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4.1.3. Complete using personal, possessive and reciprocal pronouns.

A. 1. There can be no doubt that Shakespeare ... wrote this play. 2. We were in the park on ... own. 3. My roommate and I have to share a bookshelf. She keeps... books on the top two shelves, and I keep ... on the bottom two shelves. 4. Just between you and ..., I think Tom is going to lose ... job. 5. Our house is almost the same as our neighbours' house. The only difference is that... is grey and ... is white. 6. Jason has only ... to blame for the mistake he made.

7. Your cassette player sounds better than .... 8. My washing machine can switch ... off. 9. The children arranged the party by ... . 10. Mrs Collins is better now. I saw ... down town yesterday. 11. Romeo and Juliet killed ....

B. Last summer, six months after the wedding, Jill bought ... a land-rover and she had a two weeks holiday in Mexico with her friend A

4.2. INDEFINITE PRONOUNS SOME/ANY/NO 4.2.1. Study the use of the pronouns some, any, no.

There is some butter in the fridge. Is there any butter in the fridge? Some people like to get up early. You can get any book you like. There is no money left.

Note 1- Although the basic meaning of some/any is 'a mall amount of something', some may have the meaning of 'какой-то, какая-то' and any - the meaning of'любой'. Some man wants to see you, Harry. Come at any time you like.

Note 2: Although some is mainly used in affirmative sentences and any in interrogative and negative sentences, in conversational speech some can be found in questions, too, (Wouldyou like some tea?) and any can be found in affirmative sentences (in the meaning of 'любой'). See the example above.

Any is also used with hardly (I have hardly any money left.) and with the preposition without when without any means with no. (He star ted his car without any difficulty.)

4.2.2. Complete the following sentences with some/any/no.

1. I'll lend you ... tie except the red one. 2. I haven't got... money on me. 3. Do you learn ... foreign languages? 4. ... peple don't need an alarm clock in the morning. 5. Both the girls have ... relatives here. 6. John gave me ... good advice, but I didn't take ... notice. 7.1 didn't get... letters yesterday. 8.... books are lying on the table, but there are... magazines there. 9. We haven't got ... time left. 10. I asked all the students in the class, but none of them answered ... of the questions. 11. He couldn't find ... books on geography at the local library. 12.... time ago I read about it in a magazine. 13. He wants ... more pudding. You can take it away. 14. There isn't... milk in the fridge but there is ... cream. 15. Most people like Tom but... don't. 16.... people are early risers. 17. What book shall I take?- ... you like. IS.The race will be held in ... weather. 19.1 went to the manager to get ... information. 20. Go and ask him for ... paper. I haven't got ... in my desk. 21. There isn't ... white bread at the baker's. 22. Have ... more jam. It's very good indeed. - No, thank you. I don't want... . 23. ... time ago I came across this photo in an old magazine. 24. There aren't... matches left. We must buy ... .25. Tomorrow there'll be a little free time to do ... shopping, but today there isn't... moment to spare for ... other business. 26. I'll sort out these old letters and throw ... away. 27. In ... countries military service is compulsory. 28. Phone me ... time you like tomorrow. I'll be at home all day. 29.1 like ... water sports, but not all of them. 30.... news is good news.


4.3.1. Study the examples illustrating the use

of the pronouns someone/somebody, something, somewhere*, anyone/anybody, anything, anywhere*, no one/nobody, nothing, nowhere*.

Compounds with some, any and no follow the rules mentioned above (see 4.2.1).

There's someone at the door.

Somebody wants to see you.

He's gone somewhere.

I want to tell you something important.

Is anyone ready?

Can anybody help me?

Anyone can do it. It's easy.

No one helped me.

The book is nowhere to be found.

Nothing can be more important at the moment.

Note that somewhere, anywhere, nowhere are sometimes defined as adverbs.

Note: All these pronouns function in the sentences as nouns, i.e. as an object or subject.

Don't sit idle. Do something.

Someone's knocking at the door.

Compare with some, any, no which function in the sentence as an attribute.

Some people are hard to please. No man is wise (if all times.

4.3.2. Complete the following sentences with someone (somebody), anyone (anybody), something, anything, nobody (no one), nothing, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere.

A. 1. It's too dark here. I can't see ... . 2. Can I do ... for you? 3. They went... at all during the holiday. 4. It was very disappointing. Absolutely ... happened. 5. I want to tell you ... . 6. Did you turn the oven off? I think I can smell... burning. 7. It was quiet in the room.... said anything. 8. Has ... seen Paul today? 9. Was there ... interesting in the paper yesterday? 10. ... likes to stay in town on a hot day. 11. Everyone was listening to the guide. ... said anything.

12. Speak louder. I don't hear .... 13. Is ... going to see the house today? 14. Are you going ... today? - No, I am not going... today. I am too tired. 15.... understood the rule and the teacher had to explain it again. 16. I know ... at all. 17.1 can't add ... to what I've said. 18. There is ... waiting for you in the lobby. 19.1 don't want... to eat. 20. He looked at my pictures but didn't say .... 21. The accident looked serious. Fortunately ... was injured. 22. That's a very easy question. ... can answer it. 23. There is ... interesting at his exhibition. 24.1 don't think there is ... in the office. 25.1 am bored. I'd like to go ... tonight. 26.1 left the house without saying ... to her. 27. He's lazy. He never does .... 28. She's standing over there, near the bookshop. I think she is waiting for ... - 29.1 can't find my watch .... I've looked all over the house. 30. The bus was completely empty. There wasn't... on it. 31. It's a stupid idea. Ask ... and they will tell you. 32.1 don't know ... who speaks Chinese.

g. 1. Jill is lonely because she doesn't know ... in her new village. ... in her village is old. They are all over sixty. There is a shop in the village, but Jill doesn't go to it because ... is very expensive. Jill has been living in the village for three weeks, but still... has talked to her. But yesterday ... in the shop did smile at her. She doesn't have a car and at weekends she gets bored because there is... to do.