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It's getting dark. Turn (switch) on the light.

It's still dark in the room. Don't turn (switch} off

the light.

It's warm here. Take off your coat.

Won't you consider my proposals? - Well, I'll think

them over and let you know.

Why don't you throw away these old newspapers?

She had tried on about ten pairs of shoes before

she made her final choice.

When she woke up it was still dark.

He told me to write down his address.

6.8.2. Complete the following sentences with the correct prepositions and postpositions.

1. Don't turn ... the radio. Father is working. 2. Take... your jacket. It's hot here. 3. Before you leave the house make sure that you have turned ... the gas and electricity. 4. It's getting dark. Shall I turn ... the light? 5. Wake me ... in half an hour. 6. I'm afraid we'll have to put... the meeting. 7. They bring ... their children very properly. 8. The children are asleep. Don't wake them .... 9.1 tried ... the jacket to see if it fitted me. 10. If you come across new words look them ... in the dictionary. 11. The teacher told the pupils to write ... their homework. 12. The weather's horrible, isn't it? I hope it'll clear ... later. 13.1 can't hear you very well. Can you speak ... a bit? 14. The children have grown ... since I saw them last. 15.1 was so tired that I couldn't get... in the morning. 16. We often call... our next door neighbours. 17.1 came ... this photograph by accident when I was clearing the attic. 18. Robert gave ... playing football years ago. 19. Did anyone find ... what their new address is? 20. Can you read the inscription? - No, I can't make it.... 21. When you are learning a new language you often have to look ... new words in the dictionary. 22. The epidemic broke ... in the early part of January. 23. I'm sure they will carry ... the project. 24. The housing development was put ... because of the increased expenses. 25. They turn ... the street lights at the same time every morning. 26. He doesn't get ... with his family. That's why he doesn't live at home. 27. He wanted to talk to me but I kept... working and refused to listen. 28. He takes ... his mother; he has blue eyes and fair hair too. 29. After his fourth attempt he gave ... trying to pass the driving test. 30. You can throw ... the packet; it's empty. 31. We went to see them ... at the station and waved till the train was out of sight. 32. Without my glasses I can hardly make ... the words on the page. 33. They decided to put... their wedding until the summer. 34. They've gone to the airport to see their daughter ....

6. 9. 2. Insert the correct prepositions where necessary.

1. Sandra was ... bed. She waited ... the postman to arrive. While she lay there she was thinking ... the application she had made for the scholarship. Suddenly she got... , put... her dressing gown and went... the bathroom. While she was having a shower she heard the postman. He knocked ... the door and her mother opened it. When Sandra entered ... the breakfast room, a letter was lying ... the table.

2 I'm a member ... a group who spend weekends looking ... footpaths, building walls and planting trees. We are not paid what we do but we enjoy it very much. You don't need any previous experience but it helps if you are fond ... gardening. The most attractive thing about it is that you meet ... other people interested ... nature and preserving the countryside.

3. We were late as usual. My husband had insisted ... doing his packing ... himself, and when he discovered that he couldn't manage he'd asked me ... help ... the last moment. So we had an hour to get... the airport. Luckily, there wasn't much traffic ... the road and we were able to get there just...


4. Archeologists and historians are more and more worried ... the Italian city ... Venice, one ... the world's most important historical cities. Venice, built... the seventeenth century ... the Doges of Venice, is visited ... more than one million people ... a year. But Venice's buildings are ... danger. Their foundations are shaken... the vibrations from passing ships. Many parts ... the city are often flooded and these floods cause

damage too. Worried residents and experts ... all over the world are looking ... ways to stop the damage and preserve Venice.

5. Unexpected guests are good ... you. The phone rings, the friends you haven't seen ... ages are arriving ... a few hours, and you realize ... horror that you haven't changed the sheets

... the spare bedrooms ... months, that all the dirty dishes have been ... the sink since the weekend, and that you've been wearing the same frock ... three days.

6. Last year I went... a trip which was an absolute disaster. I was going to Berlin ... business when, ... accident, I got ... the wrong train. We were ... the way to Brussels before I realized my mistake. ... the end I got... Berlin twenty-four hours later than I had expected.

7. Last year my family went... holiday to Thailand. We went ... air; it was a very long journey but we were very well looked after ... the plane ... all the stewardesses. We stayed ... a large hotel... the outskirts of Bangkok. We were given a wonderful suite ... the top floor ... the hotel. The most enjoyable day I had was when we went... a trip ... boat, down the river to the crocodile farm. We had a wonderful holiday.



- age -al

pass - passage arrive - arrival

- ment - sion

improve - improvement divide - division

- ance - ation

appear - appearance admire - admiration

- tion - ure

invent - invention fail - failure

- ence - ion

differ - difference confuse - confusion

- y - ee

recover - recovery employ - employee

Study the following list of nouns formed from verbs which do not follow the above patterns.

advise - advice behave - behaviour believe - belief

choose - choice complain - complaint die - death

fly - flight grow - growth hate - hatred know - knowledge live - life lose - loss

practise - practice prove - proof serve - service ' speak - speech think - thought weigh - weight

7.1.1. Make nouns from the following verbs. Check your variants with the dictionary.

admit develop interrupt protect

advertise disappoint introduce propose


apologize divide invent qualify

apply educate hesitate receive

appoint elect marry recognize

approve employ mix refer

arrange enter operate refuse

attend entertain pass repeat

celebrate exist perform revise

combine explain permit satisfy

continue imagine possess solve

confess imitate prefer suggest

depart improve prepare translate

describe impress produce treat

7.1.2. Complete the sentences using nouns formed from the verbs in brackets.

1. The ... of America was made in 1492 by Christopher Columbus, (discover)

2. I can't tell the ... between butter and margarine, (differ)

3. Susie takes after her father in .... (appear)

4. The staff at this hotel is excellent. They give very good .... (serve)

5. The ... to the park is through the gate over there, (enter)

6. The American ... of this word is different from the British, (use)