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Everything had been going so well. She had been moments away from walking down that aisle. Moments away.

She should have been married. She should have been reciting the vows that would make her empress.

When she found out who was responsible for this delay, she would torment their fragile mind until they were a drooling, pathetic idiot, terrified of the sight of their own hands.

A knock cut through the fantasy. Levana shifted her eyes toward the door.


One of her guards entered first, escorting Ko

“Your Illustrious Majesty,” he said, bowing deeply. The addition of a new adjective combined with the bow slightly lower than usual made the hair prickle on the back of her neck. “I must apologize most severely for the delay, and for the news I have to impart to you. We have been forced, I’m afraid, to postpone the marriage ceremony.”

“I do beg your pardon.”

He straightened, but kept his gaze respectfully on the floor.

“His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Kaito, has been kidnapped. He was taken from his personal quarters and smuggled onto an untraceable spaceship.”

Her fingers curled around the wedding bands. “By whom?”

“Linh Cinder, Your Majesty. The cyborg fugitive from the ball. Along with multiple accomplices, it would appear.”

Linh Cinder.

Every time she heard the name she wanted to spit.

“I see,” she said, finding it too wearisome to soften the hardness of her anger. “Am I to believe that you did not have any security measures in place for the attempt of such an assault?”

“Our security was compromised.”


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

She rose to her feet. The gown swished like a breeze around her hips. The adviser didn’t flinch, although he should have.

“You’re telling me that this teenage girl has not only escaped from your prison and evaded capture by your highly trained military, but has now invaded your palace and the private quarters of the emperor himself, kidnapped him, and again gotten away with it?”

“Precisely correct, Your Majesty.”

“And what are you doing now to retrieve my groom?”

“We have employed every police and military unit at our dispo—”


This time, he did flinch.

Levana steadied her breathing. “The Commonwealth has failed too many times with regards to Linh Cinder. Begi

The adviser clasped his hands behind his back. “We are happy to give you access to the security footage we have available. However, we are missing approximately two hours of footage that was compromised this afternoon by the security breach.”

She sneered. “Fine. Bring me what you do have.”

Thaumaturge Aimery Park appeared in the doorway. “Your Majesty. If I may request a word with you, in private.”

“With pleasure.” She waved a hand at Ko

With no argument, and another low bow, the adviser left.

As soon as he was gone, Levana whipped the veil off her head and threw it onto the settee. “The young emperor has been kidnapped, and from his own palace. Earthens are pathetic. It’s amazing they haven’t already become extinct.”

“I do not disagree, Your Majesty. I trust Mr. Ko

“What development?”

Aimery’s eyes danced. “It appears that Dr. Sage Darnel is in this palace, trapped in a quarantine room in the research wing.”

“Sage Darnel?” She paused. “Daring to return after he assisted the escape of that wretched girl?”

“No doubt they’ve been working together, although I’ve been led to believe that Dr. Darnel won’t be around for much longer. It appears he’s contracted an unusual strain of letumosis, one that seems to be much faster acting than the common strain. And, of course, he is Lunar.”

Her pulse skipped. This did open up some interesting possibilities.

“Take me to him,” she said, sliding her true wedding ring back onto her finger. The other, that would cement her to Emperor Kaito, she left behind.

“I must warn you,” Aimery said as she followed him into the corridor, “that the elevators throughout the palace are malfunctioning. We’ll be forced to take the stairs.”

“Earthens,” she growled, lifting the hem of her skirt.

It was like traversing an endless labyrinth, but finally they reached the research wing. A crowd of officials had gathered outside the lab and Levana sneered to think that they’d intended to keep this from her when Sage Darnel, like Linh Cinder, was her problem to deal with, however it pleased her.

As she entered the lab room, she slipped into the minds of the men and women around her and impressed a strong need to be elsewhere.

The room was cleared within seconds, but for her and Aimery.

It was a crisp, chemical-smelling room. All bright lights and hard edges. And on the other side of a tinted window, Dr. Sage Darnel was laid out on a lab table, holding a gray cap against his stomach.

With the exception of the security footage that showed him helping Linh Cinder escape from prison, Levana hadn’t seen him since he disappeared over a decade ago. Once, he had been one of her most promising scientists, making grand advances in the development of her lupine soldiers on an almost monthly basis.

But time had not been kind to him. His face had become worn and wrinkled. He was balding, and what was left of his hair was tufted and gray. And then there was the disease. His reptilian skin was covered in bruise-like blotches and a rash that was bubbling up like blisters, piling on top of each other. His fingertips had already begun to turn blue. No, he would not be around much longer.

Levana floated toward the window. A light was on beside a microphone, indicating that communication was open between the two rooms.

“My good Dr. Darnel. I did not think I would ever again have the pleasure.”

His eyes opened, still fervently blue behind his spectacles. His attention was locked on the ceiling, and though it occurred to Levana that this was no doubt a one-way window, it a

“Your Majesty,” he said, his tone brittle. “I thought I might hear your voice one more time.”

Beside her, Aimery checked a portscreen at his belt, and excused himself with a low bow.

“I must say, I’m delighted with this irony. You left an honorable position on Luna to come to Earth and devote your last withering years to finding a cure for this disease. A disease that I already have the antidote for. In fact … come to think of it, I might have some samples with me in the palace. I like to keep them on hand in the event something tragic should happen to my betrothed, or someone else necessary to my objectives. I could have the antidote brought to you, but I don’t suppose I will.”

“Worry not, My Queen. I would not take it from you even if you did, now that I know what lengths you’ve gone to obtain it.”

“The lengths I’ve gone to? In order to cure a disease that, until this day, did not affect my own people? I do believe that’s rather charitable of me, wouldn’t you say?”

He slowly, slowly sat up. His head fell to his chest as he tried to recapture his breath, winded from that small exertion. “I’ve figured it out, My Queen. I truly believed that all shells were killed when you took them from us, but that’s not true. Are any of them killed, or is it all just a show? A means of putting them into seclusion and harvesting their blood without anyone coming to look for them?”