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I stood from my position by his side then reached for his hands and helped him stand. Once he worked out the kinks from his neck, I took him in.

His suit jacket was lying in a crinkled mess on the floor. His tie was undone, hanging untied around his neck. The two top buttons of his pale blue shirt were undone, and he somehow managed to half untuck his shirt from his slacks.

He was a mess. And he looked beautiful.

“Why are you here, Qui

His brows creased slightly. “Can I come in?”

I wanted to say no. I wanted to tell him there was nothing to talk about. I wanted to be the smart, sassy girl I always wished I could be, but never really was.

Instead, I took my keys and opened my apartment door, walking through and leaving it open in silent invitation. I switched on the light in the kitchen, set down my shoes and bag, and then turned in time to see Qui

He approached me cautiously, as one would a spooked animal. Once he was a foot away, he started talking. “I’m out.”

Out? My brow furrowed in confusion. What did he mean by out?

“It was my last night with DFT. Michelle was my last client.”

I forgot to breathe. What did this mean?

His soft hazel eyes met mine and he took a small step forward. “I haven’t slept with another woman for weeks, Mia, and I certainly didn’t sleep with Michelle tonight.”

My voice cracked, “Why?”

He smiled that smile I love so much, and I saw sunshine. His said quietly, “Because this.” His eyes never left mine as he lowered his face. One hand reached up to cup my cheek as the other drew around my waist.

I didn’t want to be kissed. I needed to be kissed, or I would die. Just die. As his lips made contact with mine, I fell into Matt Qui

My hands seemed to have a mind of their own. They gripped, and pulled, and pushed, and I wasn’t sure of what I really wanted. Well, apart from seeing Qui

Just as I managed to pull his shirt all the way out of his pants, he pulled back, chuckling lightly and scrubbing a hand down his face. A pained, “Mia,” warned me off, but there was humor in it. He palmed his hard length and groaned, “Ugh. You’re killing me.” I pouted, and when Qui

I whined, stepping closer to him, a needy hand extended, “But I want to see what make-up sex is all about.”

He chuckled again, but kept his distance. “And when we have it, it’ll be unbelievable, but it’s all different now, Mia.”

I frowned. “How?”

He blinked down at me, a smile curving his full lips. “What, you don’t know?” He took a single step forward, took my outreached hand, and lifted it, kissing my knuckles.

It was then that my world tilted.

It was then he stated, “You’re everything to me.” His lips at my knuckles, he kissed them again sweetly. His eyes trained on mine, he declared a rushed and nervous, “I’m in love with you.”

Chapter Forty-Two


This reaction was not exactly the one I wanted.

She stared.

That was about it.

Well, her mouth had parted slightly and she looked a little shocked, but not in the way I’d hoped. She was dumbfounded.

I lost the cool demeanor that had stuck with me through my teen years. Shifting slightly, loosening my hold on her hand, I swallowed hard and forced a nervous laugh. “Say something, Mia.”

Her mouth opened. Then shut. She tried again, her brow creasing, but still, not a word escaped those pretty pink lips. And I had gone from nervously excited to crushed in a second flat. She didn’t love me.

My body heat rose, a flush starting from my neck, working its way up. How could I have gotten it so wrong?

All the signs were there. The way she looked at me. The way she joked and laughed with me. The emotional, as well as the physical, effect we seemed to have on each other…

I groaned, stepping back. My palms dug into the sockets of my eyes as I tried desperately to erase the last seven minutes of my life.

Holy shit. Had I mistaken simple friendship with Mia for love? I knew how I felt about her, but it was possible that I hadn’t been friends with a woman in…well…forever, so I misread the signs.

Oh, God.

Of all the people to misread signs with…

Oh, fuck.

…of course it had to be with my best friend’s sister.

I was never going to live this down. Not ever.

“Oh, God,” I grated. I lowered my palms only low enough to cover my mouth. “You’re not into me, are you?”

Her brows rose as she took in my words. “I—”

My hands fell and I rested one on my hip. I closed my eyes and held the other hand out. “No, Mia. You don’t need to explain. I clearly misread the situation.” I let out a long sigh, looking anywhere but at her. “It’s just that I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, and I know you’re Harry’s sister, but…but I thought…” I groaned a laugh. “Well, I feel like an idiot.” Then I actually did laugh. I peeked up at her, speaking softly through my discomfiture. “I thought you were jealous tonight. It never occurred to me that you were just embarrassed to be seen with your hooker.”

We stood there, cautiously looking at one another, Mia wringing her hands together and me unable to speak. I had no idea how to fix this.

Just as I began to apologize, she spoke, whisper-soft, “I was jealous.”

My head snapped up. “What?” I was sure I hadn’t heard her right.

She looked down at her hands, speaking a little louder, “I was jealous.” She took a small step back and wrapped her arms around herself. “I hated her, because she was with you. And my date the other night?” She closed her eyes and breathed out a shaky, “I did that because I was falling for you.” Her smile trembled. “I had to get out before I was in too deep. I needed to forget about you, because…” her eyes shone bright, “because jealousy was killing me.”

Then it was my turn to stare.

Mia shrugged lightly. “I would’ve never asked you to leave your job. I never thought we even had a chance. I tried so hard to make out like it wasn’t a thing, but”—she blinked rapidly and a tear trailed her cheek—“it was killing me.”

My brow creased. “What are you…?” I took a step toward her, my eyes never leaving hers. “What are you saying?” Another step forward. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Her lip twitched and I rushed out, “Because if you’re saying what I think you’re saying, then you need to get over here right now or I’m coming after you, and when I catch you, I’m never letting you go.”

A second tear escaped, and she laughed and sobbed at the same time. Then she gri

It took three more steps for me to claim my girl…five minutes to hear her whisper she loved me…and a night of lovemaking to prove it.

And I knew it would take an eternity before I got my fill of Mia Bridgeton.

Chapter Forty-Three


I rolled my eyes at the doofus stealing all the blankets. “We are not doing this.”
