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“Thanks! I was on the verge of having to switch to pastels.”


“I know, but Meadow refused to let me use her eyeliner, so the only other thing I could think of was dirt.”

“You’d have to go outside for that.”

“Yup. I told you I was desperate.”


Rook’s face fell. “No. Sha

“Not for you to fix.” He hugged Rook and didn’t let him go until he pulled away. “Don’t forget I’m bringing you to the art show downtown on Thursday. Where’s Meadow?”

“Yeah, I won’t forget. I have my clothes picked out already.” Rook gave a shy laugh, then started to open the box of charcoals. “Meadow is directing the guys who are working on winterizing the grounds.”

“How’s Dylan?”

Rook’s expression brightened. “He’s fine. I texted him earlier. He’s playing Minecraft right now, but he’s coming over later.”

“If you ever have any questions . . .” Ba

“Oh jeez. Shut up!” Rook shoved him. “What do you know about gay sex? Unless there’s something you’re not telling me?”

“You can keep asking, but the answer is still no. Sadly, I’m straight.”

“So you can tell me what? What to do with a woman? Like I care. Besides, I already know everything. I’m not a child, and we have the fucking internet.”

“Language, sir. There’s no reason to cuss.” The internet? Not good enough. He’d have to talk to him about it soon.

Rook rolled his eyes and waved him off.


Out of habit, he checked his phone. The only message was from Ambrose, urging him to drop by later. Neither of them was used to Konstanin, who was the chronic texter, being away for so long. He’d almost given up on hearing from Kate. Either she’d show up this weekend or she wouldn’t—checking his phone wasn’t going to make a difference.


“She’s awake?”

“Yes. She’s been up awhile, but she’s not in the mood for company. You know how it is.”

“And not eating?”



The caregiver chuckled and flashed a dimple. Charming girl, but safely married. “Compared to my sons, this is a cakewalk.” She nodded a good-bye and headed toward the kitchen.

Desiree Je

“Mom, are you awake?”

She lay in bed, looking weak and frail. “I’m not feeling well today, Ba

He glanced across the room and was unsurprised to find the shrine to her husband still intact. A candle burned before it as though the light could summon him back. No counselor had succeeded in convincing her to move on with her life, and even the love and care of Ba

Undeterred, Ba

“I can walk just fine for what I do. I was never a person for sports. What does she expect me to do? Take up te

“You’re rich now. Isn’t that what rich women do?”

“I’m not rich. You are.” She patted his arm when he sat on the edge of the bed. “You’re just kind enough to take care of us.”

“Up, up, up!” Gently, he helped her swing her legs over the side of the bed, thankful that she still slept near the edge to leave room for his father, if only because it made it easier to help her get to her feet. “If you don’t get moving you’re going to need a walker soon.”

“I don’t have anywhere I want to go, so what difference does it make if I need a walker?” She allowed him to haul her up, the perpetual tracksuit she wore mostly disguising how painfully thin she was. Dark circles ringed her eyes, and she blinked rapidly as a ray of light from a window reached her.

The usual frustration nagged at him. If someone wanted to die, how did you make them live?

“Did you go to Rook’s parent-teacher meeting yesterday?”

“No. I wasn’t well.” She clung to his arm until she had steadied herself, then let go and turned away.

“Mom, you know I had to work late. That’s the only reason I asked you to go.”

“He gets excellent grades. Why go? I would have had to shower and dress up.” She sighed as though the prospect of attending to her personal hygiene was exhausting.

“If we don’t go it looks like no one cares about him. You went to every single one of mine and Meadow’s. Why not Rook’s?”

She shuffled toward the master bath. “I’m old now. There are events in a person’s life that make them question meaningless social conventions. I don’t host di

Once she reached the bathroom, Desiree shut the door between them and turned on the fan, most likely to show she wasn’t interested in his lecture.

He sighed. So much for patience. He shouldn’t have gone in grumping at her—it just made her shut down. Sometimes it was hard to take a step back and be the mature one, especially when it came to taking care of a parent.


Maybe the next time she prayed to be with him, she’d remember she had three children who weren’t ready to be orphans.

Chapter 7

She stared at the monstrous door, working up the courage to knock. Why was this so difficult? For some reason, this was harder than the first time. At least then he hadn’t seen her naked, seen every vulnerable part of her. He hadn’t heard her beg, and scream, and call him Master.

Ugh. She was still embarrassed about that. Until yesterday she hadn’t even been able to text him.

All week she’d talked herself through how this session would go. She’d stay in control, making sure not to go as far. She should probably even keep her clothes on.

With a deep breath, she calmed her nerves and went to knock on the door. The gargoyle face with the knocker ring through its teeth made her smile. Only Ba

The door opened before she touched it. Ba