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She’s great.”

“Did she go to high school with you? I don’t remember her,” Julia

“Nope. I think she went to private school somewhere.

I met her during rush. Anyway, she has a bonfire permit, kegs, the whole nine. I’m sure we’ll probably know at least half the people there. And . . .” Chloe’s voice trailed off as she twisted a strand of coffee-colored hair around her finger.

“And?” Julia


Chloe shifted her weight and looked at her sister, still twisting her hair. “J, c’mon. You need a distraction from the stress with Dad and the house. You’re going to give yourself an ulcer. You’re going to give me an ulcer.” 5

Hailey Abbott


“Okay, let me rephrase. My ulcer aside, we both know that things have been a little high-intensity on the home front recently.” Chloe glanced at her sister for confirmation. “And you know what’s a great stress-reliever? Making out.”

“So have you already picked someone out to relieve my stress, or do I draw straws when we get there?” Julia

Chloe clapped her hands and reached out to put an arm around her younger sister. “Oh, Jules, he’s totally hot. And super smart. You’re going to love him.” In the distance, Julia

Chloe did have a point. Was there anything better than a start-of-summer beach party? She laughed as she let her sister drag her down the beach, over the dunes, and toward the party.


Forbidden Boy

As soon as Chloe and Julia


“Umbrella, ella . . . ella . . .” to herself, she continued her inaugural party lap.

“Jules!” A chorus of male voices bellowed her name from a distance and, squinting, Julia


Hailey Abbott

“Hey there!” She sidled up to her teammates, arms thrown wide open to receive their bear hugs. “How’s summer treating you so far?”

The guys shrugged their muscular shoulders before answering. “Oh, you know. Some surfing, some ru

Hunter nodded in agreement, his sandy curls bobbing. “And you, J-money? Big summer plans? Are you still working with Bill?”


“Rock on. Me too.” Mitch smiled, his huge dimples on display. “And Hunt might be popping by for a few jobs. The pay is sweet.”


“Awesome. It’s a cool project, too. I think we’re going to have a blast. In, you know, that manual-labor type of way.”

“Works for me!” the guys chimed at the same time.

“Hey,” Hunter started hopefully. “Jules, have you heard from Kat lately?”

Kat Tse, Julia

“Nope, not in a few days,” Julia

Forbidden Boy

“Cool. When you talk to her, tell her I said hey,” Hunter said easily. Julia

“Will do.” Julia

“We should head out,” Mitch said. “I’ve got to be up early tomorrow. Fishing with my dad. And these losers”—he gestured to the other guys—“all need rides home.”

“Have a good night,” Julia

“Totally.” Hunter gri

“Awesome. Thanks. Later, guys.” Julia

“coffee-shop wench.”

After fifteen minutes of searching for Lucy and the envelope of negatives she’d left at the Mean Bean the day before, Julia


Hailey Abbott

“’Scuse me.” Julia

“Thank God—I thought I’d completely lost you.” Chloe’s face was flushed from the bonfire, her green hoodie unzipped to reveal a dusty pink tank top trimmed with funky antique lace. “Are you having fun yet?”