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“Sure. I can do the tour with my eyes closed. No human pyramid, though.” They laughed, and Julia

Somehow, talking to Remi was like breathing. She wasn’t sure she would know how to stop. She was pretty sure that she didn’t want to. Remi and Julia

Forbidden Boy

contact again, gri

Suddenly, Julia

“Oh God, was it—” Remi started, but Chloe cut him off.

“No worries,” she assured him. “I’ve taken worse falls than that. Besides, Michael’s buying me di

“Okay, well, see you around.” Julia

“Okay. Well, I guess I’ll see you.” Remi’s voice was barely audible, his shoulders sloping downward.

Jules felt like her heart was being ripped out of her chest, but she tossed her shoulders back, laced her fingers through her belt loops, and straightened her back as she started to walk away. Fifty yards down the beach she heard Remi’s voice.

“Hey, Julia

Hailey Abbott

again, breathing heavily after his sprint. “You forgot this.” He tucked a scrap of paper into her hand. “My phone number.” Not smooth—definitely not smooth—

but very cute. “You know, in case your sister needs it for health insurance or whatever. And so you can give me that tour. It’s hard work getting jaded on your own, you know.” He gri

“Definitely.” She smiled back. “I wouldn’t want to leave you hanging.”

Remi’s face softened as he stared right into Julia

that somehow, effortlessly, they already understood each other. Softly, he put his hand on the side of her face and Julia

“I’m sorry—I’m really, really sorry,” Julia

Forbidden Boy

know where Chloe went, and I don’t know if she’s okay. I need to find her.” Julia


And he wasn’t just any guy. Julia

Out of the corner of her eye, Julia


“Sorry I disappeared, I was just . . . saying goodbye to someone. C’mon, let’s go.”

Chloe opened her eyes, and turned to face Julia


Hailey Abbott

“Not so fast, Missy. You were so not just giving out casual goodbyes. Look at you—you’re glowing! I can even see it in the dark with major head trauma! Tell me everything.” Julia

How could she be so upset—she’d just met the guy—

at a beach party of all places. Maybe she’d been taken in by the bonfire, the PBR, and the view from the beach.

But even as she tried to rationalize, Julia

“I wouldn’t worry too much, Jules,” Chloe murmured sleepily. “If he’s your Prince Charming, he’ll find 20

Forbidden Boy

his way back. He has to, actually. I think it’s in the job description.” But Julia

The sisters drove home in silence. Chloe napped with her head pressed against the cool car window. And Julia

She had just met an amazing guy who she would probably never see again.

This did not bode well for her summer.


Chapter Two



Forbidden Boy

the dreamy melodies until she fully gave into conscious-ness. With one last sleepy sigh, she pushed herself upright and swung her legs off the side of the bed. Julia

Remi had been in every single one of her dreams, and each had been sweeter and more romantic than the last.
