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‘Take her below,’ said Ed. ‘Sit her down and stay with her. When we get to the other side we’ll catch up with the lorry and get some antiseptic and bandages and stuff.’

‘The lorry,’ said Aleisha, perking up for a moment. ‘Did they make it?’

Ed smiled. ‘They made it.’

‘Woo-hoo.’ Aleisha tried to shout it, but didn’t have the strength.

‘And we’re going to make it too,’ said Ed defiantly. ‘We’ll get your arm sorted out … Actually …’

Ed grabbed Kyle who was going past with his fork.

‘Kyle,’ he said. ‘There must be a first-aid kit somewhere on board. See if you can find it and sort these two out.’

‘Aye, aye, skipper!’ Kyle saluted and blundered off along the rocking deck.

The sickos didn’t try to get on to the boat and the kids on the boat laughed and jeered at them as DogNut came ru

‘There’s only one rope left,’ he said. ‘Shall I let her go?’

Ed took a last look back. Lambeth Palace was now completely engulfed in flames that were spreading to some of the trees along the riverside. The noise was deafening and the whole sky to the south looked like something out of a war film.

The sickos were starting to cross Lambeth Bridge. The lorry was somewhere on the north side, with all their food, water, bedding, extra weapons, everything they needed to survive. If Ed and the others couldn’t get to it, if they couldn’t get over in time and Justin couldn’t hang on for them …

Then they’d have to start over again, with nothing.

‘What are you waiting for?’ he said. ‘Let’s go!’

DogNut cast off and they drifted out into the Thames. The boat started to turn slowly in the water. The Thames was tidal, which meant that the water could be pushed back up from the sea when the tide was high. Ed reckoned it must be high now because the flow wasn’t too fast. They would still be pulled downstream on the current, though, and would have to try to somehow steer across.

Ed hadn’t thought about that. He hoped Jordan knew what he was doing. All he wanted was to collapse on to one of the benches and sleep.

Not yet.

He had to check that somebody was in control of the boat.

He went to the front and climbed the steps to the wheelhouse.

There was broken glass on the floor where the window had been smashed. Jordan was at the wheel; with him were Matt and Archie Bishop. As Ed came in, the three of them were arguing about something.

‘Nothing will work without any power,’ Archie Bishop was saying.

‘It’s doing something,’ said Jordan, ‘the wheel’s turning.’

‘Let me do that,’ said Matt, stepping forward, his face beaming with eager excitement.

‘Why you?’ Ed asked. ‘Do you know about boats or something?’

‘This was all meant to be,’ said Matt.

Ed sighed. ‘What are you on about now?’ he asked. ‘This isn’t the time for your religious crap.’

Matt turned his beam on Ed.

‘No, Ed, don’t you see?’ he said. ‘We’re being sent downriver to the temple.’

‘Please don’t start up about St Paul’s again, Matt.’

‘Listen to me!’ Matt shouted, jabbing a grubby finger at the scab on his forehead and making it bleed. ‘I have the mark of the Lamb on me. I know the truth!’

‘We’re not going downriver, Matt,’ said Ed. ‘We just need to get across to the other side to meet up with the others.’

‘No. It was not meant to be like that. We’re supposed to go to the temple of the Lamb. This boat was given to us.’

‘He’s right,’ said Archie Bishop. ‘It’s all written in the papers. The fire, the flood, the battle, the river of blood.’

‘What river of blood?’

‘Look at it!’

Ed gazed out at the Thames, washed with scarlet.

The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood,’ said Matt, his voice low and urgent. ‘Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say: “You are just in these judgments, you who are and who were, and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve” …’

‘You’re not helping, Matt,’ said Ed, weariness eating away at his last few scraps of patience.

‘We’re crossing to the promised place,’ said Matt.

‘Bollocks,’ Ed snapped. ‘We just need to get to the other side. Once we’re there if you want to bugger off down to St Paul’s with your silly flag and your silly bits of burnt paper, feel free, but we’re not coming with you. OK?’

‘We’d have to cross the whole of London, though,’ Matt protested. ‘This boat can take us straight there.’

‘We might not have much choice,’ said Jordan. ‘The river’s taking us that way.’

‘Just go across diagonally,’ said Ed. ‘We need to be near the lorry.’

‘I’m trying. Believe me, I’m trying.’

‘The river is taking us where we are supposed to go,’ said Matt.

‘No way,’ said Ed.

‘My way!’ Matt yelled, and he threw himself at Jordan.


Matt tried to wrestle the wheel out of Jordan’s grasp, puffing and panting with the effort.

‘What are you doing?’ Jordan snapped, and batted Matt away. The backhander didn’t look like much – Jordan hardly seemed to move – but Matt flew across the wheelhouse and crashed into the door with a grunt. It didn’t stop him, though. Instantly he and Archie came back at Jordan and grabbed hold of an arm each.

‘Help me, Ed,’ Matt gasped.

‘Are you nuts?’ said Ed, not sure whether to laugh or get angry. He got past the three struggling boys and took the wheel. It was hard to tell which way he should turn it; the boat was drifting out of control in the current, spi

Jordan threw Matt and Archie off, sending them sprawling on to the floor. Now Matt threw his arms round Jordan’s legs and Archie got up and tried to push him over. Jordan kept his balance and knocked Archie down before kicking Matt away.

Whichever direction Ed spun the wheel it didn’t seem to be having any effect on the boat. He soon had no idea which way they were facing and felt a rising sense of panic.

Then he heard Jordan say, ‘Is that loaded?’ And he turned to see Matt waving an old British Army Browning revolver.

Matt nodded, his face twisted by a wild excitement. It was clear that Jordan didn’t know whether to believe him. Did Matt even know how to fire it?

But it would be stupid to risk testing him.

Jordan looked at Ed.

‘Do something.’

‘I’m not responsible for him,’ said Ed.

‘He’s one of yours.’

Ed gave a nervous laugh. ‘He doesn’t follow me. He follows the Lamb.’

‘Will he shoot?’

‘He’s crazy enough.’

Now Matt spoke. ‘Get the wheel, Archie,’ he said. ‘Steer us downriver to St Paul’s.’

Archie was shaking. His nose was bleeding and one eye was bruised. He pushed Ed out of the way, took hold of the wheel and tried to take control of the boat.

‘I can’t do it, Matt. I don’t know how.’

‘Let the Lamb guide you!’

‘Use the Force, Luke,’ Ed scoffed, and Matt glowered at him.

‘I can’t do it,’ Archie shouted, his voice high and wobbly.

‘Yes you can!’


On the lower deck Aleisha was shaking and holding her arm tight to her belly. She was sitting on one of the benches with her back against the windows. Kyle had found a first-aid kit and he and Courtney had disinfected the wound and bandaged it. It had looked bad, ragged and torn by Frédérique’s teeth. Aleisha was trying to stay cheerful, but was slipping into shock, shivering, her teeth clattering, her eyes rolling up in her head.