence. George's perfidy brought him to a violent end in the Tower of London hut Richard lived on to become the Lord Protector and briefly to wear the crown.
At the center of events was Edward, splendid in appearance and beloved of the people. His favorite device was that of the sun in all its splendor surrounding the white rose of York. Two women he loved above all the others played their part in history — his cool, calculating queen and Jane Shore, the warmhearted goldsmith's wife.
He had lived recklessly and when, on his death, an incident from his past came to light its effect was to change the course of history.
Richard came to the throne but there was one other waiting to take the crown — a man whose very legitimacy was suspect. And so came the fatal confrontation on Bosworth Field which resulted in the coming of Tudor and the end of the long saga of Plantagenet kings.
JEAN PLAMis the pseudonym of a well-known author who resides in England and has captured the world with her writing.
G. R PUTNAM'S SONS Publishers Since 1838 200 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016