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Sara suddenly thought back to Fiskes pulling his shirt back down before they made love. Does he have a scar?
Ed looked at her fu
Something he said.
He nodded slowly. From his gut to his neck.
Too old for ski
Guess they couldve done some plastic surgery, but Joh
Saras face took on a stricken look. What do you mean? He fully recovered, didnt he?
Ed shook his head sadly. Those bullets ripped him bad, bounced around inside him like a damn pinball. They patched him up, but just about every one of his organs was damaged for good. Maybe they could make it all right if Joh
As Ed paused, Sara glanced over at the table where John Fiskes medal for valor sat. A little piece of metal for all that pain.
I tell you all this so youll see Joh
Sara finally found her voice. I appreciate your telling me this. I realize it was hard for you. You dont really know me.
Depending on the situation, sometimes you can know a person better in ten minutes than someone youve crossed paths with all your life.
Sara rose to leave. Thank you for your time. And John really needs to hear from you.
He nodded solemnly. Ill do that.
As her hand touched the doorknob, Ed spoke one last time. You still love my son?
Sara walked out without answering. *����*����* At the small caf�own from his office building, Fiske bought his coffee and sat down at an outside table. McKe
Hows the gut? Sorry I had to punch you like that.
The only thing youre sorry about is that you didnt hit me harder.
No, really. I saw the shotgun and got concerned.
Fiske looked up at him. I guess you thought I might be able to somehow open the car door, pull the shotgun out, swing it around and get off a shot before you could blow me away from a distance of, what, six inches?
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Fiske took off his glasses and stared at the man. Why dont you put a bullet in my head instead? I think that would be more fun for me.
Ive worked a lot of cases over the years. Half the time my original theory didnt turn out to be right. My philosophy is: Never say never.
Boy, you really sound sincere.
Fiske put his sunglasses back on. That doesnt fit into your theory of me killing my brother.
Thats only one of my theories. Im down here following that up by looking for your suddenly vanished nine-millimeter. While Im waiting on that, Im looking at it from another angle: Rufus Harms. Your brother took the appeal, it looks like he visited the prison.
Chandler told you that?
I have a lot of information sources. You and Evans have both been snooping around into Harmss background. He escaped from a prison in southwest Virginia. And you two took a chartered plane to that area last night. Why dont you tell me about that? Whered you go and why?
Fiske sat back, stu
You might have some information I could use to solve this case.
Ahead of Chandler?
When people are getting killed, what does it matter who stops it first?
That statement made a lot of sense, Fiske knew. On the surface, at least. But of course it mattered a great deal who stopped it. People in law enforcement kept score, just like people in other lines of work. Fiske stood up. Lets check in with Billy. By now hes probably found those two bodies I stuffed in my file cabinet last week.
Hawkins was just finishing up when they returned.
Nothing, he said in response to McKe
Thats okay, I trust you, McKe
Whats what?
Fiske touched Hawkinss collar with his finger and then held it up for the man to see. Hawkins blushed a little. Oh. Damn, that was Bo
Fiske stared openmouthed at McKe
Then youre saying its
Yeah, its makeup, he said sheepishly. Despite the revelation that had just occurred to him, Fiske tried his best to appear calm. He unconsciously rubbed his still-tender shoulder. McKe
I read about Michael in the paper. Im so sorry, John. The woman had worked at the home for years and Fiske knew her very well.
Thanks, A
I mean, Michael was just here and now hes gone. I cant believe it.
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