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Love, Susan


1. Present Simple/Present Continuous

I work in a large office with about thirty other people, most of whom I (know) quite well. We (spend) most of the day together, so we have all become friends. In fact, most of my colleagues are so interesting, that I (think) of writing a book about them!

Take Helen Watson, for example. Helen (run) the accounts department. At the moment she (go out) with Keith Bal-lantine, one of the sales representatives, and they (seem) very happy together. But everyone except Helen apparently (know) that Keith always (make) eyes at Susan Porter. But I (happen) to know that Susan (dislike) Keith. 1 can't stand people who (apologise) all the time!' she said to me. 'And besides, I know he (deceive) poor Helen. He (see) Betty Wills from the overseas department'. And plenty of other interesting things (go on). For instance, every week money (disappear) from the pe

2. Present Simple/Present Continuous

Dear Aunt Ruby,

I just (write) to tell you how much I (appreciate) the money you sent me, and to tell you how I (get) on in my first term at college. I (study) very hard but at the moment I (spend) a lot of time just making friends. I still (stay) with my friend Jean and I (look) for somewhere of my own to live. Only a few of the first-year students (live) in college here and I (seem) to be spending a lot of time travelling backwards and f rwards. I (go) to lectures every morning and most afternoons I (study) in the library. In fact I (write) this letter instead of an essay on 'Macbeth'. I (think) I'll buy some new clothes with the money you sent. Everything (cost) a lot here, and I (save) to buy a winter coat. It (get) really cold here in the evenings. I (know) lots of other students and generally speaking we (have) quite a good time socially! I also (learn)

to drive.

See you shortly.


3. Present Simple/Past Simple/Future Simple/Present Continuous/Present Perfect

Dear Mr.Harrison,

James (come) back to school on Monday and my husband (ask) me to explain the situation to you. James (recover) just from his grippe, but the doctor (tell) me yesterday to keep him home for a few more days to be on the safe side. We hope he (not/miss) anything important since the term (begin).

We would like to ask you to watch over him for a while and not to let him take part in games or gymnastics for a week until he (be) well again. James (be) so keen on games that he (try) to play before he (be) fit enough unless someone (keep) an eye on him.

We (provide) him with all the clothes on the list except the red athletics vests and the blue shorts. He already (grow) out of last year's pair, but we only (discover) this yesterday and the local shop (not/have) any in stock. I (send) them by post as soon as I (buy) some. We (be) very happy that James (take) to boarding-school life so well last year and we trust he (continue) to be happy this

year. We both (be) very grateful to you for being so helpful last year and look forward to having another talk with you when we (come) to the parent-teacher meeting next month.

Yours sincerely, K. Williams

4. Present Simple/Past Simple/Future Simple/

Present Continuous/Present Perfect

Dear Ashton,

I'm sorry I (not/write) to you for so long, but I (be) very busy lately. All last month I (have) exams and (have) to study very hard.

Anyway I (stop) studying now, and I (wait) for my exam results. As you see from my letter, my address (change) and I (live) in Leeds now.

My family (move) here three months ago. I hope when you (come) to Britain in the summer, you (visit) me. I (be) at home till the middle of August. Then I (go) on holiday to Scotland.

Hope to hear from you shortly.



5. Present Simple/Past Simple/Present Perfect/

Present Perfect Continuous

My wife and I (live) in our present house in the country for five years. We (move) here after our second child (be) born. We (live) in town for ten years, and then (decide) that as soon as we could afford it we (move) away from the smoke and the noise of the city centre, which we finally (do) in 1985. We never (regret) it. We (be) reminded of the wisdom of our decision every morning when we (draw) the curtains to see open fields stretching before us. When the children (have I breakfast they (rush) outside to play which they (do) whatever the weather.

в . Present Simple/Future Simple/Present Continuous/Present Perfect

Actually we (think) of moving. My wife (accept) a new job which she (start) next month. As soon as she (start) she (have) a journey of fifteen miles there and back and I (not/ think) that she (realize) just how tiring this business (be). I already (decide) that I (get) in touch with some estate agents. I (not/feel) happy until we (find) a house closer to my wife's job. I wonder what the children (say) when they (hear) that we (move).

7. Present Simple/Past Simple/Future Simple/

Present Continuous/Present Perfect/Present

Perfect Continuous

Dear A

I (receive) your letter about two weeks ago and (try) to find time to write you back ever since. I (be) very busy lately. For the past two weeks I (have) four tests, and I (have) another test next week. In addition, a friend (stay) with me since last Thursday. She (be) fond of sightseeing, so we (spend) a lot of time visiting some of the interesting places here. Between showing her the city and studying for my exams, I barely (have) enough time to breathe. Right now it (be) 3 a.m. and I (sit) here for five hours doing my studying. My friend's plane (leave) at 6.05, so I (decide) not to go to bed. That's why I (write) to you at such an early hour in the day. I (get) a little sleepy, but I would rather stay up. I (take) a nap after I (get) back from taking her to the airport.

How you (get) along? How your classes (go)'l Please, write soon.



8. Present Simple/Past Simple/Present Continuous/

Past Continuous/Present Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous

You (hear) the latest news? Jane (get) married soon! When I first (hear) about it, two days ago, I (ring) her up to congratulate her. 'We (think) about it for a long time', she said, 'but we only (make) up our minds recently. We (quarrel) so many times since we first (start) to go out together, but we always (make) it up. You (remember) that Mark (go) to the USA two years ago? And all the time he (work) there, I (go) out with someone else but I (know) Mark (be) the person I really (love). Since he (come) back we (not/quarrel), so we (think) we'll be happy. He (live) quite near me now, so we (see) more of each other. And frankly speaking we (grow) more tolerant of each other's faults lately. We (not/have) an argument since the day before yesterday!'