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Published Book Two is a whole different experience than book one. Most of all, this time around I am incredibly aware of how much talent, hard work, and goodwill go into making my manuscript into the book you hold in your hands.

Thanks beyond the scope of words to:

My family and friends. Father, the best of men, Georgia, the best of stepmothers, my brother Ted and sister deLancey, all my Thomas cousins, Patricia and Kramer, my Concord buddies and friends far and near, who gave me sailing tips, and Colette, Matthew, and Luke. Because because because.

Christina Hogrebe, my savvy, smart, and incredible agent, who works tirelessly to ensure that no one puts Baby (in the form of either my books or me) in a corner. And Meg Ruley, Jane Berkey, A

To Jessica Garrison, whose story sense and editorial expertise are matched by her dedication and kindness, and who more than once worked over vacations and into the wee hours of the night (2:30 a.m. editorial letters, honest) to make this story as good as it could be.

To Vanessa Han and Jasmin Rubero, for making WITWT beautiful outside and inside. To Molly Sardella, who threw her heart into promoting My Life Next Door. To Jackie Engel, Doni Kay (and the entire awesome Penguin sales team), Lily Malcom, and Claire Evans, for their support and enthusiasm for this book. Do

Virtual bouquets and champagne toasts to everyone in CTRWA, the best friends any writer could ever have, who provided everything from computer savvy to handholding to plot suggestions at a moment’s notice. And most especially to the plot monkeys: Karen Pinco, Shaunee Cole, Je

And yeah, about that Kristan Higgins. You, my friend, get a double dose of thanks. I could not have gotten through this one without your suggestions, your reads, your advice, your borrowed bling, and your endless kindness: true friend, mentor, muse, fairy godsister, and just the person who, like her books, always makes me laugh. And cry.

Also my beloved Gay Thomas, a friend for life, and Jessica Anderson, both of whom read and counseled and calmed when I’d completely lost all perspective on this book.

The eternally awesome Apocalypsies, the talented team whose books, warmth, and wisdom rocked 2012 and kept me as sane as possible. The best club of all.

MLND, WITWT, and I owe the world to the bloggers, readers, booksellers, teachers, and librarians who so tirelessly read and recommend for the sheer love of a good story. Thank you for reading, for writing reviews and blogs and letters, and for caring.


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