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Chapter 13

Sub drop sucked. Even after Ba

Today, she was starting to feel more like herself. As she perused her closet for something to wear, she felt a sense of optimism for the first time in a while.


Every year, the town set up a harvest fair just before Thanksgiving. Last year, winter had come early, so everyone bundled up and sipped hot cider as they wandered through the outdoor tents filled with homemade goods. Thankfully, today the sun was shining, and it was unseasonably warm.

As she shoved hangers of clothes aside, growing frustrated with her limited options, she realized just how much of a girl she was being. Was looking perfect that important? What were the chances things would work differently with Ambrose than the other guys Ba

She sighed in resignation. Maybe it was silly and girly, but it mattered to her what she looked like. Warm for November still equaled needing a sweater. She pulled out a green one that matched her eyes, then threw on a pair of jeans and zippered tall brown boots over them. After a glance in the mirror, she starting pulling her hair back into a ponytail then stopped. Wearing her hair back was instinctual, but Ba

“Ugh. What is wrong with me?”

Her reflection didn’t have an answer.

After saying a quick good-bye to Pixie, she grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

Dom search, take four hundred and one.

The fairgrounds at the center square bustled with shoppers, families, and couples out for a stroll. The smell of cider donuts hit her as soon as she stepped out of her car. Her stomach rumbled. Maybe skipping breakfast had been a bad idea, but her belly had been fluttering with nerves all morning.


No, no, no. She wasn’t supposed to be checking him out. She was supposed to be checking out his friend!

She slid her gaze to the man walking next to Ba

As they came closer, she looked at the friend’s eyes, searching for clues about what kind of person he was. He met her gaze, steady at first, then his eyes crinkled a bit at the corners. The bright blue was a sharp contrast to the hardened look of the rest of him.

“Hey,” Ba

Instinctually, she went to hug him. When he hugged her back then kissed her cheek, she realized it might have been a mistake. Should she be showing him affection, even as a friend, in front of a potential date? God, she sucked at this.

Feeling insecure, she turned to Ambrose and smiled shyly. “Hi. I’m Kate.”

He held out his hand, which she shook. “Ambrose. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

The sexy smile that went with his statement made her blush. Just how close were the two of them, and how much detail had Ba

“How are you?” Ba


“Aha!” Ambrose’s expression brightened. “A girl who likes to eat? That’s my kind of woman.”

“Does that mean you don’t like stick figures? ’Cause I don’t plan to starve myself for a man.”

“Body size doesn’t matter. I just like women. But when they enjoy a good meal with me, all the better.” He leaned in and whispered, “Don’t tell anybody, but I’m a bit of a food snob.”

She gri

“It’s true.” Ba

“What about cider donuts?” she asked with a sideways glance.

He shrugged. “Never tried them. Every time the fair comes along, I’m away on business, so this is my first time.”

“You’ve never had a cider donut?” she nearly shouted. “Well, what are we waiting for? You can’t possibly live a second longer without one.”

He laughed, then said to Ba

Her nose led her to the booth where the bakery had set up a makeshift donut shop. Trays of sugary donuts waited to be devoured. Her mouth watered already.

She went to order, but Ambrose stepped in before she could. “I’ll take a dozen.”

When she opened her mouth to offer to pay, Ambrose waved her away.

A few moments later, they each had one in hand.

“Go ahead,” she said to Ambrose. “Let’s see if I steered you right.”

He took a bite, managing to fit almost the whole thing in one mouthful. His eyes narrowed as he contemplated an answer, as if he were a food critic at a fancy restaurant. She had to laugh at his exaggerated expression.


“Come on,” she said. “You can’t hate it. If you hate it, this date is over.”

Nodding, he swallowed the bite. “It’s delicious.”

“Told you!”

“Seriously,” he said, shoving the rest in his mouth. “Probably the best-tasting breakfast I’ve ever had. I’d buy three dozen more, but then I wouldn’t fit into my pants anymore.”

“Some things are worth getting fat for.” She took a bite of hers.


She’d almost forgotten he was there. Feeling guilty, she turned to give him some attention too. “That’s a good idea. How’s he doing, anyway?”

He shrugged. “Seems like something’s up. I’ve been visiting more often just so he knows I’m around to talk to.” He frowned. “I worry about him.”

“I know. But you’re a great brother, and he’s lucky to have you.”

Ambrose took another donut from the bag and held it out to her. She wanted it badly, still hungry from having skipped breakfast, but she hesitated. “I probably shouldn’t.”

“Come on,” he said, waving it in front of her. “I know you want it.”

Laughing, she grabbed the donut. “You’re bad.”

His eyes darkened in an instant. “You have no idea.”

The mood shifted and the fu

“Um.” She cleared her throat. “So, what do you do for work?”

Ambrose smiled, seeming to enjoy making her squirm. She couldn’t tell if it a

“I’m in the shipping business.”


He laughed again.


“It’s a conversation ender. Nobody ever asks me more.”

“Oh.” Guilt crept up on her and she frowned. “Sorry. I just don’t know—”