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“At least it’s stopped raining,” he said, and when I turned around, he was staring out the glass doors. “I bet Kyler and Sydney are wishing they’d stayed here.”

“They’re probably all cuddled up in a tent, making little Syd babies.”

He smiled and then winked. My heart toppled over itself. “Kind of like what we’ve been doing all day?”

Heat flashed across my face.

“Except we fall into the category of doing practice runs,” he continued, his grin sly. “Though I’d love to see a little redheaded Andrea.”

Oh my word, my eyes widened. Did he really mean that? My tummy dropped in a pleasant way and my heart started to dance, but I turned around, catching the end of the package. There was no way he was being serious, and I was not going to allow myself to read into that comment. Nope. I was not going to let my brain do anything stupid.

Earlier, while Ta

Sometimes…sometimes it felt like there were too many thoughts ru

The answer to that question was what scared me the most. I didn’t think that he did know me. At least not the “me” that existed when there were quiet moments, and that was a “me” I didn’t know how to deal with.

But it wasn’t just about Ta

“Was that too honest?” he asked, and his voice was closer—real close.

I shivered as I continued to rip open the package of chicken and then picked up the tongs. “I just don’t think you…you really mean that.”

“Are you inside of my head?” His hands settled on my hips and I gave a little jump. “Do you know what I think?”

That question hit too close to home. So I took a moment and picked up the chicken with the tongs, plopping it down in the boiling water. “I don’t think I want to know what’s inside your head.”

“Uh-huh.” Ta

Despite my earlier thoughts, I smiled as I picked up the last piece of chicken. “Okay. Maybe.”

“Definitely,” he murmured, dropping a kiss against the sensitive space below my ear.



I laughed as he shot me a look. “Don’t be a baby.”

“Will it get me spanked if I act like one?”

“Oh God.” I laughed again, shaking my head.

Grilling the chicken and then eating di

But those quiet moments surged back with a vengeance as we all sat in the basement’s media room.

Rain had started up again, shortly after Syd and Kyler had shown back up, and we were currently watching the boys engage in an impromptu air hockey death match once more. Kyler had a beer. Ta

I wanted a drink. Bad.

So much so that I sort of felt like banging my head against a wall, but I didn’t want Ta

At first, I thought it was just me being stupid. No big surprise there. Sounded legit, because my history of being stupid was well-known. When Kyler and Syd returned, there was a lot of commotion, and they were hungry and wanted to talk about their trip while they ate our leftovers. I’d been nervous, unsure of how I should act, if I should just walk up to Ta

So Ta

Maybe that wasn’t a bad thing. I wasn’t sure. But I’d thought that he would at least pay attention to me. Honestly, I think we’d exchanged a handful of words. There were no long looks of lust or stolen touches. When I’d gone upstairs to get a freaking soda, he hadn’t followed or anything.

So maybe he was treating me differently, because usually we did talk…or argue…or whatever, but now it seemed like he didn’t want….

I cut myself off before I could finish that thought.

I didn’t know what to make of any of it.

But my heart was pounding in a way that was so not pleasant and my stomach was twisted in knots as I watched Ta

God, I really wanted a drink.

However I wasn’t sure if I could have just one drink. I mean, I thought I could, but the last thing I wanted was for anyone, especially Ta

It was close to midnight when I finally called it a night. The air hockey game had ended and everyone was still chatting, but I was ready for the night to be over. Tomorrow held a lot more promise than what I was seeing now.

After saying goodnight, I headed for the stairs. Ta

“‘Night,” I repeated, and then all but dashed up the flight of stairs and then to the top floor like a dork.

Goodnight, Andy.

Was that code for you’ll be seeing me later…or just telling me goodnight? Probably code. Definitely code. Should I have used a code that signaled I was okay with that? It didn’t matter. I took a ridiculously long time getting ready for bed. I brushed my teeth and then got the knots out of my curls. Then I washed my face and then engaged in some major wishful make-up—applied mascara and blush. For bed. Whatever. Then I slathered on the lotion that smelled of peaches. Searching for something sexy but didn’t look like I was trying too hard was more difficult than I imagined. I ended up settling on a pair of super cute sleep shorts and a cami.

I didn’t lock the bedroom door before I climbed into bed. Ta

My heart dropped with the thought of him wanting to be closet fuck buddies, and I wasn’t even going to pretend that I’d be okay with that. In all honesty, I wasn’t okay with the random hookups that only happened after I’d had a few drinks under my belt and wasn’t thinking right. In the darkness of the room, I could acknowledge that, even as hard as that was. And if Ta