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9.2.2. Complete the sentences with one of the co

1. This is a cheap pen,... it writes well. 2.....yellow looks good on you, it doesn't look very good on me. 3.1 put on my sunglasses... it was a dark cloudy day. 4. ... she has a job. she doesn't make enough money to support her four children. 5. I'm glad that my mother made me take piano lessons when I was a child ... I hated it at the time. Now I play the piano every day. 6. The earthquake damaged the bridge across the river ... they were able to cross the river in a boat. 7.... I was dead tired, I walked all way home. 8. Bob ale a large di

9.2.3. Combine the following sentences to show the relationship of contrast. Make the necessary changes.

1. A storm was approaching. The climbers continued their trek up the mountains. 2. I washed my hands. They still looked dirty. 3. I held a lot of studying to do. I went to the cinema anyway. 4. They have a car. They rarely use it.

5. He has a number of relations living nearby. He never visits them. 6. She said she didn't want to change her job. She may change her mind. 7. She doesn't enjoy her job. She works hard. 8. They were late. They didn't hurry.

9. The weather was bad. We enjoyed the outing. 10. David's dad did his best to teach him to drive. David failed his driving test.

9.3. TEXT CONNECTORS DENOTING REASON AND RESULT (CAUSE AND EFFECT) because/ as/ so/ as a result/ therefore/ that's why/ since

9.3.1. Study the following examples.

I bought an umbrella because I thought it wouldrain.

As it was raining I bought an umbrella.

Since it looks as though it might rain. I've bought an umbrella.

He was late so he ran to the station.

It was raining hard, therefore we didn 't go out.

It was raining, that's why we stayed at home. We missed the last bus and as a result we had to walk all way home.

9.3.2. Choose the correct co

1. As/as a result it was such a beautiful day, we decided to have a picnic.

2. It was his birthday because/so we decided to buy him a present.

3. As a result/since all the seats on the train were taken, we had to stand.

4. The banks were closed and since/as a result we couldn't get any money.

5. I didn't find the book very interesting so/as I didn't finish it.

6. I'm tired out, as a result/that's why I am going home.

7. George has got a new job, because/that's why he's so pleased with himself.

8. Since/as a result a diamond is extremely hard it can be used to cut glass.

9. Jim had to give up jogging that's why/because he sprained his ankle.

10. Two of the three factories in our small town have closed, because/therefore unemployment is high.

9.3.3. Combine the following sentences to show the relationship of reason and result.

1. I couldn't repair my bicycle. I didn't have the right tools.

2. The post office was closed. I couldn't post my parcels.

3. All of the students have done poorly on the test. The teacher has decided to give it again.

4. We listened to the news on the radio. Our TV set was broken.

5. John has poor eyesight. He has to sit in the front row.

6. Mark is overweight. His doctor has advised him to exercise regularly.

7. The workers have gone on strike. All production has ceased.

8. Let's ask our teacher how to solve this problem. We can't agree on the answer.

9. Sophie broke her leg in two places. She had to wear a cast and use crutches for three months.

10. Cars have become more complicated. Mechanics need more training than in the past.

9.3.4. Choose the correct variant.

1. Some people like to sing ... they are taking a bath. A although B after C while

2. I enjoy te

3. ... she has a well-paid job, she never has any money. A Despite B As C Even though

4. ... she left school she started working in a bank. A Before B After C Since

5. Mike borrowed some money and ... he was able to go on holiday with his parents.

A because B as a result C after

6. She managed to write ... her hand was injured. A despite B although C while

7. The sky was gray and cloudy.... we went to the beach. A Nevertheless B As a result C Despite

8. I've only been to the cinema once... I got out of hospital. A as soon as B until C since

9. ... I had nothing for lunch but an apple, I ate di

10. Please walk carefully ... the walkway is slippery. A that's why B because C until

11 ... she seldom eats at home she is good at cooking. A As B Since C Even though

12. John didn't feel well.... he didn't go to work yesterday. A Nevertheless B Therefore C In spite of

13. He insisted that he was right... the fact that everyone disagreed with him. A in spite of B while C though

14. Joe jumped into the river to rescued the little girl who was drowning ... he wasn't a good swimmer.

A even though B despite C since

15. I won't leave ... I find the keys. A while B until C before

16. The sea looked dangerous ... we didn't go in for a swim. A as B so C though



The words in each group below are close in meaning and may even correspond to the same word when translated into Russian (or Belarusian). Despite the similarity they ca

hard/hardly interesting/interested

Confusion can be caused, too, by words different in meaning but having a resemblance in spelling or/and pronunciation"

lose/loose quite/quiet

A. Verbs

bite/beat do/make reach/achieve get/have remember/remind/recall hear/listen (to) forget/leave lie/lay

rise/raise wait(for)/expect drive/ride steal/rob lend/borrow pass/take point(to)/show bring/take/fetch go/come/walk fall/drop carry/bear/wear fit/suit/match see/look/watch study/learn/teach speak/say/talk/tell

wear/ put on /dress/ to be dressed(in) leave/stay(in, at) suggest/offer sit/sat/seat

B. Adjectives/Adverbs/Conjunctions

happy/lucky easy/light tall/high hard/hardly interesting/interested exciting/excited heavy/difficult/hard empty/free/vacant/spare bare/naked like/as either/too still/yet/already late/lately/(the)latest happily/luckily

at least/at last/finally so/such except/besides still/else/other/more

C. Nouns

pair/couple play/game language/tongue place/seat/room/space cook/cooker shade/shadow country/state food/meal hour/clock/o'clock/watch road/street/way/path event/case/incident/accident land/earth/soil