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I guess I never thought that part through.

That is exactly what you must do if you want to have anything other than a mediocre legal career.

Im sorry. I wont repeat the mistake.

Knight stared hard at her, then she opened the door. Please see that you dont.

As Sara passed her, Knight added, Oh, Sara, until the identity of the murderer is definitively ascertained, I wouldnt put your complete faith or trust in anyone. Whether youre aware of it or not, a large percentage of murders are committed byfamily members.

Astonished, Sara turned to face her. Youre not implying

I imply nothing, Knight said sharply. Im only conveying a fact. You do with it what you will. *����*����* Bored, Fiske meandered through the apartment when he felt someone at his shoulder.

Theres a question Ive been meaning to ask you.

Fiske looked around. Agent McKe


Just doing my job. And right now I want to know where you were at the time your brother was murdered.

Fiske finished his glass of wine and then looked out the broad bank of windows. Havent you forgotten something?

Whats that?

They havent ascertained the time of death yet.

Youre a little behind in the investigation.

Is that right? Fiske said, a little taken aback.

Between three and fourA.M.Saturday. Where were you during that time?

Am I a suspect in this case?

If and when you become a suspect, Ill let you know.

I was working at my office in Richmond until about four in the morning on Saturday. Now youre going to ask me if anyone can corroborate that, right?

Can anyone?

No. But I went to the Laundromat around ten that morning.

Richmonds only a two-hour drive from Washington. Youd have plenty of time.

So your theory is I drove up to Washington, killed my brother in cold blood, dumped his body in the middle of a heavily black area, with such skill that no one noticed me do it, drove back to Richmond and washed my underwear. And the motive is? As soon as Fiske said the last sentence, his next breath caught in his throat. He had the perfect motive: five hundred thousand dollars in life insurance.Shit!

Motives can always come later. You have no alibi, which means you had the opportunity to commit the murder.

So you think I murdered Wright too? Remember, you told the justices that you think the two murders are related. I do have an alibi for that one.

Just because I said something doesnt mean its true.

Fascinating. Do you take that same philosophy with you to the witness stand?

During the course of an investigation Ive found its not always good to show your hand. The killings could be completely unrelated, which means any alibi you have for Wrights murder means nothing.

As Fiske watched McKe


Fiske turned around and looked at Richard Perkins.

Got a minute? the man asked nervously. The two men went over to a corner. Perkins looked out the window for a moment as though preparing what he was about to say. Ive only been the marshal at the Supreme Court for two years. Its a great job, prestigious, not too much stress, pays quite well. I oversee almost two hundred employees, everybody from barbers to police officers. I worked at the Senate before that, thought Id probably retire there, but then this opportunity came up.

Good for you, Fiske said, but he wondered why Perkins was telling him this.

Even though your brothers death didnt take place at the Court I felt a real responsibility for his safety, for everyone who works at the Court. Now with Wrights death, Im just reeling. Im not used to handling things like this. Im a lot better at payroll issues and overseeing the orderly functioning of bureaucracies than I am being in the middle of a homicide investigation.

Well, Chandler is really good at his job. And of course youve got the FBI on the case too. Fiske almost bit his tongue when he said this. Perkins picked up on it.

Agent McKe


Perkins looked down at his hands. Do you really think theres some crazy out there with a vendetta?

Its not out of the realm of possibility.

But why now of all times? And why target clerks? Why not the justices?

Or other court perso

What do you mean?

You might be in danger too, Richard.

Perkins looked astonished. Me?

Youre the head of security. If this person wants to show that he can pick people off at will, then hes flouting the security of the Court. Hes flouting you.

Perkins seemed to consider this. So you think the deaths are definitely co

If theyre not, its one helluva coincidence. Frankly, I dont believe in coincidences that big.

And Chandler too?

Maybe. Im sure hell keep you informed.

As Perkins walked off, Elizabeth Knight powered by. It was as though the crowd automatically parted for her. A hand pressed against his shoulder. Meet me outside the building in ten minutes. It was Saras voice, but by the time Fiske turned around he could only see her disappearing into the crowd. Visibly frustrated, he looked around and picked up on Elizabeth Knights movements again. She probably forgot Ke

Im sorry for interrupting, but I have to leave and I wanted to say hello to Judge Wilkinson.

Knight stepped back and Fiske went forward and introduced himself. He shook Ke

I assume youre leaving with Sara.

Is that a problem?

I guess thats up to you.

Whats that supposed to mean?

Sara has a wonderful future ahead of her. But little things can sometimes disrupt careers with great potential.

You know, Justice Knight, I think you have a real problem with me, and Im not sure why.

I dont know you, Mr. Fiske. If youre anything like your brother, then maybe I dont have a big problem.

Im not like anybody else. I try not to compare people or make nice, neat assumptions. They seldom prove true.

Knight appeared taken aback by this but said, I actually agree with you.

Im glad we could agree on something.

However, I do know Sara, and I care about her very much. If certain actions you take reflect negatively on her and thus on the Court, then youre right, I do have a problem with that.

Look, all Im concerned about is finding out who killed my brother.

She looked at him keenly. Are you sure thats all?

If I werent sure, well, you know what, its a free country. Fiske thought he saw an amused expression pass across her face. She crossed her arms. You dont seem the least bit intimidated by a Supreme Court Justice, Mr. Fiske.

If you knew something about me, youd understand why.

Perhaps I should make a point of finding out about you. Perhaps I already have.