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She stood and stared at it, and while her eyes were busy, Ba

However, the way the yoga pants clung to her perfect ass was sinful. Whoever had dreamed up yoga pants must have used Kate’s ass as inspiration.

So, how did one go about disciplining a vanilla girl who said she wanted to be submissive but dug in her heels?

“Do you need a few minutes to finish getting ready?” Ba

A pink tinge spread across her cheeks, and she averted her gaze. “Do I have to? I mean, I almost didn’t come because of that. Telling a person how to dress is kind of creepy. I’m a grown woman. I should be able to dress the way I like.”

“Creepy? You better get used to it if you really want a Dom. They’ll expect you to follow their orders.”

She nodded carefully, but her face betrayed her trepidation. “I’m trying to understand it all, but some parts seem so weird.” Chuckling, she added, “Other parts are totally hot.”

He understood where she was coming from, but she’d have to learn to give in a little. Sometimes being a submissive was about stepping out of your comfort zone. That was something he’d have to explain as they went. For now, baby steps.

He led her through the house. Occasionally, her whispering footsteps paused in his wake, and he waited while she gawked at the rooms or art that interested her before he continued on. Once she stopped to admire a landscape he’d painted years ago, but he didn’t tell her it was his work.

“You didn’t mention you were rich.”

“Does that make a difference?”


Women always said that, but for some reason, with Kate it seemed true.

They arrived in the home theater room, which was cozy and soundproof, although noise probably wouldn’t be an issue today. He turned to face Kate, but because she’d been rubbernecking around the room, she hadn’t noticed he’d halted. She stopped too close. Only inches away, she tipped her head back to look at his face. Lips parted, eyes wide, she looked surprised they’d almost collided.

“Give me your BDSM checklist and the list of limits you have regarding your arrangement with me, then go finish getting ready in the bathroom across the hall.” He wondered if she’d obey, considering how reluctant she was when it came to other things.

She drew a stack of papers from her purse and handed them over but stayed rooted in place instead of heading across the hall.

“Do you need me to walk you there, Kate?”

She fidgeted. “But I don’t want to. It’s demeaning and disturbing.”

“Chances are your Dominant will tell you how to dress, at least sometimes. This will start getting you used to that idea. Is there a serious reason why you can’t comply? Is it a trigger for you?”

She shifted her weight from one leg to the other. “No, it’s just that I have trouble following instructions if I don’t have a reason. If it’s just that you’re a pervert, I’d prefer to know that now.”

“It’s not my payment for teaching you, no, if that’s what you’re asking. It’s been my experience that when submissives aren’t allowed to wear underthings it makes them feel more sensual and helps them get into a submissive frame of mind. As for your hair being loose, that’s just because I’m a pervert.”

A giggle escaped her before she sighed heavily and drew a pattern on the floor with her bare toe. The blue polish on her toenails was unexpected and adorable.

Patience wasn’t going to be as effective with Kate as reasoning with her might be. She was new and he’d have to cut her some slack—a lot more than he’d give a girl he was actually involved with.

“Let me put it this way to you, Kate . . . If giving this tiny bit of control to your Dom is too much for you, we might as well end this arrangement now. I can’t teach you anything if you’re balking at something this small.” He shrugged. “Maybe you’re not submissive at all, or maybe you’re not strong enough to hand control over to someone else. It’s not something everyone is capable of doing.”


He pretended not to watch her as she stood there staring at him. Eventually, she walked out of the room, and he heard the bathroom door click shut.

Teacher: one; difficult student: zero. Although gloating wasn’t his style, Ba

When he reached the bottom of the page, he whistled low. Other than the hard limits on her checklist, she was willing to consider any amount of contact between them, up to and including sex. Well, that was going to make training her much more interesting.

Scrubbing a hand over his face, he tried to think about maintaining a level of distance and concentrate on what she needed to learn.

Focus, man. Ignore your dick.

With iron will he pulled his gaze away from the words “up to and including sex” and flipped to the next page. At the top of the checklist was anal, beside which she’d drawn a shaky circle around the word “curious,” instead of circling a scaling number. Damn, an anal virgin? He groaned aloud, his cock now completely hard and bent at an awkward angle in his jeans.

He’d leave that for her real Dom to do, right? He was a decent man. He could resist the temptation. In his mind, he pretended she’d circled “hard limit,” but his cock remained unconvinced. Who had taught the damn thing to read?

Aw, hell. Their kinks lined up. She’d circled scaling numbers or the word “curious” beside all of his favorites and had marked “hard limit” beside all of the things that turned him off. Several items she’d left blank.

“I needed clarification on some of those, and after searching the Internet for figging I was too scared to look anything else up.” She stood by the doorway, looking at the floor. Her loose hair had fallen forward to obscure her features from his view, but the bits of her face he could see were crimson. “And there were other things where I didn’t know how I felt about them.”

“That’s fine. You knew more than I thought you did.”

“I called Janine a few times.”

He chuckled. “The things you left blank probably aren’t things we’ll explore together anyway. Come sit in the chair next to me so we can talk.”

She trailed over after ditching her purse by the door, and he managed not to be a complete pervert and ogle her breasts as they swayed free under her tight T-shirt.

“Do we have to talk about it? Can’t you just give me a safeword and take it from there?”

“Communication is important in BDSM. If I don’t know what you like, what you dislike, and what your triggers are, it’s hard for me to make our time together educational and pleasurable for you.” He felt as if he were giving a guest lecture at a college. He didn’t think he had a teaching fetish, but this was interesting.