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63. Because he had run out of... money, he had to look for ...job.

64. Tom went hunting in ... afternoon. When he returned,... di

65. Her father has been involved in ... automobile accident recently.

66. I dislike ... idle talk. It's... sheer waste of... time.

67. He is having ... financial difficulties now.

68. ... children go to ... school by ... bus.

69. I bought... pound of... bacon and... loaf of brown bread at... grocery.

70. ... festival will be opened ... day after tomorrow.

71. ... children who learn easily should start... school as early as possible.

72. Every dark cloud has ... silver lining.

73. Have you got... few minutes? I'd like to have ... chat with you.

74. Ru

75. Browns Ltd is ... large company in ... Manchester. It makes ...soap.

76. Europe and ... America are separated by ... Atlantic Ocean.

77. ... Elbrus is ... highest peak of... Caucasian mountains.

78. ... so

79. ... blood is thicker than ... water.

80. ...view from above ... shore was magnificent.

81. ... old woman was cared for by ... nurse from... hospital. 82.1 couldn't explain why my best shoes had ... hole in them.

83. Don't you think that... scissors in ... sewing box need sharpening?

84. Their lives became ... misery after ... disaster.

85. It was ... love at ... first sight that brought... couple together.

86. ... tortoise is ... sort of ... reptile.

87. ... wounded were taken to ... nearest hospital.

88. I live next to ... nursing home for ... very old.

89. Living away from ... home will do him ... enormous amount of good.

90. ... cost of... living in Sweden is higher than in ... other countries of... Europe.

91. ... wrecked liner is still lying on ... sea bottom.

92. Never speak ill of... dead.

93. There are ... shops at ... either end of... street.

94. Most of... people complain about... weather here.

95. I'm warning you! ... next person who does that will be in ... trouble!

96. ... dictionary is ... book in which the words of... language are listed alphabetically.

07. ... bomb is ... weapon which explodes and damages ... large area.

98. I'll send you ... letter. It's best not to talk about such things on ... phone.

99. I can't understand ... text;... language is very difficult.

100. I'd invited five people to ... party. Out of... five people, only John and Mary could come, ... others couldn't.

101. ... doctor who examined ... sick children was very gentle.

102. Ask Paul, he is ... only one who knows ... answer.

103. ... Smith's bookshop is in ... Oxford street opposite ... Barclays Bank.

104. There was.... earthquake in my hometown last year. It was just ... small one, but I could feel ... ground shaking.

105. At ... end of... busy day, ... sleep is ... best tonic.

106. You can lead ... horse to ... water but you can't make him drink.

107. I couldn't make out what... passage said.

108. Linda stopped ... car to let... black cat run across... street.

109. Jack wears ... glasses because he has ... poor eyesight.

110. ... air is full of... smoke,... dust and ... other harmful substances. We must do something to reduce ... air pollution.

111. I like to read ... good literature.

112. ... Japanese have ... long and interesting history.

113. ... dog makes ... good pet if it is properly trained.

114. ... people might think you're ... little crazy, but talking to yourself is ... good way to practise English.

115. He irritates ... people by talking in ... fu

116. You can really help ... environment by using ... unleaded fuel.

117. It would be more sensible for him to save his money instead of spending it like ... water.

118. Don't drink ... coffee in ... evening if you have trouble sleeping at ... night.

119. I'm not very happy with ... kitchen but it will have to do for ... time being.

120. She's quite ... lively person compared with ... rest of her family.

121. Let's wait till ... wind drops before we put ... tent up.

122. ... discovery of... radium marked ... begi

123. ... house in which I grew up no longer exists.

124. ... man was accused of having stolen ... woman's purse.

125. ... teacher reminded ... students of their assignment.

126. ... teacher encouraged us to consult... dictionary whenever we were uncertain of ... spelling of ... word.

127. I tried everything but... baby still wouldn't stop crying.

128. Linda offered to look after my cat when I was out of ... town.

129. ... best part of our trip was ... crossing of ... Sahara Desert.

130. We spent three weeks camping near ... Lake Garda in ... Italy.

131.1 have ... stu

132. Even if I had ... money, I wouldn't want to live in ... Bahamas.

133. I decorated ... children's bedroom as fast as I could. In ... week it was done.

134. I haven't got... time to phone him at... week-end. I'll do it ... next week.

135.1 went to ... theatre last night and saw ... fabulous play. I thought it was good, anyway, but I read in ... papers this morning that ... critics had slammed it.

136. Your daughter has ... beautiful voice. Her interest in ... singing must be encouraged.

137. ... child can't be given everything he or she wants.

138. ... hospital here is very old and can no longer serve ... needs of... community. ... new hospital should have been built here long ago.

139. When James is feeling ... bit low he usually treats himself to ... meal in ... good restaurant.

140. This is ... first time I've driven ... sports car.

141. If you want to have ... sound sleep try to drink ... glass of... milk before ... bedtime.

142. ... people often have ... very good idea of what colours suit them but they still buy ... wrong colour clothes.

143. He slipped and ... wine spilled all over ... carpet.

144. Brian seems ... ideal person for ... job.

145. After studying ... languages at ... university Steven became ... interpreter at... United Nations.

146. It's very important for ... parents to encourage ... independence in their children.

147. I saw ... woman coming up ... path to .. house. It was ... woman I had seen at... station ... day before.

148. My mother loves ... Italian operas even though she can't understand ... words.

149. ... Neil Armstrong, ... first man on ... moon, used to work for NASA.

150. ... police were called in to deal with ... situation.

151. ... people think ... climate in ... Mediterranean is ... best in ... world.

More practice

1. I find it very difficult to be optimistic. To tell... truth I have applied for 130 jobs in ... last two years and it's always ... same story. Come back when you've got ... bit of experience. I mean, how can I get... experience if nobody wants to give me ... job?

2. Dear Carol,

Just... note to say thank you for ... lovely day yesterday. If was really very hard to get back to work after such ... relaxing time. Delicious food, good company, ... beautiful garden - it really felt like ... mini-holiday. ... kids had... great time too, and are still talking about... dog and... pool. Would you like to come over to us... next weekend? You could come for ... lunch on ...Saturday or... Sunday, and we could go for ... walk in ... hills afterwards if... weather is good. Looking forward to seeing you all next weekend, and with ... lot of thanks again for yesterday.

Love, Jane

3. ... man had ... row with his wife. This made him leave ... home later than usual so he drove to work very fast. While he was going round ... corner, ... dog ran across ... road. ... man stamped on ... brakes,... car skidded (... road was in ... very bad condition),... man lost control of his car and crashed into ... lorry which was parked on ... double yellow line.