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school pupils ... smoke. They ... wear school uniform, but they ... wear dirty clothes. 22. You ... take a jacket. It's rather warm. 23. Sally and Dave ... attend the meeting, but the sales staff... miss it, as several matters concern them.


2.5.1. Study the following examples.

You 've been travelling all day. You must be tired. (I am sure that you are tired). A

Note: Must is used to express a strong degree of certainty about a situation. May expresses uncertainty and doubt.

2.5.2. Complete the situations with must or may.

1. Do you know if David is at home? - He ... be in his office but I am not sure. 2. Are they British? - Yes, they ... be British. 3. That dress you bought yesterday is very good quality. It... be very expensive. 4. Where's A

According to experts, it... erupt again in the very near future. I з Ve ought to call before we drop in on Peter and Mary. They -•• busy. 14.1 hear Joe has received a scholarship and will be able to attend the university. - Wonderful. He ... be very happy to have the matter finally settled. 15. Isn't Margaret's daughter over 16?- She ... be. I saw her driving car, and you have to be at least 16 to get a driver's licence. 16. It can't be true. It ... be a lie. 17. This dog ... belong to Harry. It's got his address on its collar. 18. Where is Paula? - She ... be in the garden. I remember Father asking her to help him.


2.6.1. Study the following notes and examples.

Should and ought to are very similar. They are both used to talk about obligation and duty, to give advice, and to say what we think it is right for people to do.

You ought to/should read this story. It's great fun.

There is sometimes a small difference. Should or ought are used when talking about one's own feelings, but ought is preferable when talking about 'outside' rules, laws, moral duties, etc.

John ought to visit his parents more often.

You should think over this offer once more before rejecting it.

You 've been coughing a lot recently. You shouldn't smoke so much.

I think Tom should accept the job offer.

I don't think you should work so hard.

They ought to ban smoking in public places.

I ought to do more exercise. My doctor savs I'm very unfit.

2.6.2. Complete the situation giving your opinion about something or advising people to do or not to do something.

1. Your friend has a bad toothache. Advise him to go to the dentist. (... .)

2. Tell someone it's best they don't decide in a hurry. (...)

3. Your sister is complaining of a headache. Advise her to go for a walk. (....)

4. A friend of yours thinks she's overweight. Advise her to take regular exercise. (....)

5. Tell your brother it's best he doesn't spend all his wages as soon as he gets them. (... .)

6. Your sister has spent a weekend at her friend's country house. You think it's the right thing for her to write a letter of thanks. (...)

7. A friend of yours says she's sorry for being rude to her parents. You think it's best she apologizes to them. (....)


Complete the sentences using the correct form of modal verbs.

1. Don't you know cigarettes are bad for you? You ... smoke. 2. You... type the letter today. It's very urgent. But the report isn't so important. You ... type the report today. 3.1... stay late at the office tomorrow. We're very busy at the moment. 4. Each passenger ... take one bag onto the plane. 5. ... I borrow your ladder, please? - I'm sorry, I'm using it at the moment. 6.1 learned to swim very early in my life. I... swim when I was three. 7.1... come and see you tomorrow. I'll be at work. 8. ... you like to visit the museum? 9. You worry too much. You ... take everything so seriously. 10. When I was young, I... work long hours. But children today... work hard- П. We ... get up early, but we can if we want. 12. You wear your best clothes. You'll get them dirty. 13. Have you done this puzzle? - Yes, and I've got the same answer as you. It... be correct. 14. I'm going to do a parachute jump next week. - But you're seventy-three years old! You ...be mad/15. The fence fell down in the storm. Luckily I... repair it myself. 16. ... you mind passing the sandwiches along, please? Thanks. 17. If you take your camera with you, you ... take some photos. 18. ... we have our room key, please? -Certainly, sir. 19. We ... invite Majorie. She's a wonderful company. 20. We... invite the Bells. They invited us last time. 21. The hot weather doesn't seem to bother you! - When I had my farm, I... work in the hot fields for hours. 22.1 need some help with this table. ... you lift the other end, please? 23. Why are you so late? -1... take my aunt to the airport. The traffic was terrible! 24.1 hear a dog barking. It ... be Rover, my neighbour's dog. 25. Do you hear that squeak? What is it? -1 don't know. It... be a mouse. Isn't that what a mouse sounds like? 26. She often travels to Spain. Luckily, she speaks Spanish, so she ... rely on an interpreter when she's there. 27. You ... give your tropical fish too much food or they'll die. 28. ... you mind taking me down town on your way to work this morning? 29. If you want to make some new friends you ... join some clubs so you can meet people who have similar interests. 30. You ... finish your work on this project before you go on vacation. You'll probably lose your job if you don't. 31. My car is in a terrible condition. I ... get a new one before the police stop me. 32. He ... be at his cottage in the country, because I remember him asking me if I wanted to go with him. 33. You ... go into details unless people ask questions. But remember you ••• give anyone the idea that their job is at risk. 34. People • • • treat animals in a better way but they don't always do so.



The article is a part of speech which is used before the noun and has the function of a noun determiner. A similar function is performed by possessive, demonstrative and indefinite pronouns. However, only one determiner can be used in English, i.e. either an article or a pronoun precedes the noun. As far as the use of article is concerned there are three possibilities in English: the indefinite article (a/an), the definite article (the) and the absence of article, or the so-called гего article.