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“Nothing,” I mumbled, picking up my pen again and hoping he’d take the hint.

He didn’t.

“That’s obviously a lie,” he said. “I thought you were taking a vow of honesty?”

I groaned. “It’s … not exactly a lie. Nothing is happening with us now.”

“Why not?”

I put the pen back down with great reluctance. “Fine, but you’re only getting the short version.” I took a deep breath, all too aware of the heavy ache in my chest. It made itself known every time I so much as thought of Ryder. “It turns out he did like me, but I ruined it. I messed things up too much, and there’s no way Ryder is going to forgive me now.”

Wesley watched me for a minute, looking like he was trying to come up with something to say. Before he could, though, there was a buzzing noise and my phone, sitting on his side of the table, began to play “Konstantine” by Something Corporate. What can I say? I’d been feeling rather emo lately.

Wesley glanced down at the screen and gri

I looked down at the display, and I almost didn’t believe the words.

Ryder Cross was calling me.

“You’d better get that,” Wesley said, still gri

“H-Hello?” I choked out.

“Hey, So

The weight in my chest eased a little. I didn’t know what he was going to say. He might still be mad, but if he was calling me, it was because he wanted to talk. And I had been so scared I’d never talk to him again. It felt like I’d finally gasped for air after holding my breath for too long.


“Yeah,” I said. My voice cracked and I cleared my throat. “Yeah. It’s really me this time.”


It would be a lie to say I did this on my own. The truth is, there have been several amazing people helping to shepherd this book into existence, and I want to take a moment to thank them.

Thank you to my editor, Jody Corbett, who put so much time and energy into making this story the best it could be. Thank you to my agent, Joa

Special thanks to Phoebe North, who loved this story even when I didn’t. To Amy Lukavics, who constantly makes me feel like a rock star. And to Lisa Desrochers, who made me laugh even when I was feeling pretty down. I’m so proud to know all three of you talented, smart, amazing women.

Thanks to everyone in my family for believing in me while also keeping me grounded. And special thanks to Mom, who is always there when I need her, and Dad, who never lets me doubt how proud he is. I’m lucky to have you all.

And since this is a book largely about friendship, I would be remiss not to thank my own best friends. Shana Hancock, it’s hard to believe it’s been almost nine years since that day we met in history class. We may be several states apart, but I adore you just as much now as I did then. Gaelyn Galbreath, you’re the A

About the Author

Kody Keplinger was born and raised in a small Kentucky town. During her senior year of high school, she wrote her debut novel,


Romantic Times

Shut Out

A Midsummer’s Nightmare

The Swift Boys & Me

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