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It was then his smile returned. “You know it.”

I drove home wondering how someone like Harry could fall for a client. Thinking about Maya’s quirky and sassy attitude, the answer came quickly.


Chapter Five


I spent the afternoon silently fretting and covering that fact by cleaning every corner of my apartment till it was sparkling. Maybe I had been wrong. Maybe Matt Qui

My brain rolled its eyes at me. Okay, so he was man enough. Matt Qui

It was likely that he didn’t want this job, but didn’t know how to break it to me. So I had to let him off without guilt.

I opened a new email and started typing.

To: [email protected] /* */

From: [email protected] /* */

Subject: So…


So…it’s been a few hours since I sent you my last email.

Listen, I realize that taking someone’s virginity is normally a big deal, but for me, it isn’t that big of a deal.

Groaning, I immediately deleted what I wrote. Of course losing your virginity is a big deal! Who was I kidding?

I tried again.

To: [email protected] /* */

From: [email protected] /* */

Subject: (none)

Hi Qui

I stared at the open email for a long while, not knowing where to go from the greeting. I stared for over a minute, over five minutes, over ten minutes before I started to write again.

To: [email protected] /* */

From: [email protected] /* */

Subject: (none)

Hi Qui

I’m guessing your lack of response means you aren’t interested, and that’s totally fine. I know how it is.

I’m sure I can find someone else at the agency that would be acceptable.

Anyone you’d like to recommend?


I read the email over and over until I convinced myself it was fine. I clicked send, closed the lid on my laptop, and walked out of my apartment, grabbing my phone on the way.

I wouldn’t think about Matt Qui

I needed to get out.

I needed to run.

Chapter Six


As I walked into my apartment, my eyes skimmed the email for the sixth time. I read the line that was bugging me the most for the seventh, eighth, ninth time.

“I’m sure I can find someone else at the agency that would be acceptable.”

My brow bunched as an emotion I couldn’t quite recognize squeezed a knot inside my chest. I’d been written off in a matter of hours.

I was Matt fucking Qui

I squelched my irrational anger and typed slowly.

To: [email protected] /* */

From: [email protected] /* */

Subject: Whoa, Nelly! Hold your horses.

Maya, my dumpling,

Please forgive my tardy response. I was at lunch with a friend and didn’t want to be that guy. You know, that guy who’s more interested in his phone than his friend?

Although I’d been thoroughly tempted to be that guy when I read your email.

Also, yes, that is most definitely something I can help with. I would consider it a privilege to be the man you chose for the job.

Still available,


After sending the email, I called DFT. Candace, the receptionist, owed me a favor, and I was calling it in.

“DFT. This is Candace speaking. How may I help you?”

I smirked. Candace was a sixty-something-year-old woman who acted like a twenty-year-old. She had her children young and was a great-grandmother two times over. Also, she loved the shit out of me. “Candy, sweetheart, how are you this fine day?”

She grunted a laugh at my over-cheerfulness. “I’m fine, thank you, Matthew. What can I do for you, hon?”

I hated to do it, but felt I needed to. No one would be better at serving Maya than me. “Remember when I caught you napping at your desk and I woke you before anyone saw. You said you owed me. I’m calling in my marker.”

She made a noise in her throat then asked suspiciously, “And what would that favor be?”

I didn’t waste time beating around the bush. “I need you to check the reception email. There’s a new client who will likely try to book with another guy. I need you to tell her there is no one else. No one else but me.”

Candace sighed. “Matty, sweetie, I don’t know. I could get into a lot of trouble.”

“Are you going to tell anyone? Because I’m not. It’ll be strictly between you and me. Besides, the client might never even book. This is all just a would-be scenario.”

I could all but hear her roll her eyes. “All right. Give me her email address.” I gave her Maya’s email and waited. “Well, she hasn’t booked yet, Matty. If she tries to, I’ll text you.”

Letting out a sigh of relief, I thanked her. “You’re the best, Candy. Love ya.”

The day’s heat was getting to me, so I removed my shirt and threw myself on my bed. It had been a few hours since I heard from Maya. I was begi

To: [email protected] /* */

From: [email protected] /* */

Subject: So…this isn’t awkward…


I’m so glad you’re not that guy. I hate that guy. And there’s nothing to apologize for. Keeping your friend company without checking your phone just earned you major brownie points in my book.

I’m sorry for assuming you wouldn’t have the balls to let me know if you didn’t want to assist me.

Truth is, I wouldn’t have booked with anyone else. Not even if you had recommended them.

Not at all awkward,

Maya ever after x

Subconsciously, my chest puffed out, and I felt like beating on it like a gorilla while strutting around like a peacock. But I was too tired for that. Instead, I lay with an arm behind my head while typing with the other.

To: [email protected] /* */

From: [email protected] /* */

Subject: Mmmm…brownie points.


I’m glad we got that sorted.

Now, shall we get down to business?

If it’s all right with you, I’d like to know the extent of your sexual experience, so I can be better prepared for our meeting.

You can ask me anything you like in return. Scout’s honor.



I didn’t know why writing that particular email seemed harder to write than the others. Something about this woman had my stomach turning.

I thought back to the last time I flirted with a woman for my own pleasure. Honestly, I couldn’t remember a time in the last year. My brow bunched. Had this become my life? Women throwing themselves at me for large sums, and me minus my natural libido? Sure, I had a large group of women to deal with, and majority of those women were regulars, but on the odd occasion I had a new client, yet I hadn’t been excited about it. I had been nervous about it, anxious even. With my regulars, I knew what they liked. I rarely had to use new moves. Making them come was a cinch.

My mind wandered. I wasn’t at all nervous to meet Maya. How easily would Maya come? I didn’t know what she liked, but I would explore her body and remedy that as soon as possible. Was she thin or full-figured? Tall or short? Would she taste sweet or spicy? She deserved a good first experience. Having this go as smoothly as possible was best for her. If this went sour, it could ruin her view of sex forever. I didn’t want that resting on me, but was sure I could make it something special for her.