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I prefer cover to concealment.

Grease swings his legs over the windowsill. I follow, crawling along the floor of an office. Probably the principal’s. But all of the personal belongings and photos have been removed, replaced with cold, sterile ornaments. A Russian flag is sticking out of a pencil cup. A black Omega flag is on the wall. That’s about as cute and comfortable as this place gets.

We stay low as we push through the office, flinging open a door to the hallway. Grease doesn’t enter right away. He checks the hall and then waves me forward, just as the Omega troopers reach the window and start firing inside the office. I lunge into the hall, barely missing being shot…for the fiftieth time today.

It’s getting to be a bad habit.

We move down the hall. Smoke is seeping out of most of the rooms, making it difficult to navigate and breathe at the same time. Thankfully, Grease seems to have a good idea of where he’s going. As we round a corner, he suddenly drops to his knees and jerks me down with him. Omega troopers are coming up on us from the front and behind. We’re trapped. I crouch next to him, heart pounding, waiting for him to come up with a brilliant plan.

“Do something!” I say.

He moves backwards and disappears into an office with an open door. It’s filled with black, choking smoke. I dive in after him, staying low to the ground. Trying to breathe. Flames are crawling up the walls, slapping my cheeks with raw heat.

“This wasn’t what I had in mind,” I mutter.

“Here,” Grease calls, slipping through a door on the right. It leads to another office. We run inside just in time to come nose to nose with three Omega men making their way down the center of the building.

Surrounded on three sides by troopers in a burning building?

We’re so dead.

“Stay down,” Grease warns, shouldering his weapon.

I stay covered behind the wall of the burning office. Omega troopers are going to come up behind us in a few seconds, and then I’ll have no place to hide. Grease fires a few bursts from his rifle. Two troopers drop to the ground. But there are plenty more where they came from. They unleash a flurry of fire. Furniture splinters into pieces. Glass shatters.

Things aren’t looking so good, but Grease doesn’t seem as wired as me. He seems focused. “Duck,” he says.

I cover my head with my hands. He turns his body slightly to shield mine. Something detonates at the far end of the building, sending pieces of wood and plaster everywhere. My ears start ringing again. Blue Bands jump inside the building through windows on the far side, working their way through the cubicles like a SWAT team on a raid.

They’ve got scarves tied around their mouths, sunglasses shielding their eyes from the smoke. I stay next to Grease, wondering if I should stay put or run for my life. Because even though these people are beating up Omega, they could still have the potential to hurt me.

The Blue Band in the lead blasts killing gunfire into the troopers coming up through the front — the guards that originally chased Grease and I inside. He does it quickly and smoothly, without hesitation. His team fans out around him, checking the dead and dying. Grease stands up, holding his gun above his head with both hands. I expect him to be shot on sight since he’s wearing an Omega uniform — but they seem to recognize him.

The Blue Band in the lead approaches him, weapon ready, then lowers it and slaps Grease on the back.

“Nice work,” he says.

I scramble to my feet, recognizing that voice instantly.

Grease steps aside and the Blue Band pulls his scarf down around his mouth, taking off the sunglasses. Green eyes, dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. The most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.

“Chris!” I run forward and tackle him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I breathe in his familiar scent — only today he smells a little sweatier than usual. I blame it on warfare.

“Cassie,” he says, holding me at arm’s length. He looks me over from head to toe. “Are you hurt?”

“That’s kind of a loaded question.” I’m gri

He steps forward and crushes me against his chest with one arm, pulling me into a fierce kiss. My heart stops beating for a few seconds as his fingers dig into my waist and, for a short moment, there’s nobody but the two of us.

And then it’s back to reality.

“Yo, boss. Heads up!” Grease yells.

Chris breaks the kiss, leaving me flushed with color as he picks me up with one arm and moves me out of the way. I grab his arm as he calmly shoots an Omega trooper who’d been creeping towards us in the hallway.


“How did you know where to find me?” I ask.

Chris pulls me backwards with his team — whoever they are — and pulls his scarf back over his mouth. “Long story,” he says, nodding at Grease, who’s ditched the Omega jacket and tied a blue armband around his upper arm. “I’ll explain later. Right now just do what I say and don’t ask questions, okay?”

I nod, disappointed. Our happy reunion didn’t last long, did it?

I’m still dazed by everything when we exit through a broken window and enter an empty playground area. Hopscotch squares are painted on the ground. Playground equipment has been left untouched.

We stay close to the side of the building, since it gives us more cover than if we were ru

“Who are all these people?” I ask. “Soldiers?”

“Local militia,” Chris answers. “We’ve been…hold it.” He pauses. “Max?”

Grease nods. He checks the corner and gives us the all clear. We run forward, entering the bus stop area where I was almost killed a mere few minutes ago. The front gate around the school has been totaled. A couple dozen Blue Bands are ravaging what’s left of the facility, setting it on fire, shooting it up, blowing it up. Whatever they can do to be a pain.

Omega is in total disarray. I search for Kamaneva on the ground, but her body isn’t there. She could still be alive, then. Great. “Let’s shut this party down,” Chris says, rounding up the Blue Bands. He whistles loudly and makes a circular motion over his head. “Let’s move out,” he yells. “Rally point Echo!” The militiamen have commandeered pickup trucks from the fields and thrown the ladders and buckets out. They’re loading half of them up with fuel containers and boxes of food and supplies. The other trucks are being stuffed with liberated prisoners.


I turn at the sound of Sophia’s voice. She runs towards me, grabbing me in a frantic embrace. It’s kind of painful. “Oh, my god, I thought Kamaneva killed you,” she says, crying. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“Me too.” I glance at Chris, who’s handling this whole situation like a boss. “I think we were just liberated by a small army.”


“Don’t know. Chris is with them, though.”

“Your boyfriend?”

I nod.

Sophia stares at him. “Wow.”

The few Omega troopers that aren’t retreating into the orchards or haven’t been killed yet try to pull off a last ditch effort to keep the prisoners from escaping by rushing the pickup trucks like kamikaze warriors. The Blue Bands are ready for them, though. Gunfire rips through the air as Chris grabs me by the waist, shoulders me into the front seat of a pickup truck, and sets me down in the middle seat. Sophia jumps onto the rear bed with a bunch of other prisoners who are both standing and sitting. Grease swings himself into the driver’s seat and slams the door shut. The windows have been rolled down. Chris is sitting shotgun, his weapon ready.

And here I am in the middle of it.

Life is so weird.

“Go,” Chris commands.

Grease floors it. The pickup surges forward. I’m thrown backwards against the seat. The only thing that doesn’t send me flying out the open window is my death grip on Chris’s left arm. The other pickups are following our lead. We roar over what used to be the security fence. Remains of barbed wire and metal are lying twisted on the ground. I turn around in my seat and stare at the school. It’s a barbecue. Totaled. The buildings are destroyed, the grounds are burning and there are dead Omega troopers everywhere. Unbelievable.