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It had gotten so bad that I’d finally sought spiritual guidance from Guru Bob, otherwise known as Avatar Robson Benedict, the leader of my parents’ commune and an all-around awesome guy. But it had been eight long weeks since I’d had any further run-ins with dead people, so I was hoping all that was behind me.

“For the love of Shiva, there are books on the ceiling.” Vi

“I’m fine,” I said with a casual air. “It’s just a bunch of books up there.”

But Vi

While unpacking, I had discovered the intricate rope-and-pulley system Grace had rigged to manipulate the movements of her ceiling contraption. I knew she was a computer wizard and an engineering genius, so maybe she’d thrown this creation together on a spare Saturday, but I’d never seen anything like it. The thin ropes snaked down one wall, where they could be loosened to move each book trap up and down for access to the books inside.

On a positive note, the ceiling was at least twelve feet high, so I wasn’t likely to suffer claustrophobia from the thought of all those traps enclosing me in their web.

I tried to ignore the shiver that skittered across my shoulders at that possibility.

“Okay, that’s pretty freaking weird,” Suzie admitted, staring up at the odd sight. “But you have to admire her ingenuity.”

“Ingenuity.” Vi

Suzie shoved her hands into her pants pockets. “My unconditional love for you knows no bounds, sugar.”

“Oh.” Vi

Suzie winked at me over Vi

I would just have to suck it up for the next month. I was perfectly fine without him. I really was. And I trusted Derek completely so that wasn’t an issue, even though I hadn’t been able to stop myself from Googling the woman at the center of his assignment. Just as I’d feared, Thomasina Marchand was young and gorgeous and artistically gifted. She dressed impeccably. And did I mention her immense wealth? Not that Derek could ever be swayed by material things, but nevertheless, I’d been suffering little pangs of jealousy ever since he’d flown off to pretend he was in love with her.

But that was completely normal, right? Anyone would have those little pangs, right? Of course they would. It didn’t mean anything. Derek and my co

“Come on—let’s go check out this crazy place,” Suzie said, putting her arm around Vi

“Yeah, okay,” I said. “But do you guys mind if I make a quick phone call first?”

“Of course not, Brooklyn,” Vi

“More than enough. Thanks.”

They reminded me where the conservatory was, then walked out, closing the door behind them. I went to find my cell phone and sat down to make the call to Derek. I listened to the ringing of his phone and felt more co

“Hello?” a woman answered, whispering breathlessly into the phone. Derek’s phone. “Who is this, please?”

I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying, “Who the hell is this?” Who was this woman and why was she answering my boyfriend’s phone? Was this Thomasina? I decided on the spot to make it sound like a business call.

“I must speak to Mr. Stone immediately. This is his office calling.” I sounded officious and demanding, which was exactly how I felt.

“Ooh, so sorry, Derek can’t come to the phone.” Her voice was tinged with a vague but plainly Western European accent. French? Belgian? Sexy. She giggled softly. “He’s…ooh…he’s…ah…occupied.” Her rapid sighs made it sound as if she were in the throes of rapture. Seriously? Was she kidding? What the hell was going on?

Oh, God. Did I really want to know?

“Adieu,” she added in that same sultry tone, then disco

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