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2) with the definite article

all the same at the latest at the time at the moment by the way for the time being in the afternoon/ evening/morning in the singular in the plural in (the) winter/ summer/spring in the day-time in the past/present in the centre in the middle in the distance in the doorway in the original in the shade on the whole on the spot on the one hand on the other hand on the safe side out of the question the other day the day after tomorrow the wrong side the right route most of the time the only place (but an only child) the same opinion

the poor/the rich the sick the wounded the unemployed the needy the handicapped to tell the truth to tell the time to keep the house to make the bed under the influence (of) to lay the table to make the most (best) of smth

to do the washing up

3) with the zero article

arm in arm at dawn at dusk at daybreak at twilight at night at midnight at sunrise (sunset) at noon at first sight

at night at home at present at di

by accident from begi

in future in service in demand in spite of in (on) time in search (of) in secret in sight in (for) fun in fact

in debt in detail in person it's time on board the ship on fire on sale on leave on hand/at hand/off hand on account (of) on condition (that) out of control out of date out of order out of sight out of place from head to foot

step by step to be/to stay in bed to get out of bed/town to be at home/school/college to be in hospital to go to hospital/school/ college/university/prison/church to go home/down-town to leave school/home to travel/go/come/get by bus/car to stay/invite for lunch/tea/di

to be in trouble to get into trouble to lose control to be in despair to pay attention (to) to take care (of) to make fun (of) to have great fun to shake hands (with) to keep time to ask for permission to study mathematics, physics, history, but the history of Art to speak English, but the English language to play football, te

Compare the use the article in these sentences.

1.A cat often purrs when it is contented. 2' The cat sleeping on the porch belongs next door.

3 My father bought a shirt and a pair of shoes for himself. The shoes were very expensive.

4 The price of petrol is going up. The petrol I bought yesterday was the cheapest in the area.

5. Happiness is often the product of honesty and hard work.

6. They would like to stay at a hotel, but the hotels here are very expensive.

1. We'll go for a walk if the sun comes out.

8. This is the last time I do you a favour.

9. Thank you for the favour you 've done for me.

10. Peter has a charming wife and two children. The two children are twins.

11. It's high time for the children to be in bed.

12. I didn 't see the dog when I walked into the room because it was under the bed.

Practise the use of articles.

'a/an' or 'the' A.

1. ... student must use his ID card to be admitted to ... library.

2. If... person expects to play ... guitar well, he must be willing to practise often.

3. A

4. Who do you suppose was at... meeting?

5. ... woman who is giving ... speech is ... university teacher.

6. Do you know ... white-haired man who is feeding ... pigeons?

7. What do you think of ... discussion that followed ... meeting?

8. ... melon is ripe, juicy and has ... sweet taste.

9. Unless ... rain stops ... picnic will be held under pavillion.

10. Can you hold ... lid down so I can lock ... suitcase?

11. My sister works in ... large hospital in London. She is ... doctor.

12. ...weather was lovely when I woke up yesterday morning:... sun was shining and there was... beautiful blue sky.

13. My car has broken down and I'll have to check ... engine.

14. ... government plans to help ... poor and ... unemployed.

15. ... ambulance took ... poor woman to hospital only at 7 p.m.

16. Who is ... person who borrowed my umbrella?

17. It was ... lovely house but... stairs were too steep for ... old people.

18. They gave A

19. These jeans are cheap. I bought them at a small shop somewhere near ... General post-office.

20. If you give me ... hand with ... dishes, we can go out together.

21. A

22. There has been ... dramatic rise of unemployment in ... past ten years.

23. Everything he has said is ... lie. He made up ... whole story.

24. ... boutique opposite my house is having ... sale.

25. Isn't he ... man who plays ... violin in your orchestra?

26 ... village of Baydon where he lived as ... child, has now become part of... town.

27 Are you ... person who telephoned here ... hour ago?

28. If I'm accepted for ... job, I'll have to start at ... begi

29. Since I had ... bad headache last night, I couldn't go out.

30. Will you send me ... report as soon as it's finished?

31 You shouldn't be taking ... shower now. ... taxi's coming in twenty minutes.

32. ... temperature will drop significantly during ... afternoon.

33. Every morning I had to sort out... mail and distribute ... faxes, before I could have ... cup of coffee.

34. ... drought this year has been less severe than last year.

35. We spent... wonderful evening with ... Stones.

36. ... gentle wind was blowing through ... trees.

37. As soon as he had saved enough money he bought... new computer.

38. It was ... very stormy night. ... wind was howling and ... rain was beating against... windows.

39. There was ... accident which held up all ... traffic coming into town.

40. Obviously we aren't going for ... walk in ... rain.

41. It's pleasant to play ... game of te

42. ... student at... back of... class was reading ... newspaper.

43. ... elephant's trunk is very strong, it can hold ... log of wood.

44. You eat too little; that amount wouldn't keep ... sparrow alive.

B. Once upon a time, there was ... cat and ... dog who lived in ... small house. One day ... cat said to ... dog, This place is too small for us we need ... bigger house'. ... dog

agreed. 'We could even have ... garden where I could bury my bones'. 'Well, I'm not sure ... garden is a good idea", said ... cat. 'Who would cut ... grass?' 'We could employ ... cat to do it', said ... dog. 'Why not... dog?" said ... cat. And so they never left... small house because they couldn't agree.

C. Last summer we went to ... seaside for two weeks. Unfortunately, we hadn't booked ... accommodation before we went, and we had ... awful time finding ... room to stay in. ... only room we could find was very small, but it had ... lovely view of ... sea and was only two minutes from ... beach. ... weather was very hot, and on ... first day I stayed out too long. I got... terrible sunburn and had to stay in bed ... next day. After that, however, everything went well and we had ... wonderful holiday.