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“Why are you dragging this out?” I demand.

“Because we have something the militias want,” Harry replies. “And the rest of California, I might add. We have the great Commander and Senator Cassidy Hart. Let’s also not underestimate the overprotective qualities of your dear Chris Young.”

Harry’s smile is now predatory, calculating.

“Neither Chris nor the militias or the State of California are willing to sacrifice the welfare or the survival of our cause because of me,” I tell Harry. “It’s not going to happen, and you know it.”

Harry doesn’t answer. He just continues flashing that dangerous smile.

The Humvee’s engine roars to life and the convoy begins moving. It is a familiar mode of transportation, only now I am a prisoner. Not an entirely alien situation to me, but still… it sucks.

I have no idea where we are. The fog covers everything like a thick blanket, masking the ghosts of buildings and street signs. According to Jonas, we were about twenty miles north of Monterey when the Mia Bella came into port. But he could have been lying.

I mean, he did radio Omega patrols to tell them he’d found Cassidy Hart.

“Where are we going?” I ask Harry.

The two armed guards on each side of me keep the cold, steely muzzles of their weapons digging into my side.

“That’s confidential information, Cassidy,” Harry replies.

“I think you could at least give me a hint.”

Harry leans back, crosses his legs. All bluff and confidence.

“Now that’s the girl I know,” he says. “Always willing to play a game.” He pauses and opens his jacket, pulling my knife out. He holds it flat in the palm of his hand. “A gift from Jeff Young, if I remember correctly.”

I flinch. It kills me that Harry has always known so much about me, but I hardly know anything about him — other than the fact that he was an actor, and now he’s an Omega crony.

“Jeff is dead now, if I’m not mistaken.” Harry shrugs. “What a pity. So many people dying on both sides of the war. It’s a waste, really.”

I grit my teeth, infuriated, fighting the urge to make a cutting retort. Harry is just trying to bait me — he knows what will make me angry.

Sometimes he’s too smart for his own good.

“Are you going to tell the military units in Monterey that you’re holding me hostage?” I ask. “Because they’re not going to negotiate with you. We don’t negotiate with Omega anymore.”

Harry raises an inquisitive eyebrow. He doesn’t believe me? Fine.

He will learn.

We drive for about twenty-five minutes before coming to a halt in the midst of a foggy grove of sand dunes. The Humvees’ engines cut out. The doors open. Harry mock gestures for me to exit first. I do, rolling my eyes. When I step outside, my defense instinct goes into overdrive. There are Omega troops everywhere. They cover the dunes like ants, filling in all the available free space.

The breath leaves my lungs, and I know that the color has drained from my face. My legs shake slightly. I am literally in the heart of enemy territory, surrounded by hundreds of soldiers who would gladly shoot me on sight if asked.

I am in trouble. Big trouble.

“Don’t look so surprised,” Harry purrs, placing his hand on my shoulder. “Omega isn’t the only one who can stage a surprise attack.”

I level my gaze.

“We will push you out,” I tell him.

“You’ll try.” Harry nods, and the guards take me by the arm, leading me through the encampment. I notice that everything and everyone here is totally silent. There is no conversation, no background noise. Omega is literally sitting here, twenty miles out of the city, hidden. Waiting to strike an unsuspecting Monterey.

But how could they have moved this many troops here without us knowing about it? Surely the air patrols saw them — people like Ma

We have to.

But what if Omega was waiting to move their troops when the fog rolled in? I think. What if they’re hiding their numbers in the dunes? What if Monterey really has no idea what’s coming their way?

I shudder.

I have to warn them.

But I can’t. I am a prisoner, for now.

We move through the camp. The eyes of every Omega soldier are on me. There are lots of Chinese troops. I spot Russian and German mercenaries, and Iranian soldiers on the borders of the camp.

Omega. One army, one world.

There is a large tent erected on the edge of camp. Harry walks inside and I am pushed through the flap. It is spacious in here. There is a simple cot and a foldable table in the middle, covered with maps and radios.

The guards retreat to the edge of the tent, always watching.

“So what do you plan to do with me, then?” I demand. “You’ve already got enough troops to knock down the wall of Jericho out here. You don’t need me for leverage.”

“But I want you for leverage,” Harry replies. “Consider it a side-game. Nothing will drive Chris Young crazier than knowing that I’m going to kill you.”

“Chris is a big boy,” I say. “He stays focused on the objective of the mission, and he will kill you, Harry. You know that.”

I see a flicker of fear in Harry’s eyes. It lasts for only a second, then disappears. He clears his throat and taps the table. “When the sun rises, we’re going to attack Monterey. They won’t see it coming. Your forces are so blind in so many ways.” He opens his hands. “And Chris Young will get himself killed trying to save you. Once he’s dead, I’ll kill you, too. Two birds with one stone: Monterey and the both of you.”

I shake my head. Harry really is insane. Crazed with ideas of revenge. His hatred for Chris and me is the most puzzling thing in the world. Chris and I were nothing but forgiving and kind to Harry — even after I learned that Harry had turned me in to the commander of our labor camp, earning me an immediate death sentence.

I forgave him for that.

But Harry… he didn’t learn from his mistakes.

He took the easy route. He sold out, and now he’s the bad guy.

“You could have been a good guy,” I tell him. “You could have helped us.”

“There’s no fame or recognition in the militias,” Harry snorts. “With Omega, I’ve been given the world. The New Order will elevate me to an esteemed position while the stupid, idealistic militia drivel is crushed under our feet.” He sits on the edge of his cot. “You could still join us, you know. There’s always room for one more.”

I reply, “I think you know I’d rather die.”

Harry frowns. “Yes, I guessed that was what you’d say. Still…” He sighs. “It doesn’t hurt to ask, does it?”

He checks his watch.

“Ah,” he says. “It’s nearly time for the show.”

“You’ve been sending assassins into Monterey,” I say, maintaining a cool expression. “Monterey was relatively safe until Chris and I showed up. Why are you so obsessed with getting revenge? We never did anything to you, Harry. We helped you survive, and in return, you stabbed us in the back. We’re the ones that should hate you.”

“And you do hate me,” Harry hisses. “You know you do.”

“I don’t hate you. I hate what you’ve done.”

“You’re a terrible liar, Cassidy.”

“Unlike you. You seem to be the master of deception.” I fold my arms across my chest, unmoving. “How many more i

Harry’s lip twitches.

“Many more,” he says. “The war is far from over.”

I spend two hours in Harry’s tent, alone. I don’t know where he goes, but I’m sure that wherever he is, he’s causing more trouble. The shock and numbness of being captured by Omega troops has worn off, and I am thinking hard, trying to figure out a way to escape.

Unfortunately, I’m coming up dry.

There is no way out of this. I am surrounded on all sides by hundreds of Omega troops. I can’t simply slip out of camp, and even if I did manage to get through their lines, I have no idea where I am. Where would I run to? Certainly not the beach. I’d have to run inland. That would be the only way…