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Gouraud, General,


Green Hill,

Grey, Sir Edward,

Guépratte, Admiral,

Gully Beach,

Gully Ravine,

Haidar Pasha,

Haig, Sir Douglas,

Haldane, Lord,

Hamidieh Fort,

Hamilton, General Sir Ian, appointed C.-in-C. Gallipoli expedition; arrives Dardanelles; supports plan for military landing; meetings with de Robeck; with Rupert Brooke; appearance, character and record; preparations for April 25 landing; handling of the attack; decision not to withdraw; fails to get reinforcements from Egypt; agrees to truce; living conditions on Arcadian; begs for ammunition; not known by the troops; plans Suvla landing; instructions to Stopford; security; failure to convince subordinates; watches invasion fleet leave; anxiety over Suvla landing; leaves for Suvla; interview with Stopford; replaces generals; asks for reinforcements from Egypt; promise of new army; postponed, reaction to first mention of evacuation; reputation diminishing; reputation with troops; Murdoch letter; dismissal; leaves Gallipoli; criticized by Royal Commission; later career; dies,

Hammersley, Major-General,


Hankey, Colonel (Lord Hankey),

Harding, Field-Marshal Sir John,


Henri IV,

Herbert, Alan,

Herbert, Aubrey,

Hersing, Lt.-Commander Otto,

Hill, Brig.-General,

Hill Q,


Hill Ten,

Holbrooke, Lt. Norman,

Horne, General,

Hostages, sent to Gallipoli,

Hunter-Weston, General,


Inflexible, H.M.S.,

Ismail Oglu Tepe,

Ismid, Gulf of,

Irresistible, H.M.S.,

Jackson, Sir Henry,

Jed, H.M.S.,

Jellicoe, Admiral,

Joffre, General,

Jonquil, H.M.S.,


Kemal, Mustafa, comparison with Enver; early life and career; anti-German; attaché at Sofia; posted to Rodosto; commands division; reactions to April 25 landing; truce; row with Enver; his diary; prophecy of Suvla landing; one error; given command of Suvla battle; charge at Chunuk Bair; made Pasha; escaped death; ill and evacuated from peninsula; acclaimed ‘Saviour of Gallipoli’; said to have saved break-through at Gallipoli,

Kephez Point,

Keyes, Lt.-Commander Adrian,

Keyes, Roger, organizes minesweepers; attempts to salvage Irresistible; attitude on March; presses for naval attack; proposes new naval attack; tries to hurry Suvla landing; puts forward plan for new naval attack in October; versus Monro; command of Dover patrol; in 1925 steams through Dardanelles; serves as Director Combined Operations; 1945 dies,

Kilid Bahr,

Kiretch Tepe,

Kitchener, Lord, project for Greek landing on Gallipoli; plan to aid Russians; prestige in 1914 of; agrees to send troops to Gallipoli; appoints Hamilton; attitude to reinforcements; argument with Fisher; disappointment over Gallipoli; agrees to reinforce Gallipoli; replaces Stopford; agrees to support Joffre; raises question evacuation; dismisses Hamilton; supports Keyes’ naval plan; goes to Gallipoli; prestige sinking; ca

Koe, Colonel,

Koja Chemen Tepe,



Kum Kale,

Lala Baba,

Lancashire Landing,

Law, Bonar,

Lawson, Sir Harry,



Lloyd George,

Lone Pine,

Lord Nelson, H.M.S.,

Lossow, Col. von,

Lusitania, S.S.,

Lynden-Bell, Major-General,

Mackenzie, Compton,

MacMahon, Sir Henry,

Mahon, General,

Majestic, H.M.S.,


Mallet, Sir Louis,

Malone, Lt.-Col.,


Mal Tepe,

Marmara, Sea of,

Masefield, John,

Matthews, Colonel,

Maude, General,

Maxwell, Sir John,


Millington, Major Tasman,

Milner, Lord,


Monash, Brig.-General John,

Monro, General Sir Charles, supersedes Hamilton; character; goes to Gallipoli; visits bridgeheads; recommends evacuation; appointed to Salonika; resists Keyes on issue of evacuation; quoted by Lord Milner; appointed to command in France; decorated; C.-in-C. India; congratulated by Royal Commission; dies,

Moore, Sir John,

Morgenthau, Henry,

Morto Bay,

Mount Athos,


Murdoch, Keith,

Murray, General Archibald,

Murray, Sir James Wolfe,



Napier, Brig.-General,

Nasmith, Lieut.-Commander (Admiral Nasmith), V.C.,

Nevinson, Henry,

Nibrunesi Point,

Nicholson, Admiral,

Nicolson, Sir Harold,

Northcliffe, Lord,

Ocean, H.M.S.,

Oliver, Admiral,

Orkanie Mound,

Ottoman Empire,

Overton, Major,

Paris, Commander,

Phaeton, H.M.S.,

Phillimore, Captain,


Pollard, Private,

Pollen, Lt.-Colonel,

Potrih, Lt.-Colonel,


Prince George, H.M.S.,

Queen Elizabeth, H.M.S.,


Rageot, Captain,

Raglan, H.M.S.,

Rawlinson, Sir Henry,

Raymond, Ernest,

Reed, Brig.-General,

Rhododendron Spur,

River Clyde, S.S.,

Robeck, Admiral de, wants to continue February 19 attack; leads February 25 attack; given command of Mediterranean Fleet; handling of March 18 attack; fears dismissal; urged to press on; conference with Hamilton; decides new landing impossible without army; character; photographed with Hamilton; dislikes asking for reinforcements; likes Hamilton’s plan; orders attack; joins discussion on withdrawal from Anzac; reports army in difficulties; consents to new naval attack; forbidden to attack; fêtes Boyle; transfers to Lord Nelson; then to Triad; orders retirement; sends Majestic to Helles; reaction to success of submarines; goes to Suvla in Chatham; urges Hamilton to come to Suvla; opposes new idea of naval assault; farewell to Hamilton; superseded by Wemyss; goes to England; advises Admiralty against Keyes’ plan; resumes control of Fleet; gives evidence before Royal Commission; dies,

Royal Commission on Dardanelles,


Russia, traditional enemy of Turkey; exports through Bosphorus; fear of German-Turkish alliance; proposed alliance with Turkey; trade blocked; asks Allied help against Turks; Enver plans to invade; fear of Greeks; agreement with Britain and France; Armenians in; bombards Bosphorus; weakens; in danger of signing separate peace; employs Enver; contact with Europe lost,



Samson, Air Commodore,

Sanders, Liman von, character; criticizes Enver; confers with Talaat; thinks Allied landing in March could have succeeded; appointed to command forces at Dardanelles; relations with Enver; his plans for defence of Gallipoli; Allies’ plans to deceive him; reaction to news of April 25 landing; fails to see importance of Sari Bair; reacts to Hamilton’s plan; reorganizes his troops; says he pla

Sari Bair,


Saros, Gulf of,