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2. These days more people are learning how to use computers. ... of them have to because of their work,... just want to play games,... are actually interested in computing. These days you don't need ... money to buy a computer and ... knowledge of computing is required to use one. There are ... of different uses for them, such as letter writing and keeping accounts.

3. The school trip is tomorrow and I want to remind everyone of a few things. I don't want ... to miss the bus. Last year ... pupils were left behind because they arrived late. There are hardly ... seats left on the coach, so remember to put your bags and coats in the boot before you get on. ... will be allowed to smoke on the coach. I hope you will all bring warm clothes. Does ... have ... questions? Good. If you remember what I've said, there will be ... problems.



5.1.1. Study these examples comparing the use of adjectives and adverbs after some verbs.

She looks beautiful in her new dress.

The soup tastes/smells good.

She felt happy on the day they met.

She felt bad. (But: She felt well (unwell).)

She plays te

She speaks French fluently.

Note: Adjectives (not adverbs) are used after the following link verbs: to seem, to feel, to look, to appear, to sound, to grow, to become.

5.1.2. Compare the following sentences.

It's a fast car. - The car goes very fast.

It was hard work. - We worked hard. It was early/late . - / arrived early/late.

Note: Fast/hard/early/late are both adjectives (sentences on the left) and adverbs (sentences on the right).

5.1.3. Study these examples.

He spoke to the boy in a fatherly ma

The discussion was carried on in a lively way.

Not e: friendly, lovely, lonely, silly, ugly, lively, fatherly, motherly, cowardly are adjectives. They have no adverb forms; instead some other structures are used, e.g. in a friendly way, in a silly ma

5.1.4. Choose the correct variant.

A 1. The floor looks (clean, cleanly). 2. The plane landed (safe, safely) on the runway. 3. When the wind started to blow I grew (anxious, anxiously). 4. This list of names appears (complete, completely). No more names need to be added. 5. The crowd yelled (wild, wildly) when the team scored a goal. 6. The merchant looked (honest, honestly), but she wasn't. When I got home I discovered that she had cheated me. 7. Most of the students did (well, good) on their tests. 8. The contract offer sounded (fair, fairly) to me, so I accepted the job. 9. Jim felt (terrible/terribly) about forgetting his son's birthday. 10. A rose smells (good, well).11. As dawn approached, the sky became (light, lightly).

12. Bert spoke (confident, confidently) when he delivered his speech. 13.1 don't think this milk is spoiled. It tastes (fine, finely) to me. 14. Dogs make loving, trainable and (gentle, gently) pets. 15. Tina is always patient and speaks (sensitively, sensitive) when helping her friends with their problems. 16. When people are tired they walk (slow, slowly). 17. I listen to the radio a lot but I (hard, hardly) ever watch television. 18.1 tried (hard, hardly) to remember her name but 1 couldn't. 19. We (hard, hardly) know each other. 20. Kate is a (hard, hardly) worker. 21. She used to be a great musician, but she (hard, hardly) plays at all now.

B. Linda and Larry are at a restaurant.

Larry: You look (beautiful/beautifully) tonight, Linda.

Linda: Thanks,

Larry. This is a great restaurant! The food

tastes (good/well); and the band sounds (terrific/terrifically).

Larry: Yes. They really play (beautiful/beautifully), don't they? Hey, would you like to dance?

Linda: Sure.

Larry: It feels (nice/nicely) to dance again. You know I haven't danced since our wedding.

Linda: Be careful! Those people are really dancing (bad/ badly).

Larry: You're right. They look (dangerous/dangerously).

Linda: Oh, my toe! Let's sit down.

Larry: Good idea. How about some coffee? The people next to us have just got coffee, and it smells (wonderful/ wonderfully).

Linda: That sounds (nice/nicely).

5.2. DEGREES OF COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES 5.2.1. Study the following examples.






the shortest



the biggest




more famous

the most famous


more careful

the most careful

The hotel is cheaper than I expected.

It's the cheapest hotel in the town.

This film is more interesting than the film we saw

last week.

It's the most interesting film I've ever seen.

This film is less interesting than the film we saw

last week.

Tins film is the least interesting I've seen this year. It f as warm today as it was yesterday. It's not as warm today as it was yesterday. It's not so warm today as it was yesterday.

5.2.2. Use the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Health and happiness are (important) than money. 2.1 prefer this armchair. It's (comfortable) than the other one. 3. The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be much (expensive). 4. She is a very intelligent student. She is (intelli-gent) student in our school. 5. This hat is too small for me. I need a (big) size. 6. The station wasn't as (near) as I had expected. 7. Her illness was (serious) than we at first thought. 8. It's (fu