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She swallowed hard and squirmed in her seat. “It wasn’t supposed to go like this. I just think I’m ready to move on now. I’ve learned a lot.”

“Have you?”

“Yes.” More than he knew.

“What did you learn?”

“Protocol. Expectations . . .”

“No. I mean, what did you learn about yourself?”

Her gaze flickered to his, gauging whether he was serious. Their eyes met in a moment of scorching heat. Their chemistry was still there, as electric as it’d been a few nights before. And now he seemed to be staring into her, searching for truths she didn’t want to share. Quickly, she looked away. For some reason, the urge to answer him honestly, even if it made her vulnerable, was too much to resist.

“Um.” She laced her fingers together then looked at him. “I learned what submission is.”

“And what’s that?”

“I can tell you what it’s not. It’s not weakness of character. It’s not antifeminist. It’s not about being a doormat.”

“And it’s not about losing control.”

“I don’t know about that.”

“It’s about handing it over. To someone you trust. To someone you could eventually come to love.”

Love? Could she grow to love someone who demanded control? Weeks ago she’d have adamantly protested the idea, but now . . . she wasn’t so sure. Being a slave was out of the question, but submitting was becoming about more than just good sex. Admitting that to Ba

At his expectant look, she gave him a noncommittal shrug.

It was quiet for a moment as she stared at the table. Then she glanced up at him. What was he thinking? Was he sad they wouldn’t have sex anymore? Would he refuse to stay friends? She didn’t get the impression it was all about sex for him, but it was hard to be sure. He was a guy after all—wasn’t that supposedly first and foremost on their minds?

He pi

“Okay,” she said skeptically.

“Just hear me out. I’m going to throw a party and invite my Dom friends to meet you. Guys that I know are reputable.”

“Uhh.” Was Hell no too rude an answer?

He moved in closer, leaning across the table to catch her gaze. “I would never put you at risk, Kate. Do you believe that?”

“Yes, but you can’t know everything.” Even Janine, her best friend in the world, hadn’t known that pirate guy would end up a douche bag.

He smiled. “You trust me.”

Why did he look so gleeful about that? “Yeah. So?”

“It’s just very satisfying.”

“Don’t flatter yourself. I trust you to keep me from getting assaulted by your friends the same way I trust my mailman to deliver letters addressed to me. You’re both fulfilling a job. Nothing more.”

His smile faded. “You think this is just a job to me? I can’t possibly see how, considering you’re not paying me.”

“It’s a job. The currency is just . . . different.”

“I’m not doing this for sex.” He leaned back, frowning. “You make me sound like an asshole.”

“Sorry.” She dropped her head. “I guess I just don’t understand why you’re doing it.”

“It started off because I was bored, and maybe lonely. But now I care about you, Kate.” He stared at her earnestly, as though he was hoping for a response.

Her cheeks flushed. He cared about her? Why did that make butterflies take off in her belly?

“I want to make sure you find someone safe to go to from here.” He shrugged and cracked a pained smile. “It’s the protective Dom thing. Even if you’re not mine, you’re still vulnerable. Too many submissives get hurt looking for a Dom. I don’t want that to be you.”

A smile touched her lips. “Thank you.” His sentiment was sweet. She almost didn’t want to go on with her plan. Having someone care about her so much that they would protect her even when they weren’t together was novel. But there was more than that for her. A real regret was growing, but making this work was a pipe dream. He deserved better—someone who could meet his needs and not have to fake it. Someone who wouldn’t resent his kink, but would enjoy it.

“So you’ll meet some of my friends? You’ll try your best to be a good girl?” he asked. “Remember, you’ll never win a Dom over with behavior like you had with my last introduction.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, I’ll be good. I told you I learned a lot.”

“Excellent. I’ll make some calls and see if I can set something up for this weekend.”

She nodded, then bit her lip. The truth of what she’d just agreed to came crashing down. “Ba


“This is just to . . . meet them, right? Nothing crazy?”

He leaned forward. “That’s entirely up to you.”

Then it was a big fat no.

“But if we put on a . . . display, it’ll show them what kind of sub you are and whether your kinks line up.”

She gulped. “A display?”

“Just to show you off. It doesn’t have to be much. I’ll show them some of the things you’ve learned. Protocol, how to kneel, that sort of thing.”

She felt her eyes go wide. “Like I’m in a dog show?”

His beautiful lips curved. “Like you’re a prize to be won.”

A treasure . . . a prize . . . Always with the flattery. Okay, so maybe they’d make a match faster if his friends could see what kinds of things she was into. Maybe she wouldn’t have to kiss as many frogs. Still, the idea of being shown off like an animal made her feel kind of weird. But she trusted Ba

“Think about it,” he said. “It’s your call what we do and how far we go. I’m just trying to make it the most worthwhile for you.”

She nodded numbly. She had time to decide. Maybe she’d talk it over with Janine. It’d been her idea for the Halloween matchmaking party and that had been where she’d found Ba

“Come a little early, and we’ll discuss it,” he told her. “I’ll make sure you’re comfortable with whatever we do.”

She did believe that. “Okay.” With a small smile, she rose from the table. “I have to go let Pixie out. She’s probably crossing her legs by now.”


“Uhh.” Good question. Probably best to keep her distance before his panty-melting suits tempted her again. “I have a busy week. I’ll text you.”

He rolled his eyes. “Sure you will.”

Frowning, she peeked up at him. “I’m sorry. I know I’m not what you want, but I’m trying my best to keep us both happy. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I know.” He took a big step so they were toe to toe, with him staring down at her. His eyes softened as he searched hers for a moment.

When he towered over her like that, she felt so small and vulnerable. Even now, she wished he’d wrap his arms around her. She gave her head a shake.

Down, girl.


A smile played at her lips. “Hey, Doms have feelings too.”

His answering grin looked fake, which worried her. He’d never seemed sad before, but now it looked as though he was hiding pain. “Some Doms are able to shut theirs off.”

Compartmentalize. Her exes had been able to do that. She used to say, “Men are like waffles; women are like spaghetti.” Men tended to keep each problem in its own neat square, whereas women’s would get all tangled up together.
